mutuah (30)in #lovethebestmuhammad • 7 years agoMaulidurrasulin #lovemuhammad • 7 years agoZikir maulid NabiMemperingati hari lahir baginda nabi Muhammad Saw. Adalah tanda bukti kita cinta kepada beliau dan mengharapkan syafaat di hari kiamat mutuah (30)in #tanamanyang • 7 years agoTanaman padi sebagai kebutuhan yang utama bagi masyarakatmutuah (30)in #cumonitaschildren • 7 years agoTeknologi dan imformasiMengajar murid untuk mengenal dunia moderen dan selalu mendapatkan informasi di dunia mayamutuah (30)in #momentdiary • 7 years agoMoment ia the bestlMasa kecil adalah masa yang menyenangkan, kita bisa bebas bermain tanpa harus banyak memikirkan apapun, hidup bebas, tanpa beban, setiap hari selalu bermain dan bermain. Pada…mutuah rebloggedfirepower (79)in #money • 7 years agoAre Banks Part Of The Corrupt Forces That Rule Us?It’s not a bad idea to believe that cryptocurrencies will take over fiat money someday. We've had a good start for sure but we are nowhere close to replacing fiat currency. I’m…mutuah rebloggedfirepower (79)in #steemit • 7 years agoLet's Talk—Which Social Media Do You Use The Most After Joining Steemit?Source Ever since I discovered Steemit my time spent on alternative social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram has significantly reduced. In fact on most…mutuah rebloggedfirepower (79)in #steemitchat • 7 years agoSteemit.Chat Update—We're 50,000 Users Now! 10000 New Users Added In 26 days!Today as I was checking the stats I saw that we've crossed 50,000 users on the chat platform. This is epic. Infact we've added over 10000 new users in the past 26 days-that's…mutuah rebloggedfirepower (79)in #steemit • 7 years agoLet's Watch This Fun Video From India Steem Meetup #1—Jaipur Edition!There's a lot of activity lined up for the year ahead but I'm off to a good start with my plans for onboarding new users to the blockchain. This is a video that we produced…mutuah rebloggedberniesanders (77)in #steem • 7 years ago@haejin is stealing YOUR rewards!!! EXPOSING THE TRUTH!FACT: YOU'RE ALL GETTING FUCKED OUT OF REWARDS BY A USER WHO DOES NOT CARE ABOUT STEEM (OR STEEMIT). FACT: @haejin posts 10 times/day (at $300+ per post) to maximize his…mutuah rebloggedexyle (79)in #life • 7 years agoVlog 199: The Weiss Rating gives confidence to investors that the STEEM blockchain is worth and safe to invest in (compared to other cryptos).Out of the 3 things I have done with my SBD in the last weeks buying STEEM was by far the best one. Since yesterday the price of STEEM has gone up around $2 when the Weiss…mutuah rebloggedeosgo (63)in #eos • 7 years agoEOS: Explanation of DPoS+BFT w/ Daniel Larimer - Part 1 of 2Daniel Larimer, CTO of, took time to whiteboard DPOS for EOS Go to share with the community - as Dan called it, "possibly the first time I've ever explained DPOS on…mutuah rebloggedchainsquad (66)in #steem • 7 years agoShutdown of Streemian.comDue to lack of time and resources, as well as a growing dissatisfactory about the reliability and availability of the services among customers, we are taking down Streemian…mutuah (30)in #alquanisthebest • 7 years agoManfaat Al QuranAl-Qur’an merupakan Kallamullah terakhir yang diwahyukan Allah SWT kepada Baginda Rasulullah Shalallahu Alaihi Wassalam, dimana Al-qur’an merupakan penyempurna bagi kitab-kitab…mutuah (30)in #inspirations • 7 years agoLasegar cap kaki tigaLarutan kaki tiga adalah minuman penyegar yang dibuat khusus untuk mengobati panas dalam, sariawan dan juga bibir pecah pecah. Larutan cap kaki tiga inipun juga mempunyai pangsa…mutuah (30)in #imagination • 7 years agoKreasi & berzikir di maulid nabiSebagai umat Islam. Kita harus selalu berzikir serta bersalawat kepada nabi Muhammad Saw. Sebagai bukti cinta kita kepadanya. Dengan melantunkan berbagai macam syair & salawat…mutuah (30)in #en-us • 7 years agoMamfaat hmi bagi kesehatan. Mantap banget yaPenyebab Obesitas Obesitas adalah salah satu masalah kompleks yang terjadi. Masalah obesitas bisa mengakibatkan terjadinya berbagai penyakit kronis seperti penyakit jantung…mutuah rebloggeddollarvigilante (76)in #dtube • 7 years agoBitcoin Has Been Compromised! Learning How To Protect Yourself With Victurus LibertasJeff appears on Victurus Libertas, topics include: there is no way Bitcoin is a covert operation or psy-op of any kind, Bitcoin can only undermine state power, attacking the root…mutuah rebloggedadsactly (80)in #adsactly • 7 years agoADSactly on ADSACTLY - part #28 - ADSactly Steemit BlogADSactly on ADSACTLY - part #28 ADSactly Steemit Blog The attitude of mutual support and cooperativeness is what defines ADSactly society and reflects itself in all of…mutuah rebloggedacidyo (82)in #blog • 7 years agoToday is the dayFor the first time in many months, it's been over 4 hours since I've woken up and not had a cigarette. I wrote a post here last summer as I was attempting to quit smoking…