PostsCommentsPayoutsmuslina (47)in #indonesia • 7 years agoMARYAM TELADAN BAGI MUSLIMAHMARYAM TELADAN BAGI MUSLIMAH Maryam adalah wanita terbaik sepanjang masa. Wanita terbaik dalam kurun sejarah wanita, dari Hawa hingga kelak yang terakhir, entah siapa.…muslina (47)in #indonesia • 7 years agoBilingual : A cozy and beautiful place || Tempat yang nyaman dan indahWant to Have a Beautiful and Comfortable Place Sabang is one of the most beautiful islands in Indonesia and the most beautiful in Aceh, 1 year ago we had a vacation to…muslina (47)in #indonesia • 7 years agoCinta / LoveLove is a feeling born from the heart. It is not a text that we can read then perolehi love rather than readings. Love is a feeling in the heart. If he loves someone, it will…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoBEST SENSE STAYSBEST SENSE STAYS ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has praised the dates as the (best) meal, he sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ㅤ نعم سحور المؤمن التمر ㅤ…muslina (47)in #neoxianfan • 7 years agoDILIGENT READ AL-QUR'AN DURING RAMADHAN🌺 DILIGENT READ AL-QUR'AN DURING RAMADHAN 💐 Ramadan is the Shah of the Qur'an (The Moon of the Qur'an). So among the practice that is highly recommended in the month of…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoCan Married in Ramadan?Can Married in Ramadan? ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Is there a provision in Islam that forbids her to marry and talk about marriage in the month of Ramadan? ㅤ ㅤ ● Question: ㅤ If there is a…muslina (47)in #promo-steem • 7 years agoBe the best!! On Steem and OtherBe the best!! Let's make we are the best on Steemit and Anything. ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Ambition to be the best is a nature in the human chest, it would be wonderful if this…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoThe Soul of Woe and Woe* The Soul of Woe and Woe * "One's soul must be in one of two circumstances; survived or wretched. The soul is said to be wretched when he is wounded, complained…muslina (47)in #islam • 7 years agoMany Rewards In Fasting◾Many Rewards In Fasting ◾ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Sahl bin Mu'adz narrated from his father he said: In fact there is a man asked the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam…muslina (47)in #neoxianfan • 7 years agoDakwah Saadah Ba'alawi Not "Wandering" Ordinary. [ Vote @neoxian as our Witness ]🌴Dakwah Saadah Ba'alawi Not "Wandering" Ordinary Our noble teachers from Hadramaut Yemen include, Prof. al-Habib Abdullah Baharun, Sulthonul Ilm al-Habib Salim Asyatiri…muslina (47)in #neoxianfan • 7 years agoAL-WAHN ... LOVE THE WORLD AND HATE OFF♻️ AL-WAHN ... LOVE THE WORLD AND HATE OFF It really includes ignorance when a man moors the world. His heart was preoccupied with long dreams as if he would live here for…muslina (47)in #neoxianfan • 7 years agoBehind Nisfu Sha'ban Night / Dibalik Malam Nisfu Sya'ban🌹 * Behind Nisfu Sha'ban Night * 🌹 •• ● ══❁══ ◎ ✾ ☆ ﷽ ☆ ✾ ◎ ══❁══ ● •• 🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂 🌕Naturday nisfu sya'ban is a very noble night. What is it that makes that…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoSyariat Islam Is About Iman (Thank @neoxian)Let's we choose @neoxian as our Witness Syariat Islam Is About Iman THE ISLAMIC SHARIAT IS THE FAITH OF FAITH AND WILLING "Sir from today I do not want to…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoJangan Melihat Aurat Lelaki / Do not Look at Male's Aurat [ Thank To @neoxian ]Hello All Stemians, Let's join us to Vote @neoxian as our Witness. English Language Do not Look at Male's Aurat The author explains haramnya law to see Women who…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoSiapa dia ?📚 WHO IS HE? ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Apabila rapat, dia menjaga anda ㅤ Apabila pergi, dia sentiasa mengingati anda ㅤ Apabila anda salah, dia lelaki anda ㅤ Apabila anda cuai, dia…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoCan not See Ajnabiyah WomenSource Can not See Ajnabiyah Women 📖 Reference : THE BOOK OF GOD'S UQUUDUL LUJAIN ويحرم على الرجل ولو مجبوبا وخصيا وعنينا ومخنثا وهما نظره إلى أجنبية مشتهاة حتى…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoImportant Advice from Luqman Al-Hakim || @muslina, i am Voter for @neoxian, let's follow me ||Hello All..I am @muslina, a Stemians who chose @neoxian as a witness and I always support any program that @neoxian run So All of you..Follow me to choose and Vote…muslina (47)in #islam • 7 years agoINILAH ❶❶ WASIAT BERMANFAAT LUQMAN AL-HAKIM YANG ALLAH CERITAKAN DIDALAM AL-QURANﺑِﺴْــــــــــﻢِ ﺍﻟﻠﻪِ ﺍﻟﺮَّﺣْﻤَﻦِ ﺍﻟﺮَّﺣِـــــﻴﻢ INILAH ❶❶ WASIAT BERMANFAAT LUQMAN AL-HAKIM YANG ALLAH CERITAKAN DIDALAM AL-QURAN ❶ Tidak Menyekutukan Allah Azza wa Jalla…muslina (47)in #blog • 7 years agoSambungake tembung ukaraSambungake tembung ukara Apa gunane .. !! Nduwe pasuryan ayu utawa nggantheng. Yen sampeyan ora tau kena banyu sing wudhu. Nduwe awak sing apik lan apik. Yen mung…muslina (47)in #life • 7 years agoTema Reči životnog savjetaTema Reči životnog savjeta U čemu je poenta .. !! Lepo lice ili zgodno. Ako nikada niste dodirnuli kap vode za ablaciju. Ima lepo i atraktivno telo. Ako se koristi samo za…