PostsCommentsPayoutsrainysky (35)in #steem • 5 years agohello everyonelong time no see,i am happy here to see you today.fightingrainysky (35)in #life • 6 years ago小时候Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Webrainysky (35)in #photography • 6 years ago西湖的残雪零星的残雪在船上,树上,山间,雷锋塔上。美的像一幅画 Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Webrainysky (35)in #life • 6 years agohappy wedding to my eld brotherhappy wedding to my eld brother Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Webrainysky (35)in #cn • 7 years ago穿着彩虹毛衣的女孩!rainysky (35)in #life • 7 years ago暗香浮动月黄昏在灯光映衬下,梅花显得别有一般风味 Steepshot | IPFS | Google Playrainysky (35)in #cn • 7 years agosweet smilerainysky (35)in #fun • 7 years agofunny pictureSteepshot | IPFS | Google Playrainysky (35)in #cn • 7 years ago什么才是幸福?每个人幸福的定义都不一样!我希望的平平安安就是福!穷人说:有钱就是幸福;盲人说:能看见就是幸福;乞丐说: 有饭吃就是幸福;病人说:能活着就是幸福;光棍说,有老婆就幸福。目的全达到后,幸福吗?不一定。那么幸福是什么? 其实,幸福是一种心态,幸福是一种满足,幸福是一种领悟,幸福是风雨中的淡然,幸福是生活中的沉淀,幸福的人懂得凡事感恩,幸福的人永远不忘初心,知足就是幸福!rainysky (35)in #photography • 7 years agoFireworksSteepshot | IPFS | Google Playrainysky (35)in #cn • 7 years ago连做梦都在被爸妈催婚,过年了,我的心好累今天是2018年2月14日,首先祝大家情人节快乐! 昨天晚上小编被一个“噩梦”所惊醒了,在梦里都被爸妈训话,让我赶快去找一个女朋友,说是之前经常来家里玩的那个女生就不错,快去把她追过来。我也是醉了,这梦也太真实了,还好是惊醒了,不然不知道还要发生什么。…rainysky (35)in #photography • 7 years agohappy valentine's day to every friendToday is Valentine's Day, I wish you a Happy Valentine's Day Steepshot | IPFS | Google Playrainysky (35)in #photography • 7 years agocute carSteepshot | IPFS | Google Playrainysky (35)in #photography • 7 years agoLandscape painting the sameafter snow,beautiful landscape Steepshot | IPFS | Google Playrainysky (35)in #photography • 7 years agothe fireprepare the food for Spring Festival Steepshot | IPFS | Google Playrainysky (35)in #travel • 7 years ago迟到的美景 西湖的雪景 真的很美(The late beauty of the West Lake is really beautiful snow)前段时间杭州下雪了,杭州最热闹的地方当然是西湖啦,昨天才成功注册steemit,今天就给大家看看西湖的雪景吧!(Some time ago, snowing in Hangzhou, Hangzhou, the most hilarious place is of course the West Lake ,and successfully…rainysky (35)in #cn • 7 years agoI am a new on steemit,I have many questions about steemit,can anyone answer me?1.我不太了解steem,steem power,SBD三者的区别(I do not know what is different from steem,steem power,SBD) 2.不知道声望对自己有什么影响(I do not know what impact prestige has on myself) 3.如何去赚取…rainysky (35)in #cn • 7 years ago又是一年情人节和春节邂逅,在家陪父母or出去陪女(男)朋友?(Valentine's Day and Spring Festival encounter, at home with their parents or go out to accompany female (male) friends?)还有1天就是一年一度的情人节了,不巧的是这情人节今年又和春节完美的邂逅了。虽然14日是农历廿九,不是大年三十,其实也没差多少了,廿九,三十都是家里最忙的时候。爸爸妈妈筹备着过年的东西,买这买那的,还得打扫卫生,毕竟新的一年要干干净净的。…rainysky (35)in #landscape • 7 years ago江“和”日下{the river and sunset}rainysky (35)in #sport • 7 years agoIs this a superman? How amazing action!