namenkim (39)in #appics • 5 years ago부산밤바다 night sea in Busan, Koreanamenkim (39)in #appics • 5 years ago강릉의 동해바다와 오랫만에 바다를 봐서 기분좋은 개 East sea of South Korea and a pleasant dog.namenkim (39)in #appics • 5 years agoHello Stranger? -Closer, 2004namenkim (39)in #appics • 5 years ago제주도 정방폭포 Jeongbang Waterfall in Jeju Islandnamenkim (39)in #appics • 5 years ago우리집 앞마당 My family gardennamenkim (39)in #appics • 5 years agoWe used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look ...... down and worry about our place in the dirt. -Interstellar, 2014namenkim (39)in #appics • 5 years ago사고싶었던 차 테슬라 모델3 (하남 스타필드 테슬라 매장) TESLA MODEL3, a car I wanted to buy(TESLA store ...... in the Hanam Stafield)namenkim (39)in #appics • 5 years ago대나무숯에 빨리 불을 지피는 방법, 휴대용 가스버너와 차콜스타터! a quick way to set fire to bamboo charcoal. ...... use a portable gas bunner and a charcoal starter !namenkim (39)in #appics • 5 years ago어느 무더웠던 여름날의 자전거 타기 riding in a hot summernamenkim (39)in #appics • 6 years agoGood morning Cat? It's cloudynamenkim (39)in #appics • 6 years ago100만원 돈케익 A million KRW money cakenamenkim (39)in #appics • 6 years agoCrabs Party ! !namenkim (39)in #appics • 6 years ago집에가는 가벼움과 내일에 대한 무거움이 공존하는 퇴근길. the lightness of going home and the heavyness of ...... tomorrow.namenkim (39)in #appics • 6 years ago금요일밤 소나기내린 서울로에 꽃, 일에 압도되어 살았던 한주에 대한 위로이자 반성. Friday night, A flower after a shower. ...... Comfort and Reflection on me for spending a week overwhelmed by work life.namenkim (39)in #appics • 6 years ago부모님의 학창시절을 추억하다. remember parents' school days.namenkim (39)in #appics • 6 years agoSunday Sunsetnamenkim (39)in #appics • 6 years agoNEWYORKnamenkim (39)in #appics • 6 years agoSUMMER VACATION in BANGKOKPowered by APPICS - visit us at appics.comnamenkim (39)in #appics • 6 years agoSummer vacation in BANGKOKPowered by APPICS - visit us at appics.comnamenkim (39)in #appics • 7 years agoHot weather for dogs, too.Powered by APPICS - visit us at