PostsCommentsPayoutsmusiccccat (60)in #ecency • 4 years ago尚好的青春尚好的青春--孙燕姿 尚好的青春都是你 再遥远 都跟随你 若滂沱大雨 不曾见证 海角相偎依 衣角怎么会 湿淋淋 偶然间,闹铃响起了这首歌,很快的就醒来了,能叫醒我的,真的只有孙燕姿的声音了。很久没有听到,这一次偶然听到,真的十分的开心。musiccccat (60)in LeoFinance • 4 years agoIs the Bitcoin bull market over?Conclusion: Bitcoin bull market is still there, this is just a small ordinary callback. pixabay Recently, there have been multiple positives, such as the listing of…musiccccat (60)in #cn • 4 years ago天下张杰-天下 烽烟起寻爱似浪淘沙 遇见她如春水映梨花 挥剑断天涯相思轻放下 梦中我痴痴牵挂 顾不顾将相王侯 管不管万世千秋 求只求爱化解 原来这首火遍大地的歌是张杰的,昨天偶然打开听了一听,真的是漫漫的回忆。 这首歌很霸气,但是霸气之中还是夹着着英雄儿女的柔情。musiccccat (60)in Music • 4 years agoいのちの名前广桥真纪子--いのちの名前 有的时候,没有歌词的音乐,需要在一个安静的夜晚,去静静的听,去回忆自己的故事。 就犹如慢慢的品尝红酒,晒着午后的太阳,与好朋友一起嘻嘻哈哈。musiccccat (60)in Music • 4 years ago枕边童话小田音乐社--枕边童话 星光拨开最神秘的雾 踮起脚尖旋转舞步 恍恍惚惚听谁在哭 月光叮嘱窗外的植物 遇到孩子记得让路 童话里总是最美好的,但是长大之后童话又在哪里呢? “或许在孩子的眼睛里吧”musiccccat (60)in LeoFinance • 4 years agoHow to make money?You can make a nice living by using this method. The key thing, however, is to understand that you can never be rich by doing anything without money. How to make money? When…musiccccat (60)in StemSocial • 4 years agoThe mechanism of anti-inflammation by hungry has been found!Speaking of fasting, the first reaction of many readers may be to lose weight. Some readers may think of the treatment of metabolic diseases and anti-aging. But what I want…musiccccat (60)in GEMS • 4 years agoWhat is love?What is love? Love is a powerful word, both for sexual desire and for the way we process experiences. When we love someone, we express this to them in a loving and meaningful…musiccccat (60)in GEMS • 4 years agoWhat is love?Love does not have to take a back seat to love as well as it has to be an inseparable part of our relationship. Love is a combination of feelings. The ability to express your…musiccccat (60)in StemSocial • 4 years agoCOVID-19 mutant strain swept the world, "Science" magazine confirmed that it is more spreadCOVID-19, which is raging around the world, is no longer the same strain as it was at the beginning of the year. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the virus has continued to…musiccccat (60)in StemSocial • 4 years agoHome disinfection methodI am back. As the number of confirmed and suspected COVID-19 cases continues to increase, various recommendations on personal protective measures have emerged. In addition to…musiccccat (60)in #music • 4 years ago不得不爱潘玮柏 / 弦子--不得不爱 不得不爱 否则快乐 从何而来 不得不爱 否则悲伤 从何而来 不得不爱 否则我就 失去未来 小学就很火的一首歌,到现在也十分的喜欢,特别喜欢潘玮柏,还记得当时的 壁虎漫步 十分的好听~~musiccccat (60)in #music • 4 years ago说散就散JC陈泳彤--说散就散 抱一抱就当作从没有在一起 好不好要解释都已经来不及 算了吧我付出过什么没关系 我忽略自己就因为遇见你 没办法好可怕那个我不像话 聊天记录真的不能翻,不然真忍不住回忆musiccccat (60)in #music • 5 years agoMeet Us in the Park We Used to Play.Friday Night Plans -- Meet Us in the Park We Used to Play. On random bikes weekly skies1980s kids 漫无目的地骑着自行车 宛如回到了八十年代 I dont where we gonna go ままこい 我也不知道去哪里 say wat luv…musiccccat (60)in #music • 5 years ago一曲相思半阳-一曲相思 又让你痛不欲生 又让你趁醉装疯 终有天脱胎换骨 直到哭着笑才懂 欲问青天这人生有几何 一杯酒,一首曲,一念相似。 很普通的一首网络歌曲,网络歌曲注定是快餐般的结局,来得及,来得快,最终还是被大众忘记,只会存在于一代人的记忆中罢了。musiccccat (60)in #music • 5 years ago烦恼歌张学友--烦恼歌 不和谁比较 不和谁争吵 过份思考 庸人自扰 别庸人自扰 一切轻于鸿毛 才能消灭烦恼 学友哥的歌,真的是经典好听。 这首烦恼歌,循环了一整天了。什么都不要,什么都不要,什么都不要,你们不要来烦我就好了。我自己就很开心了。哈哈哈哈哈哈。musiccccat (60)in #music • 5 years agoWorth ItFifth Harmony--Worth It Give it to me I'm worth it Baby I'm worth it Uh huh I'm worth it Gimme gimme I'm worth it Give it to me I'm worth it Baby I'm worth it Uh huh I'm…musiccccat (60)in #music • 5 years agoExodusMaksim Mrvica-Exodus 听着,听着有张骞出使西域的感觉。感觉我在大汉,我回到了曾经,中国历史上极为辉煌的年代。musiccccat (60)in #music • 5 years agoMonody (Radio Edit)Monody (Radio Edit) Summer in the hills 山岗中度过的那个夏天 Those hazy days I do remember 水汽朦胧的景致犹依稀可见 We were running still 一路狂奔,我们从未停歇 这首歌是在一个乡村养鸡放鸡里面听到的,从剪辑视频中听到,真的十分不错。musiccccat (60)in #music • 5 years ago未来 会来刘惜君-未来 会来 有个梦 年少时 悄悄 萌芽 绕过了 分叉 一天天 长大 小小的枝桠 变绽放的花 经过 几个 盛夏 如果梦 和现实 会有 时差 用力地 翻越 一道道 关卡 前进的步伐 从未曾停下 随时 准备好 出发 出发!目标大航海! 未来很美好,未来已来,为了未来,出发吧! 梦想在心中,梦想就在眼前,动起来,抓住他! 心中的那个未来一定会来!