PostsCommentsPayoutssanyeik (30)in #ummited • 7 years agomy bloodMy thoroughbred tracks later Nine "martyrs" martyr martyr Nine martyrs Aung San fee (a) Do not forget Do not forget that the Israel army Chief U Ba Win (years) Sao San…sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agosliver eggSilver egg hunt idea to have clean disrespecting everybody I once saw the B & Bone pain better solidity ligament is strong enough To know details Helps teachers knowsanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agoWhat?photo credit "ေကာင္ေလး.. ၾကက္ဥ ဘယ္လို ေရာင္းလဲ" "တစ္လံုး ၁၅၀ ပါ" "၅ လံုး ၆၀၀ ထားလိုက္။" "ဟာ.. မလုပ္ပါနဲ႔ အန္တီရယ္။ ကၽြန္ေတာ့္ အရင္းနား ေရာက္ေနၿပီ" "အို.. ၆၀၀ ထားရင္ ယူမယ္။…sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agoဝါဆိုသကၤန္းလႉရအက်ိဳး(၇)မ်ိဳး.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~photo credit ဝါတြင္းကာလေရာက္လုနီးၿပီျဖစ္၍ ဗုဒၶဘာသာ ဝင္တို႔သည္ တစ္ဦးခ်င္းေသာ္လည္းေကာင္း စုေပါင္း ၍ေသာ္လည္းေကာင္း သံဃာေတာ္မ်ားအား ဝါဆို…sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agoRequiredphoto credit The profile of those arrested ယ့် project and been arrested. The government arrested 1500 the average time before or not. I want. Romanov think before…sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years ago🎏ဘ၀ကို ဆက္႐ွင္သန္ပါ🎏 🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑photo credit 🎏ဘ၀ကို ဆက္႐ွင္သန္ပါ🎏sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agohow?photo credit ကဲ.......ဘယ္လိုေျဖရွင္းေပးၾကမလဲဗ်ာ😢😢 ??????? မႏၲေလးၿမိဳ႕ႀကီးကို အုတ္ေအာ္ေသာင္းနင္းျဖစ္ေစတဲ့ ကန္သာယာရပ္ကြက္ ၅၆ လမ္း…sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agoးခဲ့ရေသာ ဒ႑ာရီထဲမွသီလရွင္ဆရာၾကီး သမီးခ်စ္ (ေခါ ္) ေဒါ ္သုဓမၼ၀တီphoto credit သူ ့ဘ၀က ဒ႑ာရီဆန္သည္ ။ မယံုနိုင္စရာပံုျပင္တစ္ပုဒ္ပမာျဖစ္သည္ ။အခ်ိန္မွာ ၁၉၅၁ ခုနွစ္ခန့္ျဖစ္သည္ ။ သူသည္နီေပါနိုင္ငံမွ ဂေဏသ ကုမာရီ ဟုအမည္ရသည့္္ေကာင္မေလးျဖစ္သည္ ။ သူသည္…sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agoဒီလို ဒီလိုphoto credit စစ္ေလာ္ဘီေတြ ေျပာေနက်စကား မွတ္မိၾကေသးလားsanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agoHERphoto credit No, do not miss the time and they do not repent and unexpected. . .sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agoGrab everything is a little bit easy. Both sides of the credit Grab everything is a little bit easy. Both sides of the truth. Customer and liberty Grab is also comfortable. Promotion kids going back four or five better.…sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agoဖူးခဲ့ရေသာ ဒ႑ာရီထဲမွသီလရွင္ဆရာၾကီး သမီးခ်စ္ (ေခါ ္) ေဒါ ္သုဓမၼ၀တီphoto crdit သူ ့ဘ၀က ဒ႑ာရီဆန္သည္ ။ မယံုနိုင္စရာပံုျပင္တစ္ပုဒ္ပမာျဖစ္သည္ ။အခ်ိန္မွာ ၁၉၅၁ ခုနွစ္ခန့္ျဖစ္သည္ ။ သူသည္နီေပါနိုင္ငံမွ ဂေဏသ ကုမာရီ ဟုအမည္ရသည့္္ေကာင္မေလးျဖစ္သည္ ။ သူသည္…sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agoThe fisherman and his credit Once the village a village, very poor wife, I had two ears. The two fields that can be captured from the womb of his living by selling fish in the market had to do…sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years ago☯☯၁၃၈၀ခုႏွစ္ရဲ႕ သင့္အတြတ္ကံၾကမၼာေဟာစတမ္းႀကီး☯☯photo credit တနလာၤသားသမီးမ်ားအတြတ္sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agoRequiredphoto credit Soon the country illegally can not able to catch foreigners program. Gripping.sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agohappynessphoto credit n life, a person unreasonably suppose I have ever had The man can not drink because I spent so miserable that must be overcome are bypassed The man because my…sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agoLifephoto credit For those who can hire a lawyer and tell Mainly we have any plans to get a lawyer Long-distance to go to court to help if you are not really the issue for instance.…sanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years agoႏွစ္ေန႔သားသမီးမ်ားရဲ႕စိတ္ေနစိတ္ထားတခ်ိဳ႕photo credit အဂၤါသားသမီးsanyeik (30)in #artzone • 7 years ago14-5-2018 မွ 20-5-2018 အထိ တစ္ပတ္စာ ေဟာစာတမ္းတနလၤာသားသမီး in #artzone • 7 years ago# Gandhi းးး းးးးးးးးးးးးးးးးးးးphoto credit Gandhi said to his lunch break