PostsCommentsPayoutsrezaleoni (56)in #artisteem • 6 years agomeaningful word for the loverI want to love you with simple with a word that could not be pronounced wood to the fire that made it ashrezaleoni (56)in #artisteem • 6 years agoonly seven thousand a nightonly seven thousand a nightrezaleoni (56)in #artisteem • 6 years agomeet you as you aremeet you as you arerezaleoni (56)in #artisteem • 6 years agowe will row the boat upwe will row the boat uprezaleoni (56)in #artisteem • 6 years agoCover Design No matter how hard your lifNo matter how hard your life has been in the past, you can continue to start again.rezaleoni (56)in #artisteem • 7 years agoonly those who dare to take far-off riskonly those who dare to take far-off risks can find how far one can go The champion believes in himself even when others don't believerezaleoni (56)in #tasteem • 7 years agoDeletedDeletedrezaleoni (56)in #artisteem • 7 years agoThe word sorry will not heal the wounds The word sorry will not heal the wounds of the heart. But people who can forgive are those who are heartened. First friend, now demen. Once a friend, now your opponent. All for love.rezaleoni (56)in #artisteem • 7 years agoDon't promise too much if you are hard tDon't promise too much if you are hard to keep. Even though people take turns in your mind. Keep trying to maintain it in order to remain the first in your heart.rezaleoni (56)in #artisteem • 7 years agoDeletedDeletedrezaleoni (56)in #blog • 7 years agoBelajar membaca puisi dengan seniman acehPuisi adalah salah satu kata ucapan yang memiliki arti panjang, terkadang walau cuma beberaoa kata namun artinya serat akan makna. Kami belajar menulis, membaca dan membedah…rezaleoni (56)in #artisteem • 7 years agored paintings full of beautyred paintings full of beauty red one of the colors that has a sadistic meaning but behind it all is stored beauty...rezaleoni (56)in #artisteem • 7 years agoRed fingers to feel cheerfulRed fingers to feel cheerfulrezaleoni (56)in #artisteem • 7 years agored will be a friendred will be our passion in living a friendship warm regards to @artisteem By @rezaleoni ... @artisteemrezaleoni (56)in #travel • 7 years agoLIFE STYLE ENTERTAINMENT UNIQUE - ANEH HomeGaya HidupTraveling7 La montagna più alta di Sumatra non è meno bella di Java Traveling7 La montagna più alta di Sumatra non meno bella di Java Wowasik 2 Years AgoANEH HomeGaya HidupTraveling7 La montagna più alta di Sumatra non è meno bella di Java Traveling7 La montagna più alta di Sumatra non meno bella di Java Wowasik 2 Years Ago…rezaleoni (56)in #inmyfeelingschallenge • 7 years agoArtist Aura Kasih #InMyFeelingChallenge Use PedicabAura Kasih Social media users are often overwhelmed with some unique and exciting challenges. One of the latest viruses is #InMyFeelingsChallenge or Keke Challenge.…rezaleoni (56)in #steemit • 7 years agoBytpall: Cara Mendapatkan Uang dengan mudah lewat steemitTrik untuk mendapatkan uang lewat steemi 1 langkah pertama Masuk ke BYTPALL Ling untuk masuk ke aplikasi, perhatikan gambar, saya biasa nya cuma 5 menit, cuma yang lama…rezaleoni (56)in #tasteem • 7 years agoDeletedDeletedrezaleoni (56)in #tasteem • 7 years agoDeletedDeletedrezaleoni (56)in #tasteem • 7 years agoDeletedDeleted