sarahos rebloggedpooltoken (41)in POF • 2 years agoPOF (POOL OF FUNDS / PROOF OF FUND / POOL OF FUN) - FAQs: Community & TokensPOOL OF FUNDS FAQ You will find in the FAQ POF (Frequently Asked Questions) the most frequently sought information on our initiative. A link to this page is added to all of our community posts for easysarahos rebloggedloterie-fr (52)in #lottery • 2 years agoSELECTED LOTTERIES TO RECEIVE BONIFICATIONS FROM LOTERIE-FRTERMS There are only 3 conditions to receive bonuses from the @loterie-fr account every day and every week 👍 Condition 1: All you have to do is participate in the daily lottery organized by @loterie-frsarahos rebloggedslobberchops (81)in Writing Club • 3 years agoThe Horrors of Kwiksave: The Date (Part One)‘ The Horrors of Kwiksave ’ is a candid recollection of my memories working at Kwiksave (the now-defunct discount supermarket chain) as a ' Stock Lad '. I wasted over…sarahos rebloggededdiespino (78)in Hive Lingual • 3 years agoMy first video for HiveLingual - Learning German with Duolingo▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hello Hive friends! This is my first post in this community. I want to share with you a little bit about my experience learning German…sarahos rebloggedsamirlguasmi (13)in Regional Press • 3 years agoL'importance du bien-être animal ❤️😊❤️Le bien-être animal est très important d'un point de vue éthique, en plus du rôle qu'il joue dans la réalisation d'un secteur animal plus efficace ; C'est-à-dire obtenir une…sarahos rebloggedhghanem (29)in Regional Press • 3 years agoA sad endingwe all crossed our fingers for Rayan, unfortunately a sad ending was unavoidable. we are all movedsarahos rebloggedabelfotografia (75)in Photography Lovers • 3 years agoSurfers at a rocky beachSurfers at Havana's coastssarahos rebloggednarinefaydi (29)in Regional Press • 3 years agoMy introduction on Hive Hello ladies and gentlemen, first I’d like to say that I am very glad to be among the hive community. And I'd like to thank Mr @mondhero and Mrs @hadilfaidi for inviting me to…sarahos rebloggeddashak (69)in Team Ukraine • 3 years agoНаркоз На минулому тижні в перше в житті мені зробили наркоз, наркоз був повний. Пережиті відчутя дуже страшні та неприємні як для мене. Наркоз був недовгий, всього хвилин 20-30.…sarahos rebloggedpatrickg01 (32)in Regional Press • 3 years agoIntroducing myself Hello, I’m Patrick but people call me Rica . I grew up in Italia, and lived there most of my life before moving back to London , my home town. I speak Italian,English and little…sarahos rebloggedimenmohamed (25)in Education & Training • 3 years agoFiche conceptuelle: Gestion de l'eauLa fiche conceptuelle didactique sur la gestion de l'eau permet de clarifier et d'expliciter ce concept et son réseau conceptuelle. Fiche conceptuelle: 💧 Gestion de l'eau…sarahos rebloggeddarthnava (72)in Regional Press • 3 years agoRadiant Promotes Making Use of Your Outdoor Space with Garden AwningsRadiant Blinds and Awnings, is a manufacturer and installer of quality blinds and awnings based in Surbiton, Surrey. They have been advising clients on shading options for over 60 years. Radiant is promotingsarahos rebloggedsaja3 (33)in Regional Press • 3 years agoGafsa TunisieGafsa, the beauty of the south and the extension of history from googlesarahos rebloggedzouhoursouli (6)in Regional Press • 3 years ago**LES EAUX DE BOUTEILLE?**Faire attention : ils ne sont pas toutes des eaux minérales naturelles!!! source :google Les eaux de table : sont de même nature que l'eau du robinet, mais elles…sarahos rebloggedterezagomes (25)in Regional Press • 3 years agoTop 5 qualities and characteristics of a good teacherBeing a teacher is often considered to be one of the most satisfying professions around. But teaching may not be for everyone, since being good at this job comes with certain…sarahos rebloggedcerisebbo (30)in Regional Press • 3 years agoPresentationBonsoir hivéens heureuse de faire partie de cet écosystème,mais avant tout je dois me présenter : Qui suis je Je m'appelle sirine ,âgée de 19 ans étudiante ,père tunisien et…sarahos rebloggedlesmann (72)in #trippythursday • 3 years agoTrippy Thursday, "The Spark"Hello My Friends, Very Good to see You! It's Trippy Thursday Once Again! 🙋😄🙋 And a Special Thanks to @blacklux for running this! 🙋😊🙋 Thanks - Very Appreciated! So…sarahos rebloggedjoudacov (9)in Regional Press • 3 years agoLa vibration acoustiqueL’acoustique est la science du son. Source de photo Qu'est qu'un son ? Le son est une sensation auditive provoquée par des variations de pression de l’air.…sarahos rebloggedjoudii (11)in Regional Press • 3 years agoFLOWERSHello to all members of the Hive community😍😍😍 Flowers bring happiness. I have selected a few for you. I hope you like it Photo source my phone Photo source…sarahos rebloggedjoudaaa (14)in Regional Press • 3 years agoLe bruitLe bruit est une vibration de l'air définie par une fréquence exprimée en Hertz (Hz) Le bruit c'est un son gênant On peut le définir comme ensemble des fréquences…