musketrider (37)in #crypto • 5 years agoANY TRADER BUY DASH/BTC TRIPPLEUPYOURMONEY TILL400%ANYBODY TRADE CRYPTO BUY DASH/BTC BUYBUYBUY!!!!WIN UP TO 400%musketrider (37)in #trading • 5 years agoUpdate first Trade !Sell NOW 1:51 UHRThe Trade was an jackpot , BIG WIN IS WAITING, FOLLOW MY TRADING SIGNALS AND EARN MONEY 2.musketrider (37)in #trade • 5 years agoUPDATE NZD/USD SIGNALUPDATE The Trend is goingUP , the trade gonna be nice ;) :)musketrider (37)in #trade • 5 years agoFIRST SIGNAL BUY NZD/USDNOW BUY NZD/USD Buy at: 0,65927 Take Profit : 0,6605 Stop LOss: 0,65600 FOLLOW MY SIGNALmusketrider (37)in #money • 5 years agoStart Trading today! Follow my trades and win.The Project short-trader starts now , Every move on the market and every option i Buy/Sell will be recently updated. If u wanna trade, just follow my trades or if u like 2 see…musketrider (37)in #deutschmoney • 5 years agoMache Geld mit Sportwetten 100%trustedKein Scherz, das einzigste das ein lukratives Nebeneinkommen schafft,und bis jezt einigermaßen gut und zuverlässig geklappt hat war und ist Zcode für Sportwetten , lest und…musketrider (37)in #deutsch • 5 years agoHelft mit und macht KInderherzen GlücklichWir sammeln Spenden um KInderheime an Weihnachten mit Spielzeug usw.. zu beschenken.musketrider (37)in #news • 6 years agoEncoded Matrix (TRUE!!)DONALD TRUMP WILL BE KILLED THIS YEAR. (TRUE) READ ARTICEL FOR DETAILSNew way of encoding the Matrix (INTERRESTING) Predict´s me everything. I found a lot of clues and evidences , that Donald trump will be murdered in 2019. (D)onald (J)ohn…musketrider (37)in #introduceyourself • 6 years agoPROOFED FUTURE-Predictions!!!! DONALD TRUMP WILL BE KILLED THIS YEAR. READ ARTICEL FOR DETAILSI found a lot of clues and evidences , that Donald trump will be murdered in 2019. (D)onald (J)ohn (T)rump 7 0 4 In Jewish Gematria DJT=704 ;…musketrider (37)in #introduceyourself • 6 years agoDeutschland spätestens in 4 Jahren nicht mehr bewohnbarLiebe Leute , LAngsam wird es ernst, Egal ob rechts / links , arm oder reich.wir müssen nun auftsehen. Besteht seit Jahrzehnten das Problem der akkuten Wohnungsnot, schwer zu…musketrider (37)in #introduceyourself • 6 years agoWhy HUMANITY is not availableSince i was born , Day 4 Day theyre talking about a better World , about more *Peace , Unity , Freedom , about environmental Protection , about saving our Planet... But at…musketrider (37)in #hot • 6 years agoWhy HUMANITY is CancelledSe in this short Intro why Humanity get killedmusketrider (37)in #introduceyourself • 6 years agoNew negativ Energy Saved. Ritual gone really strange . Scared the shit out of me.This Time we made an Evil-Satanic SPirit Ritual . THE HELL breaks out... I won´t do it again! ![il_794xN.1973080685_45u2.jpg]musketrider (37)in #introduceyourself • 6 years agoScary Bad Thingsmusketrider (37)in #introduceyourself • 6 years agoSCary Dybbuk Haunted this shit is real!!!musketrider (37)in #madonna • 6 years agoMadonna´s Satanic Ritual. Protect yourself with these Powerfull RunesKaballa Queen of all time MADONNA Perform´s dangerous Satanic Rituals in Live TV!!! What was happen on live TV at EurovisionSong Contest 2019 was an attack against all Human.…musketrider (37)in #patriot • 6 years agoEuropean PatriotPatriot Never forgett Heroes from the past.musketrider (37)in #patriot • 6 years agoPatriotNever forgett Heroes from the past.musketrider (37)in #life • 6 years agoFor we´ll not be beaten the true EuropeanIn more than 2000 years of European history, there have been repeated attempts to annihilate Europe's peoples. But regardless of whether the Spartans in Greece or Prince Eugen…musketrider (37)in #introduceyourself • 6 years agoTell it into the WorldGerman Pensioner after 50 years of work (about 800€ Pension per MOnth) Reefugee after 2month of travelling (1000€ +Taxes 400€ per Month)