PostsCommentsPayoutspatif2025 (61)in Actifit • 56 minutes agoSaturday Between Rest and Activity/Sobota między odpoczynkiem a aktywnością/My Actifit Report Card: March 15 2025Saturday Between Rest and Activity Sometimes, the body decides for us – last night was a real challenge. I woke up at 2:00 AM and couldn’t fall back asleep, despite taking a…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • yesterday20,847 Reasons to Skip the Gym Today/20847 powodów, by dziś odpuścić siłkę/My Actifit Report Card: March 14 202520,847 Reasons to Skip the Gym Today Today felt like a full workout, even though I wasn’t planning on pushing myself. The steps just kept adding up—first on my way to work…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 2 days agoMarch, the Weather, and a Step Count Victory! /Marzec, pogoda i krokowy sukces!/My Actifit Report Card: March 13 2025March, the Weather, and a Step Count Victory! "March is like a pot of mixed weather" – this saying has never been more accurate than today! Just yesterday, I could have gone…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 3 days agoMarch Madness: Summer Today, Antarctica Tomorrow!/W marcu jak w garncu – dziś lato, jutro Antarktyda!/My Actifit Report Card: March 12 2025Today was a real mix of weather—just like they say, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." The morning was cooler, but by the afternoon, the temperature had…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 4 days agoA Day Full of Challenges and Movement! /Dzień pełen wyzwań i ruchu!/My Actifit Report Card: March 11 2025A Day Full of Challenges and Movement. Today was intense, but I definitely count it as one of the really great ones! In the morning, I got a wonderful surprise—I was invited…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 5 days agoA Day on Full Speed/Dzień z życia na pełnych obrotach/My Actifit Report Card: March 10 2025A Day on Full Speed Some days pass in the blink of an eye—you wake up at dawn, and before you know it, it's evening. Today was one of those days. Over 17 hours on my feet, an…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 6 days agoSunday Harmony: Shopping, Garden, and a Walk in the Glow of the Setting Sun/Niedzielna harmonia: zakupy, ogród i spacer w blasku zachodzącego słońca/My Actifit Report Card: March 8 2025Sunday Harmony: Shopping, Garden, and a Walk in the Glow of the Setting Sun I love weekends—they are the time when I can fully enjoy moments for myself and my family. Today…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 8 days agoThursday Chaos and a Hint of Spring/Czwartkowy harmider i wiosenna odwilż/My Actifit Report Card: March 6 2025Thursday Chaos and a Hint of Spring Thursdays in our group are always a challenge. The kids go into full-on chaos mode, especially after spending the morning with a teacher…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 9 days agoSpring in Wrocław – Moments Worth Cherishing / Wiosna we Wrocławiu – chwile warte uchwycenia/My Actifit Report Card: March 4 2025Spring in Wrocław – Moments Worth Cherishing Yesterday, real spring finally arrived in Wrocław, and I had been eagerly waiting for it. The temperature reached a pleasant 18°C…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 10 days agoSteps That Carry Me Forward/Kroki, które niosą mnie dalej/My Actifit Report Card: March 4 2025Steps That Carry Me Forward Yesterday was one of those days that reminded me how important movement is—not just for the body, but for the mind as well. I started my day with…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 11 days agoA Long Day, Plenty of Steps, and a Moment for Myself/Długi dzień, dużo kroków i chwila dla siebie/My Actifit Report Card: March 3 2025A Long Day, Plenty of Steps, and a Moment for Myself Yesterday was a tough one. There are days when even the greatest love for my job and the amazing people around me can’t…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 12 days agoEvening Escape: A Walk Through Wrocław’s Night Lights/Wieczorna ucieczka: spacer w światłach Wrocławia/My Actifit Report Card: March 2 2025Evening Escape: A Walk Through Wrocław’s Night Lights Yesterday, I spent the entire day with my kids and our furry companions. My husband was on duty, so for 24 hours, I was…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 13 days agoEvening Walk Through Wrocław – 25,000 Steps and Nearly 11 km on the Counter!/Wieczorny spacer po Wrocławiu – 25 tysięcy kroków i prawie 11 km na liczniku!/My Actifit Report Card: March 1 2025Evening Walk Through Wrocław – 25,000 Steps and Nearly 11 km on the Counter! Saturday, as usual – shopping, a quick house tidy-up, lunch, and then time for ourselves and the…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 14 days agoSkipping Routine for a Wild Day at the Zoo – A Family Adventure/Wagary w ZOO – rodzinny dzień pełen przygód /My Actifit Report Card: February 28 2025Skipping Routine for a Wild Day at the Zoo – A Family Adventure Sometimes, you just have to break the routine, take a deep breath, and allow yourself a day full of adventure…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 15 days agoWhen Your Body Says "Stop" – Time to Recharge/Gdy ciało mówi „stop” – czas na regenerację/My Actifit Report Card: February 28 20250When Your Body Says "Stop" – Time to Recharge Yesterday was supposed to be the day I donated blood, doing my small part to help save lives. I was prepared—hydrated, ready, and…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 17 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: February 26 2025Dinosaur Day, 35,000 Steps, and the Peace I Cherish Today at preschool was a real dinosaur adventure! The kids were full of energy, we had movement games, dinosaur tracking…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 20 days agoLazy Sunday that turned into an active afternoon/Leniwa niedziela, która zmieniła się w aktywne popołudnie/My Actifit Report Card: February 23 2025Lazy Sunday that turned into an active afternoon Sunday started off exceptionally lazy. Waking up at 8:00 felt like a real luxury, considering that I usually get up at 5:00.…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 21 days agoSun, a Walk, and a Moment for Myself – The Perfect Day to Recharge! /Słońce, spacer i chwila dla siebie – idealny dzień na naładowanie baterii!/My Actifit Report Card: February 22 2025Sun, a Walk, and a Moment for Myself – The Perfect Day to Recharge! Today, I made the most of my day! I finally got some proper sleep – for the first time in a while, which is…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 24 days agoGood Day, A Good Mindset /Dobry dzień, dobre nastawienie/My Actifit Report Card: February 18 2025A Good Day, A Good Mindset Yesterday, I focused on rest—time with the kids, some much-needed regeneration, and… I went to bed so early that it’s almost embarrassing to admit.…patif2025 (61)in Actifit • 25 days agoA Day Full of Emotions and Steps/Dzień pełen emocji i kroków/My Actifit Report Card: February 18 2025A Day Full of Emotions and Steps The winter break was over, so the morning started at full speed—getting the kids ready for school, jumping into the car, and making it to…