peasenlove (27)in #gaming • 6 years ago[Garden Scapes] 꿈의 정원Garden Scapes 꿈의 정원 It is so interesting and funny. 정말 재밌다. I think the basic house is same. 기본집은 모두 똑같은 것 같다. It makes the ranking gethering thunders. 리그 경쟁을 하여 순위를…peasenlove (27)in #gaming • 6 years ago[Merge Dragons] 마법 통화 ( Magic Currency )머지드래곤 Merge Dragons 마법 통화 입니다. ( This is the Magic Currency. ) Tiny Magic coin (Common) -> Magic coin - Bronze (Common) -> Magic coin - Silver (Common) -> Magic…peasenlove (27)in #gaming • 7 years ago[Sage of Survival] The records of my playing.Yesterday, I had felt a few boring so I was finding a new mobile game in playstore. I had downloaded this game. I think this game is pretty interesting. I am LV7. I wll be…peasenlove (27)in #life • 7 years ago[Hobby][Beads]AppleTree아이들이 비즈 만들기를 하길래 나도 심심해서 해 봤다. 나름 재미도 있고, 가끔하면 마음의 힐링도 될것 같다. 도안없이 생각나는 대로 막 만들었다.peasenlove (27)in #gaming • 7 years ago[Merge Dragons] 살아있는 돌 ( Living Stones )머지드래곤 Merge Dragons 살아있는 돌 입니다. ( This is the Living Stones. ) Fresh Stones (Common) -> Moss Covered Stone (Common) -> Living Stone (Common) -> Large Moss Stone…peasenlove (27)in #gaming • 7 years ago[Merge Dragons] 그림 상자 ( Grimm Chests )머지드래곤 Merge Dragons 그림 상자 입니다. ( This is the Grimm Chests. ) Grimm Chests (Uncommon) -> Grimm Chests of Decay (Uncommon) -> Grimm Chests of Despair (Uncommon) ->…peasenlove (27)in #gaming • 7 years ago[Merge Dragons] 덤블 ( Bushes )머지드래곤 Merge Dragons 덤블 입니다. ( This is the Bushes. ) Shrub Sprouts (Common) -> Budding Shrub (Common) -> Nice Shrub (Common) -> Flowering Shrub (Uncommon) ->…peasenlove (27)in #gaming • 7 years ago[Merge Dragons] 아이템 리스트 (Item list)머지드래곤 Merge Dragons 머지 드래곤 게임의 아이템들입니다. ( This is the items in Merge Dragons. ) 모든 아이템을 발견하여 소개하겠습니다. (I will introduce the items finding.) 슈퍼 달걀 ( Super eggs ) 안개…peasenlove (27)in #gaming • 7 years ago[Merge Dragons] 목재 ( Wood )머지드래곤 Merge Dragons 목재 입니다. ( This is the wood. ) Elderwood (Common) -> Stack of Elderwood (Common) -> Bundle of Elderwood (Common) -> Tiny Cabin for Hedge Gnomes…peasenlove (27)in #gaming • 7 years ago[Merge Dragons] 안개 낀 산 (Misty mountains ) 구름 언덕머지드래곤 Merge Dragons 안개 낀 산 입니다. ( This is the Misty mountains. ) Cloudy Summit (Uncommon) -> The Misty Mountain (Rate) 구름 낀 산 정상 (특별) -> 안개 낀 산 (레어) 언덕을 만들다 보면…peasenlove (27)in #gaming • 7 years ago[Merge Dragons] 슈퍼 달걀 ( Super eggs )머지드래곤 Merge Dragons 슈퍼 달걀 입니다. ( This is Super eggs. ) Super Egg Fregment (Legendary) -> Super Egg (Mythical) -> Active Super Egg (Mythical) 슈퍼 달걀 조각 (전설) -> 슈퍼 달걀…