PostsCommentsPayoutsnatuzzi (45)in #nature • 6 years agoBeautiful nature That's my every day view. Colourful and pleasant. Have a good day and a good mood!natuzzi (45)in #easter • 6 years agoХристос Воскрес! Happy Easter day😊Всех с праздником! Воскресное утро начнётся с куличей в кругу близких людей. А у вас? Как проведёте этот праздничный день? Всем мира и добра 🤗 Happy Easter day to all of…natuzzi (45)in #sunset • 6 years agoGoldenhourphotography 🌄Hello everyone, How is your day? We have a beautiful sunset here. That's why I want to share this beauty with you. Of course camera is not able to show all the beauty, but…natuzzi (45)in #ru • 6 years agoBon appetit 😋What did you have for breakfast? 😉 I usually have some porridge but lately I'm having some sandwiches or something like that :) I'm a bit tired of healthy British breakfast…natuzzi (45)in #ru • 6 years agoA meal from childhood Hello there, Всем привет Recently I've been to a nice restaurant called "Odessa". Do you know what I've found there? 🤔 I'm not sure how to say it in English but it's…natuzzi (45)in #ru • 6 years agoWhat beer do you prefer? 🤔Hello there, Всем привет I'm not a big fan of alcohol. But I can so8 have a glass of wine or beer. Recently I've visited a beer tasting:) You can see the ones I liked the…natuzzi (45)in #ru • 6 years agoDo you play chess? Hello there, Всем привет ☝️ What did you do today? Do you play chess? Is it important for you to win? Играете ли вы в шахматы и насколько важна для вас победа в игре…natuzzi (45)in #ru • 6 years agoSomething new every day/ Что-то новое каждый деньHello there, Продолжаю свой марафон : "Чтото новое каждый день" ☝️ я наконец-то взялась за чтение книги "Атлант расправил плечи" Айна Ранда. собиралась уже очень долго и…natuzzi (45)in #ru • 6 years agoSomething new every day/ Что-то новое каждый деньHello there, Я продолжаю свой марафон "Каждый день что-то новое" Сегодня я послушала очередную серию от BBC о том, как жили англичанине в Викториан куб эпоху. оказывается…natuzzi (45)in #ru • 6 years agoSomething new every day/ Что-то новое каждый день☝️Hello there, сейчас я с вами поделюсь, что нового Я узнала за сегодняшний день. сегодня я посмотрела фильм об истории Людовика 14 и его заветной мечте: чудесном Версале…natuzzi (45)in #ru • 6 years agoИз аудио в текст. Есть советы? Hello there, Искала я, как преобразовать аудио файл в текст. Согласитесь, быстрее и удобнее. Нашла возможность голосового набора в гугл документах. Вот, что вышло 😂…natuzzi (45)in #ru • 6 years agoКаждый день новое слово ☝️Hello there, В очередной раз я собралась заняться самообразованием. Открыла учебник английского языка и стала искать слова, выражения, которые забылись. Или которые вообще и не…natuzzi (45)in #food • 6 years agoGood morning 🤗Hello there, Are you having a good time? Is your morning full of happy emotions? I hope you and I hope it is 😊 Have a good day! 🤗natuzzi (45)in #food • 6 years agoBon apetit 😋That is my dinner today. What did you have for dinner? Have a good evening!natuzzi (45)in #thailand • 6 years agoNo plastic bag day 🥇Thailand decided to stop using blasyic bags. So here are the first steps towards it. One day without a plastic bag. It is a victory. Maybe small. But it is. Таиланд решил…natuzzi (45)in #food • 6 years agoFast food 🍔🍟Yes or no?Hello everyone, How is your Saturday? I hope it's going great. That's a photo of my boyfriend's lunch. Yep, that's junk food 😱 I can't say I never eat it. But I do it very…natuzzi (45)in #food • 6 years agoGood appetite 😍😊 Hello my Steemit friends, How is your day so far? Have you already had a cup of coffee in the morning? Or maybe it's evening time for you and you are thinking about having…natuzzi (45)in #food • 6 years agoHow do you begin your day? 🤔. Hello my Steemit friends, How is your day so far? Have you already had a cup of coffee in the morning? Or you prefer not to? A cup of good coffee makes my day:) What…natuzzi (45)in #food • 6 years agoGood appetite 😜Hello, That's how my breakfast looks like. What about yours?natuzzi (45)in #advice • 6 years ago🍌Healthy breakfast 🍌Today I decided to breakfast in a light and healthy way. Banana, watermelon, papaya Fruit fresh 😊 Then I decided to read how healthy this is. What I found out is…