pictureboy (25)in #phone • 7 years agoI like China's Xiaomi 8 mobile phone, it is more beautiful and cheaper than Apple mobile phone. Do you like it?I like China's Xiaomi 8 mobile phone, it is more beautiful and cheaper than Apple mobile phone. Do you like it?pictureboy (25)in #pet • 7 years ago猫咪一脸深情目送主人上班,下班到家后,差点被气疯!每当,铲屎官每天要去上班的时候,总是我们家养的宠物最不高兴的时候了,铲屎官一走就是一天,虽然已经把吃的食物准备好了,宠物自己在家也能待一天饿不到,可是,自己在家的时间总是过得特别漫长的,宠物不是自己玩一玩就是睡觉,等待着自己的铲屎官下班回家,等待从来都只是一个人的事情。…pictureboy (25)in #cn • 7 years ago金毛被藏獒办了,生了一窝煤球,母金毛:谁把我的孩子给换了?很多时候,我们在养狗的时候,对狗狗不太用心的时候,往往就是狗狗出意外的关键原因之一。…pictureboy (25)in #pet • 7 years ago骗父母养的是哈士奇,几个月后,父母让网友赶紧把狗送了人!哈士奇和阿拉斯加雪橇犬虽然都是雪橇三傻里面的一员,而且长相方面还颇为相近,有的时候,甚至会让人错把阿拉斯加雪橇犬认成是哈士奇,这让很多养了阿拉斯加雪橇犬的宠主很是头疼,明明自己养的阿拉斯加雪橇犬长相也是很好看的,为什么偏偏有人就要叫自己家的狗是哈士奇呢!真的是让很多养了阿拉斯加雪橇犬的宠主都开始为自己的阿拉斯加雪橇犬感到委屈了。…pictureboy (25)in #cn • 7 years ago二哈去看眼科,因为和泰迪打架伤到了眼睛,却把医生给逗乐了!哈士奇是现在特别出名的狗狗中的网红,因为它的出名,从而带火了一个组合,被人们称作是“雪橇三傻”的拆家小队,这个队伍里面有身高最高,却最傻的大傻阿拉斯加雪橇犬,还有小巧玲珑简单可爱的傻白甜萨摩耶,当然了,还有拆家吵架的全能王哈士奇,正是因为有了它们三个的加入,这才让“雪橇三傻”这个组合被发扬光大,很多狗狗想参加都没办法参加进来,还有一个最重要的原因是它们其实都pictureboy (25)in #steemit • 7 years agoI likepictureboy (25)in #steem • 7 years agoThe cat was dressed in yellow. It was fun. It gives its owner a watch over the stall.The cat was dressed in yellow. It was fun. It gives its owner a watch over the stall.pictureboy (25)in #pet • 7 years agoHa ha! Give the dog a bath and look at it. Laugh hardHa ha! Give the dog a bath and look at it. Laugh hardpictureboy (25)in #movie • 7 years agoThe 2017 best film is really pretty.2017 is drawing to a close. The national review association has just named the results of the 2017 awards. And recommended ten best films this year. Don't look down upon the…pictureboy (25)in #view • 7 years agoAnother of liam neeson's pseudo-tough work!!Of liam neeson is quite interesting, prime famous culmination is heavy, whether "schindler's list", the appearance of elegant and exquisite style as the actor, watched as Kevin…pictureboy (25)in #cn • 7 years ago淘宝购物一定要小心!这个坑很多人都不知道!今天给大家讲的是我在淘宝上遇到的一个不为人知的秘密,事情的经过大概是这样的。 昨天在淘宝上准备买一款欧诗漫的化妆品,当时上面标注的价格99元。 因为自己以前一直买价格都是这样,所以也没有发现有太大问题。 正当我要购买的时候我旁边的男朋友把我拦了下来。…pictureboy (25)in #cn • 7 years agoloveLove you good nightpictureboy (25)in #travel • 7 years agoNight scene in Tokyo(The second article)Walking on the streets of Tokyo at night, I don't think I have too many ideas except for beauty. The shooting is in six eyes. The light was beautiful under the night.…pictureboy (25)in #travel • 7 years ago2017-2018 travel to the south of Italy.<The first paper>Winter has been the least busy season, I work a few months ago, a friend said that want to go to Italy at the end of the year around, Italy has always been my dream travel…pictureboy (25)in #cn • 7 years ago簡單的修圖,美女畢竟本來就好看。我想我的功勞不算太大。最近迷戀上給美女拍照片,周圍的朋友整天羨慕我可以給美女拍照。感覺整個人心情都好了,非常有自自信。 朋友說這位美女適合做我的女朋友,我當時臉都紅了。 借了壹個大提琴,星期天學校裏沒有人的時候偷偷過去拍攝的,自己覺得挺美的。 坐在板凳上再拍壹張,拍這張時我的臉都紅了。pictureboy (25)in #photographhappyviewgirl • 7 years ago撑伞等雨来,此刻我们仅沉醉在图中。撑伞等雨来,此刻我们仅沉醉在图中。 When it rains, we are only caught in the picture. 我爱这个季节,就像我爱你一样真诚! I love this season, as true as I love you! 如果你的爱人想带你去旅行,你最想去哪呢 If your partner wants…pictureboy (25)in #scenery • 7 years ago美好的一天,天空晴朗,绿绿的水,青青的草。美好的一天,天空晴朗,绿绿的水,青青的草。 A beautiful day, the sky clear, green water, green grass.pictureboy (25)in #funny • 7 years agoHi, hi! I am a lovely pictureboy, I am a lovely little girl!It's a nice day today. I want to get the sun. What's the weather there, what are you doing now?