richynee (25)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoYou Can Never Learn Enough in CryptocurrencyICO,IFO, candies, and all new nouns... You can never learn enough in cryptocurrency, let alone you knowing it all. But my friends, just learn, study,practise,test and buy…richynee (25)in #blog • 7 years agoThe Moment I Hope I Was SingleSeveral days ago, I met a young fair lady in a meeting and I lost my sleep at night. She is tall, white and vibrant. OK , I admit, she is pretty. The moment I see her, I hope I…richynee (25)in #cn • 7 years ago你必须坚强,因为世界残酷你必须坚强,因为世界残酷!这是我在看完《神秘河》之后,最想教给孩子们的人生经验。这部上映于2004年的电影,鞭辟入里地描绘了社会和人性的黑暗面。基本上,它讲述了一个男孩,戴夫-博伊尔的悲惨故事。男孩由单亲妈妈抚养长大,在街边玩耍时被娈童犯诈上车,随后被强奸。如果你以为到这里,社会的残酷、人性的黑暗就结束了,很遗憾,并没有。…richynee (25)in #misticriver • 7 years agoYou Must Be Strong Cause Life's BrutalYou Must Be Strong Cause Life's Brutal! The first thing I want to teach my kids is to be strong and fight hard after I watched Mystic River. The movie was produced in 2004…richynee (25)in #steemit • 7 years ago100Days Left to the Bankrupcy of Steemit---Steemit离倒闭只剩100天You may shocked by the title--100 Days Left to the Bankrupcy of Steemit. But I am not kidding. Bill Gates once said, there are 18 months to the bankrupcy of Microsoft. I just…richynee (25)in #cn • 7 years ago跑朝霞剪碎树叶 晨风对我喘气 塑胶踩着脚底 我鼓动着人群 “四三二一” 济南从我身上跑过richynee (25)in #cn • 7 years ago新人报道贴各位五湖四海、天南海北的朋友,大家好! 我的账户名是richynee,大家可以叫我大熊,男,兴趣多多,什么都可以聊,各地方言都能说。 来到宝地,看看大家的生活,瞅瞅外面的世界,分享自己的感受和体会,目前主要写心理学和区块链投资。 认识就是缘分,希望可以和大家一起度过一段愉快的时光!