PostsCommentsPayoutsnameles (-2)(1)in #fuck • 8 years agoSup Stupid Fuqs!Has anything changed? Is this place still packed with bitchez? Fuck the assholes bitch cunt whore slut shit?nameles (-2)(1)in #kaylinart • 9 years agowhat i am posting on sealion.clubI am now posting my experiences of on I am letting everyone on there know what happened and having them spred the word. I can only spread the word on…nameles (-2)(1)in #cencorship • 9 years agomy steemit experience because of kaylinart!my steemit experience because of kaylinart! I decided to make a quick post before I go and post my steemit experience on other sites. when I first was told about steemit I…nameles (-2)(1)in #steemit • 9 years agomy steemit experienceI decided to make a quick post before I go and post my steemit experience on other sites. when I first was told about steemit I was amazed on the idea. couldn't wait to join up…nameles (-2)(1)in #cunt • 9 years agosteemit stalkers! :Oso this is my second day on steemit. I have had to deal with a lot of bitches like @kaylinart that flagg my stuff because they say they want a different point of view but when…nameles (-2)(1)in #wtf • 9 years agowhat you flagging for?hey @kaylinart would you please tell me why you are going out of your way to flag my posts? should I return the same to your stuff? let me know asap or I will return the favor! D:<nameles (-2)(1)in #falseflag • 9 years agoanyone see this fase flaggin below?look below this cheetah guy has mad accounts and is flagging people like crazynameles (-2)(1)in #gorege • 9 years agorip!I miss this guy! just think of what he would say about islam if he was still around today. xDnameles (-2)(1)in #snowflake • 9 years agostay off tumbler kids!this is what happens when you grow up with tumbler! stay off tumbler kids! :Onameles (-2)(1)in #falseflag • 9 years agoi returned the favorfor flaggin my posts and not answering why @ jaredcwillis I have returned the favor and flagged all your posts. please respond to why you false flagged or I wont stop till you do.nameles (-2)(1)in #jaredcwillis • 9 years agowow more false flaggingso I commented on some ones retarded post and instead of coming back with some answers about ther post I asked they flagg my comment and respond with saying I don't have the…nameles (-2)(1)in #islamaphobe • 9 years agothis is whats upsomeone speaking the truth for once.nameles (-2)(1)in #falseflag • 9 years agowhat is with all the false flagging?are people thinking the flag button is a thumbs down? im gitting flagged to shit and after people are changing there posts and just saying never mind yes @acassity im talking…nameles (-2)(1)in #stupidcunt • 9 years agohacks to deal with (insert here) peopleposts like "hacks to deal with crappy people" are on the top of the trending list. i commented on it right when it was posted. the whole post was cancer! and hacks to deal with…nameles (-2)(1)in #islamaphobe • 9 years agofear of gitting labeledi have noticed in the last couple months that anytime someone talks about the problem in the world with terrorisim that people don't want to look at the facts about what is…nameles (-2)(1)in #islamaphobe • 9 years agothinking of deleting steemit after 1 dayI made my account today and after having all my posts flagged because they are anti muslim terror I now can no longer post links to factual data to back up my claims. was not…nameles (-2)(1)in #islamaphobe • 9 years agosteemit is pro islam?all my anti islam terror posts gitting flagged to shit. is this a pro terror site? is it wrong for me to say its wrong to kill no matter what god you are doing it for? I just…nameles (-2)(1)in #islamaphobe • 9 years agoget flagged for speaking out agienst islamI guess this site is pro muslim terror. I have mde a couple shitposts about how islam is killing people and been gitting flagged a bunch. :O I guess when u ask someone to…nameles (-2)(1)in #islamaphobe • 9 years agoislamphobianameles (-2)(1)in #islamaphobe • 9 years agoislam?what do all of u on steemit think of the muslims killing all the people in the last couple months around the world? just be prepared to be called an islmaphobe by the fucking…