palmet (36)in #wgc • 4 years agoО проекте Green Climateвступление Если мы говорим об изменении климата, его нельзя отделить от выбросов парниковых газов, которые в глобальном масштабе показали свое влияние как на экосистемы, так и…palmet (36)in #etna • 4 years agoETNA: A DEFI INNOVATION THAT ENCOURAGES LENDING TO CRYPTOCURRENCY USERS} Abstract DeFi, so far, has focused heavily on taking traditional solutions such as insurance, loans, and banking, with the aim to decentralize them. That’s all well…palmet (36)in #dao • 5 years agoGEOMA DAO | Decentralized autonomous organizations are very concerned about the future.DAO GEOMA is the first project created by DAO. As the world of cryptocurrency develops rapidly, DAO continues to innovate and adapt to progressive technology on the Blockchain.…palmet (36)in #dao • 5 years agoGeoma DAO - Organizație autonomă descentralizatăCe este o organiza?ie autonoma descentralizata (DAO)? Una dintre principalele caracteristici ale monedelor digitale este aceea ca sunt descentralizate. Aceasta înseamna ca nu…palmet (36)in #dao • 5 years agoГЕОМА ДАО забота о будущих поколенияхАбстрактный Машинное обучение, ИИ, автоматизация, робототехника, блокчейн.... Экономика, Общество, Финансы, Окружающая среда..... Наш мир меняется поспешно, и мы должны…palmet (36)in #blokchain • 5 years agoGEOMA DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Who Care For The FutureAbstract Machine learning, AI, automation, Robotics, Blockchain Economics, Society, finance, Environment Our world is changing hastily and we ought to follow this change. 2000…palmet (36)in #blockchain • 5 years agoGEOMA DAO | care about future generationsAbstract Machine learning, AI, automation, Robotics, Blockchain.... Economics, Society, finance, Environment..... Our world is changing hastily and we ought to follow this…palmet (36)in #blockhain • 5 years ago2local je nová platforma loyalnostiUdržitelnost životního prostředí je naší odpovědností jako člověka, udržitelnost lze také interpretovat jako využívání zdrojů, které jsou odpovědné za zabránění vyčerpání…palmet (36)in #blockhain • 5 years agoCarnomaly | Online digital platform in the automotive market. A new way to find the perfect vehicleIntroduction The automotive area will experience more changes in the coming year than a combination of a long time. The entire industry is currently working flatly in matters…palmet (36)in #tourism • 5 years | tourism platformIntroduction Information technology has influenced all of our way of life over the last few decades in a remarkable way with the tourism and travel sectors being one of the…palmet (36)in #ico • 5 years - is a social networking platform specifically designed to serve the travel and tourism industry.The tourism industry boom is clearly visible both at home and abroad. As world economic conditions continue to improve combined with intense competition in the hotel sector, more…palmet (36)in #holiday • 5 years agoSIRIUSX tourism and social mediaTechnology in the world of travel comes as a solution that makes travel easier and more enjoyable. Have you tried it all? It is difficult to separate technology and current…palmet (36)in #crypto • 5 years agoBLOBFLOW DECENTRALIZED MONEYDigital currencies are usually decentralized free. Related, general is much safer than centralized nature. The value of cryptographic-based digital currencies comes from their…palmet (36)in #ico • 5 years agoCarbon Offset Initiative – "Always on the right sideI think many will agree with me that our world is one huge, single and living organism. We are just a small part of its ecosystem. However, our actions are not always honest and…palmet (36)in #ico • 5 years agoLydian Lion TokenLydian lion is a Blockchain technology platform that has succeeded in creating the latest innovations, which platform will provide a variety of tourism services, commerce, and…palmet (36)in #ico • 5 years agoBLOCKCHAIN in tourism and social media with SIRIUSX platformIntroduction: Tourism and related industries and along with social media are very popular and making money today. With the latest advancements, travel is now considered safe…palmet (36)in #ico • 5 years agoCryptoFlow: development of construction together with blockchainWelcome to my simple article, and I am sure that my article will be of use to you. happy to read articles about the crypto world. On this occasion, I will discuss about from…