sam4btc17 rebloggedtimsaid (74)in #science • 7 years agoMyth or Fact? #31 – The great Wall of China can be seen from the MoonWelcome my dear Steemian friends to a new episode of Myth or Fact! A series in which we will show that some common believes are myths while others turn out to be true.…sam4btc17 (25)in #crypto • 7 years agoSOON STEEM WILL CROSS ALL TIME HI"STEEM WILL ROCK THE WORLD" AS PREDICATED BY THE CHART THE STEEM CRYPTO CURRENCY WILL CROSS HIS ALL TIME HI, AS THE SCENARIO ARISES IT MAY HIT 0.00168000 WITHIN JULY 2017, SO…sam4btc17 (25)in #friends • 7 years agoETHEREUM LIKELY TO GO DOWN MORE'' ETHEREUM LIKELY TO GO DOWN MORE" AS SHOWN IN THE CHART ETHEREUM IS LIKELY TO GO DOWN MORE AND MAY CROSS HIS RECENT SUPPORT 0N 4TH JULY 0.00661051 BTC WITH IN 2-3 DAYSsam4btc17 (25)in #samrat • 7 years agoDO YOU ALSO LIKE YOGAYoga is a path; a philosophy to harmonise the interactions and expressions of consciousness and energies in an individual. There are numerous methods and tools employed to reach…