PostsCommentsPayoutsomoriomori (31)in #art • 6 years agoRandom pictureSpectacular wintry sunsetomoriomori (31)in #art • 6 years agoCity at nightCities also have their charm during autumn rain. (sorry for the quality of the picture but i took them in the rain at night.)omoriomori (31)in #art • 6 years agocaterpillar photosRecently browsing through galleries in my phone I found this picture with a cute caterpillar. The photo was taken during the summer holidays in my garden . enjoyomoriomori (31)in #art • 6 years agoSad autumnUnfortunately, the warm days of autumn have already passed.omoriomori (31)in #photography • 6 years agoRandom Photo#8Myocastor coypus - a rodent of the family of nutriidae(Myocastoridae) of which it is the sole representativeomoriomori (31)in #art • 6 years agoRandom photo#7Gloomy view of the city on an autumn hot day.omoriomori (31)in #art • 6 years agoRandom photo#6Autumn is amazingomoriomori (31)in #art • 6 years agoRandom photo#5Atumn in my cityomoriomori (31)in #polish • 6 years agoKoniec testów drona Parcelcopter 4.0Testy drona odbywały się w ramach projektu "Deliver Future", polegającym na dostarczaniu leków do izolowanych obszarów we wschodniej Afryce. W ramach projektu firma DHL…omoriomori (31)in #art • 6 years agoRainbow random photo #3omoriomori (31)in #polish • 6 years agoKomety niosące złą wróżbęOd starożytności uważano, że pojawienie się komety na niebie niesie zapowiedź śmierci wielkich osobistości. Pojawienie komety miało przepowiedzieć odejście między innymi.…omoriomori (31)in #polish • 6 years agoTrup pozwany do sądu.Papież Formozus udzielił najpierw cesarskiego namaszczenia Lambertowi ze Spoleto.Potem jednak zdecydował że woli od niego Arnulfa z Karyntii, więc namaścił i jego.Jego następca…omoriomori (31)in #polish • 6 years agoCzym jest energia QiCzym jest energia Qi Pojęcie energii Qi (czytaj czi) najczęściej kojarzy się z tradycyjną medycyną chińską i jest związane z siłą życiową. Koncepcja Qi odpowiada znaczeniem…omoriomori (31)in #art • 7 years agoRandom photo#2Atumn in Polandomoriomori (31)in #nature • 7 years agoEumycetozoa or Myxomycota, MycetozoaEumycetosisosis is a single-cell organism that from time to time gathers and creates colonies, resembling single multicellular organisms to be deluded. they do not belong to the…omoriomori (31)in #picture • 7 years agoUrabanisation in my city😐omoriomori (31)in #world • 7 years agoWhat is KinbakuKinbaku -Japanese art of tying, immobilizing, decorating the body with rope. It comes directly from an old military technique that used ropes to bind and torture prisoners.omoriomori (31)in #natural • 7 years agoThe biggest explosions in the history of the worldTsar bomb The most powerful bomb, detonated by man in the history of mankind was detonated on October 30, 1961 by the USSR in the archipelago of the new land.Its strength was…omoriomori (31)in #crypto-news • 7 years agoXRP increased by 90%titbit RippleRiddler-A guest who makes ripple puzzles. In most cases they work well -a sample puzzle and its solving by To The Lifeboatsomoriomori (31)in #business • 7 years agoXRP-Wzrost o 75%Dnia 21.09.2018 XRP urosło aż o 75% i wciąż rośnie.