peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoA SMILE OPENS DOORSFUENTEIt is more than proven that when you wake up with a smile on your face, you make everything around you more pleasant, your environment and your friends will fancy to see…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoUNA SONRISA ABRE PUERTASFUENTEEsta mas que comprobado que cuando te levantas con una sonrisa en tu cara, haces que a tu alrededor todo sea mas agradable, tu entorno y tus amistades se antojaran de verte…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoTea Tree OilFUENTEFor many it is a problem to have to deal with the lips of the mouth, when we start to leave that is dede to the low defenses or the very sudden temperature change, to…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoAceite de arbol de teFUENTEPara muchos es un problema tener que lidiar con los labios de la boca, cuando se nos empiezan a partir eso se dede a las bajas defensas o al cambio de temperatura muy…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE BENEFITS OF THE BITCHFUENTE Consuming a pear or a portion of pear daily avoids the risk of suffering some cancer, we must take care of much and plunge much healthier foods, pear veneers are very…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoLOS BENEFICIOS DE LA PERRAFUENTE Consumir una pera o una porción de pera a diario evitas el riesgo de padecer algunos cáncer,debemos de cuidarnos mucho y con sumir alimentos mucho mas saludables,los…peovvelo (47)in #photography • 7 years agomemes of thursdayFUENTEpeovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE MOST HEALTHY FRUITS FOR OUR HEALTHFUENTE As we can see it can, with plunging avocado brings us much for our health as the pineapple coconut, grapefruit, those fruits, guarantee you a pleasant health when it…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoLAS FRUTAS MÁS SANAS PARA NUESTRA SALUDFUENTE Como podemos ver se puede, con sumir el aguacate nos aporta mucho para nuestra salud al igual que la piña el coco, el pomelo, esas frutas, te garantizan una salud…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoAIR CONDITIONINGFUENTE The best way to keep the AIR in optimum conditions and to keep under the light consumption to help the environment is to have a constant check of the equipment of the…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoLOS AIRES ACONDICIONADOSFUENTE La mejor forma de mantener el AIRE en optimas condiciones y mantener bajo el consumo de luz para ayudar al medio ambiente es tener un chekeo constante de lo equipo de…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE PROPERTIES OF THE LENTEJAFUENTE Lentils are grains that contain many vitamins and help you make your skin very soft and what your body needs many minerals and calcium as it contains lentils and grains.peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoLAS PROPIEDADES DE LA LENTEJAFUENTE Las lentejas son unos granos que contiene muchas vitaminas y te ayudan a que tu piel sea muy suave y lo que tu cuerpo necesita muchos minerales y calcio como lo…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE BEST FOODS THAT WILL HELP YOU HAVE YOUNGER SKINFUENTE For a more beautiful skin, much younger, there are many fruits that will help us maintain a youthful skin and that will help us with some fruit like; the avocado and…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoLOS MEJORES ALIMENTOS QUE TE AYUDARÁN A TENER UNA PIEL MÁS JOVENFUENTE Para una piel más bonita, mucho más joven, hay muchas frutas que nos ayudarán atener una piel joven y eso nos ayudará con un poco de frutas como; el aguacate y también…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE DRAGON FRUITFUENTE It is called pitahaya, known as dragon fruit, and you get, from a variety of cacti some have red or yellow skin, contains CY vitamins antioxidants, contains iron, this…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 7 years agoLA FRUTA DE DRAGÓNFUENTE Se le llama pitahaya, conocida como fruta de dragón,y se obtiene, de una variedad de cactus algunas tienen la piel roja, o amarilla,contiene vitaminas C.Y…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 8 years agoTHE FRUIT OF ROSELLAFUENTE The benefits of rosella, the trailer extremely, useful for detoxifying, the body, eliminating the retention, of the liquids, aiding in the loss, of the weight in case…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 8 years agoTHE FRUIT OF ROSELLAFUENTE The benefits of rosella, the trailer extremely, useful for detoxifying, the body, eliminating the retention, of the liquids, aiding in the loss, of the weight in case…peovvelo (47)in #writing • 8 years agoLA FRUTA DE ROSELLAFUENTE Los beneficios de la rosella, el tráiler extremadamente, útil para desintoxicar, el cuerpo, eliminando la retención, de los líquidos, ayudando en la pérdida, del peso…