PostsCommentsPayoutsomogold (20)in #citios • 5 years agoCitIOS-POTENTIAL OF SMART CITIESCitiOS - Potential of Smart Cities CitiOS lines up with the accompanying change in context for splendid urban regions where IoT gadgets are self-governing and prepared to best…omogold (20)in #alchemy • 5 years agoAlchemy — Global Cryptocurrency Payment PioneerHi folks, how goes it with you, I trust you have an incredible new week. Were my standards to offer you the best cryptographic money speculation venture. This is another…omogold (20)in #cannacor • 5 years agoCRYTPO and CANNABISThe spot where Crytpo and Cannabis meet. I am expounding today on my decision for bearing with learning crypto. There are many, many, MANY, coins/tokens out there on the…omogold (20)in #udgt • 6 years agoUndiscovered Story :Discharging the progress of game on blockchainHave you at any point thought about the learn and secure game ; New Strory? It is a phase that empowers you to game,win tokens from right answers and from without fail and montly…omogold (20)in #bku • 6 years agoBanknetico ''is wandering in travel of making an Ethereum addressed common structure which will apply blockchain advancementsBanknet is wandering in travel of making an Ethereum addressed normal structure which will apply blockchain advances to three of the most distinguishable undertakings – banking…omogold (20)in #aib • 6 years agoArtificial intelligence Bank Super Backlink bountyThe advanced arrangement of relations in the financial segment is intended to make a benefit, not to address client issues, and it fails to impress anyone. Banks regularly work…omogold (20)in #kabn • 6 years agoKABN System - Money related Administrations that begins with Blockchain CharacterPresentation Blockchain innovation keeps on influencing everything on the planet. With the improvement of innovation, we have begun to encounter various developments in various…omogold (20)in #netflix • 6 years agoBETBOX;THE DECENTRALIZED Betting StageHi Great day everyone,once again I will jump at the chance to present you about a well compose stage called "BETBOX" so please read on to get the details,first of lets comprehend…omogold (20)in #symbolic • 6 years agoDAICO WINBIXThe group works as per the Guide and is financed month to month as per the spending diagram. On the off chance that a financial specialist dislikes the manner in which the…omogold (20)in #iskra • 6 years agoISKRA – A Creative Strategy for Supporting Kids The world overISKRA – A Creative Strategy for Supporting Kids The world over Introduction A tempest has hit the venture advertise which we are not going to recuperate from. Crypto…omogold (20)in #pomoncoin • 6 years agoPIMONCOIN THE Fate OF VenturePimoncoin is tied in with Giving Answer for loss of speculators assets in cryptographic money. By putting assets into genuine resources that returns benefits. With the end goal…omogold (20)in #bitagro • 6 years agoAbout ICO Bitagro | DECENTRALIZED AGRO Trade StageWhat is AGROCOIN? AGROCOIN is a global venture gone for the formation of a P2P stage where individuals and organizations can legitimately credit each other without mediators.…omogold (20)in #airsave • 6 years agoAIRSAVE TRAVEL ICO SurveyAirsave Travel Idea is a decentralized Application (DApp) being worked in 2018. It is a solitary tick Innovation that requires no data or foundation. AirSave Travel stage uses…omogold (20)in #youseeme • 6 years agoYouseeme - Be Monetarily Free!!!Presently around the market of computerized monetary standards is effectively creating framework and new tasks and answers for the further presentation of digital forms of money…omogold (20)in #parade • 6 years agoPARQ - A Green, Keen and Associated City StageWhat is PARQ ? Parksen is an effectively adoptable Green, Savvy and Associated City Stage that is available through an open Programming interface and runs altogether on the…omogold (20)in #xcrypt • 6 years agoPresenting XCRYPT CRYPTO TradeWelcome to all sweethearts and enthusiasts of Blockchain innovation, Crypto clients everywhere throughout the globe, it's a joy acquainting with you XCRYPT trade as one of the…omogold (20)in #kubocoin • 6 years agoKUBOCOINKubo started as a suggestion to take action by President Fernando Sibilio when he saw the abuse of the fizzled wave venture KUBOS. The Kubos people group was in confusion because…omogold (20)in #koi • 6 years agoKOITECH STUDIO BLOCKCHAINThe blockchain is an advancement that offers adaptability, security and speed for the piece of the people that can get to it, disregarding the way that there are presently…omogold (20)in #eucx • 6 years agoThe European Digital money Trade (EUCX)Official Outline The European Digital money Trade (EUCX) is a curated cryptographic money trade and fiat entrance ramp that fills the hole in secure and controlled trades for…omogold (20)in #bow • 6 years agoBOW TOKEN BLOCKCHAINBOW Application is a Blockchain application that guarantees the recognizability of extravagance items for people. The BOW Programming is a B2B stage for extravagance brands had…