pflv4angels (25)in #politics • 6 years agoVOTER FRAUDSINCE WHEN IS IT LEGAL FOR ILLEGALS OR UNDOCUMENTED TO VOTE IN ANYTHING IN AMERICA? ARE DEAD PPL VOTING WE NEED TO STOP THIS RIGHT NOW.IF NOT THEN ITS GOING TO GET UGLY NOT…pflv4angels (25)in #politics • 7 years agoBILL CLINTON AND MINING BUDDY IN HAITIFrank Giustra August 11, 2018 7:05 PM Known for Lionsgate Board member of Clinton Foundation International Crisis Group From 2001 to 2007, he was the chairman of…pflv4angels (25)in #wat • 7 years agoTOWERS IRAQI GEORGE BUSHpflv4angels (25)in #gov • 7 years agoCHILD ABUSEBut John Podesta and Hillary said that Pizzagate was debunked! Disobedient Media spoke with Greg Bucceroni, a survivor of sex trafficking, who described his experiences in an…pflv4angels (25)in #children • 7 years agoPEDOESTA BRO'S CALL THIS ARTPLENTY MORE TOO. THEY CALL ART WHERE CHILDREN BEING HURT HAVING SEX R SLEEPING W/DEMONS THEY R SICK AND SHOULD BE INVEST.FOR CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN.pflv4angels (25)in #cair • 7 years agoCAIR NEED TO GOUNRWA Created in December 1949, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East is a relief and human development agency…pflv4angels (25)in #gov • 7 years agoQQ !CbboFOtcZs ID: eff7c9 No.1972546 📁 Jun 30 2018 13:36:13 (EST) You have a choice. The choice has always been yours. POWER TO THE PEOPLE. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. THEY…pflv4angels (25)in #deep • 7 years agoCFRThe Council on Foreign Relations, founded in 1921, is a United States nonprofit think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. It is headquartered in…pflv4angels (25)in #msm • 7 years agoBIAS MEDIAHRC Campaign thanking Univision for its moderators handling of Hillary against Sanders. Tis email is addressed to Haim Saban, one of the MAIN OWNERS of Univision. News…pflv4angels (25)in #fake • 7 years agoHRC PEDO-ESTA MSMMEDIA COLLUSION: Clinton campaign saw NYT’s interview with Hillary and could choose what doesn’t end up in this article Michelle Kraus of HuffPo emailing John Podesta with…pflv4angels (25)in #gov • 7 years agoTRAITOR OBAMAHE HAS LIED TO US ALL! HE BETRAYED STOLEN AND HATES USA!HE WAS PUT HERE TO DESTROY THIS COUNTRY AND HRC & HUMA KNEW ALL ALONG SO DID MANY OTHERS! (pflv4angels (25)in #collusion • 7 years agoHOW CORRUPT CONGRESS AND OUR GOV.HAVE BECOME!Stone said he was aware that Podesta also had business ties to Russia, and that journalists were beginning to look into those. That’s what prompted the tweet, he said. Indeed…pflv4angels (25)in #eu • 7 years agoEU AND THE INVASIONReturn to search While most centrist & leftwing politicians about (esp. Continental) Europe's Immigrat Angela Merkel & Wouter Bos once blurted ou truth, thereby sounding just…pflv4angels (25)in #gov • 7 years agoMB INVADING FROM WITHINFINANCIAL SERVICES of Rtljrtgmttatibtß ASSISTANT REPUBLICAN WHIP 20515-2306 TEA PARTY CAUCUS CHAIRWOMAN ADOPTION CAUCUS CO-CHAIR HOUSE U.S.-EUROPEAN UNION CAUCUS July 13…pflv4angels (25)in #gov • 7 years agoMB AND US GOVpflv4angels (25)in #gov • 7 years agoUR1"Clinton makes a statement as part of an election NGO or election monitoring group," She says, "that Russians have a right to a fair election. From THAT IS FUNNY SINCE WE…pflv4angels (25)in #elite • 7 years agoCHILDRENHaiti earthquake children sold by their parents for less than 76p each to traffickers, say Unicef Read more: Dr. Dean Lorich was known as a gifted surgeon before his…pflv4angels (25)in #msm • 7 years agoNSMNO THE MEDIA ISNT BIAS AT ALL. MSM are suppose to be watchmen over gov. for American ppl. THERE ARE NO REPORTERS searching and seeking truth,to keep our gov from corruption,but…pflv4angels (25)in #law • 7 years agoRuth Bader GinsbergIS A SC JUDGE AND THIS IS SOME THINGS SHE WANTS The age of consent for sexual acts must be lowered to 12 years old. "Eliminate the phrase 'carnal knowledge of any female…pflv4angels (25)in #gov • 7 years agoREASONS BRACK OBAMA IS JUST LIKE G. W BUSHIraq - We should have known in 2008 that we wouldn't see any real change from the Obama Administration. Despite campaigning for the U.S. Senate in 2004 on a platform of voting…