PostsCommentsPayoutsoyeyemi05 (10)in #fundition • 7 years agoOne Heart! One Love! I heart you #fundition.ioI read this post on a friend's blog @dhayo01 and I was amazed, so i decided to join in. Yes, it is a truly unique love for countries relationships. Means you will love your…oyeyemi05 (10)in #inspiration • 7 years agoUNDERSTANDING YOUR IMAGINATIVE POWER 'Imaginative power is the ability to create mental images or pictures of that which you wish to become in life. It is the ability to see your future in the now, It is the ability…oyeyemi05 (10)in #life • 7 years agoSAYING ABOUT LIFEThere'll be two dates on your tombstone And all your friends will read 'em But all that's gonna matter is that little dash between 'em. "oyeyemi05 (10)in #children • 7 years agoCHILDREN"Children wish fathers looked but with their eyes; fathers that children with their judgment looked; and either may be wrong."oyeyemi05 (10)in #motivation • 7 years agoSOUL"A wretched soul, bruised with adversity, We bid be quiet when we hear it cry, But were we burdened with like weight of pain, As much or more we should ourselves complain."oyeyemi05 (10)in #inspiration • 7 years agoHONOUR"Life every man holds dear; but the dear man holds honor far more precious dear than life."- William Shakespeareoyeyemi05 (10)in #life • 7 years agoGRATITUDE CREATES A VISION FOR TOMORROW"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal…oyeyemi05 (10)in #sport • 7 years agoREAL MADRID 3 VS 1 LIVERPOOL"For me, winning isn't something that happens suddenly on the field when the whistle blows and the crowds roar. Winning is something that builds physically and mentally every day…oyeyemi05 (10)in #life • 7 years agoSCAR ARE LIKE MEMORIES AND TATTOOSWhen you fall, when your heart breaks, and when your best friend turns her back on you, it leaves a scar that can hurt every- time you think about it. It’s a memory that is stuck…oyeyemi05 (10)in #life • 7 years agoLIFEWhen ending a day you should never say “I could have”, “I should have”, or “I would have”. At the end of the day you should always say “I did”.oyeyemi05 (10)in #life • 7 years agoCOMMITMENT"There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either IN or you're OUT. There is no such thing as life in-between."oyeyemi05 (10)in #life • 7 years agoATTITUDEYour mind is like a magnet - it attracts into your life whatever you think about most.oyeyemi05 (10)in #inspiration • 7 years agoPERSEVERANCE"Part of life is understanding that real change and progress comes with dedicated perseverance but also realizing that challenges, obstacles and roadblocks will appear from time to time."oyeyemi05 (10)in #inspiration • 7 years agoPEACE"My words are powerful. I use them to uplift and inspire. I speak blessings, favor, and peace."oyeyemi05 (10)in #inspiration • 7 years agoPATIENT"We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world."oyeyemi05 (10)in #inspiration • 7 years agoLIFE QUOTESLife will throw many obstacles onto our life path that will make us sad or disappointed at times. Dealing positively with these obstacles is what makes the difference between…oyeyemi05 (10)in #success • 7 years agoSUCCESSSometimes, even after you think you have succeeded, there are other things in your life that you have to work on in order to truly be successful.oyeyemi05 (10)in #inspiration • 7 years agoBEING YOURSELFFind yourself and be yourself: Remember, there is no one else on earth like you.oyeyemi05 (10)in #life • 7 years agoGOAL'SLife isn't always about goals - sometimes it' just about removing those forward-facing blinkers and savouring the moment.oyeyemi05 (10)in #motivation • 7 years agoMOTIVATIONALAnyone can post inspirational quotes on social media. Anyone can read another motivational article. It takes effort to actual start something and follow through all the way.