putrabone (25)in #vexanium • 7 years agovexanium new token fenomenal and fantastisVexanium has been present as a new coin in the future, whose program will bring together merchant merchants worldwide, through voucher systems and loyalty points. furthermore…putrabone (25)in #jalan • 7 years agoKuatkan Iman, terjaga Alloh terjaga pula iman kita"AllahuAkbar", Allah Maha Besar, kita mengagungkan nama-Nya. kemahaan-Nya meliputi segala perkara segala masa....putrabone (25)in #complain • 7 years agosurrenderbless my prayer to you, my surrender and my submission is only to youputrabone (25)in #oh • 7 years agoPlease pour out Your mercy, So that I may be YoursYour servant is towards you, my soul is a shackle, Only Your grace save me I'm close to you ... Forgive me the sin of my sin, I miss Your presence, Along the path of my life…putrabone (25)in #kolong • 7 years agoWajahmu pun muncul perlahan di antara awan.Langit makin mendung, bagi kita yang sakit, hujan adalah menjebak diri pada hal-hal yang tak diinginkan. Rintik hujan adalah jarum suntik yang menusuk ke dalam dan meracuni…putrabone (25)in #wajah • 7 years agoLangit yang mendungAku pandangi horizon yang luas lapang, sudutnya tak terjangkau membentang. Angin sudah tidak lagi datang pada selasar ingatanku. Gemuruh yang riuh dari beragam serangga tidak…putrabone (25)in #call • 7 years agoconscienceThe leaves then fell, the sky rumbled, and I put half the breath to wait for a time to come. With impatience, increasingly chest day increasingly pounding, collide quickly with…putrabone (25)in #recalls • 7 years agoI love you in the distancethe empress and the little hero now in his life became the singing of his singing to heaven.putrabone (25)in #love • 7 years agosweetheartedlove is not a toy, all this because of the circumstances. love this serious .........putrabone (25)in #terinstal • 7 years agoperjanjiantak semudah mengucapkan Insha Alloh, karena.......Insha Alloh mu akan ditagih Alloh.....putrabone (25)in #just • 7 years agokarmadosamu pasti ada balasannya......putrabone (25)in #as • 7 years agoPlaying FlavorsDiving in thought, composing stories, as beautiful as the throne of the heavenly tale world.putrabone (25)in #once • 7 years agothe mirror was never wrong ....what you planted, then that's what you get, the results never lie ...putrabone (25)in #full • 7 years agoThe World Has a Voice.Too many human mouths who all want the heart to fill it. But not all hearts must follow our desires.