PostsCommentsPayoutssheegay74 (25)in #poetry • 6 years agoSWEETNESS OF YOUR LOVEThe Sun loses its brightness In the brightness of your face The Nightingale loses its music In the music of your voice The Lion loses its strength In the strength of your…sheegay74 (25)in #poetry • 6 years agoPoemNO WORD I explored love books I searched dictionaries I studied all languages known to man No word to say No word to express The height, the depth The length, the…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoPAY THE PRICESuccess is never gotten On the bed of roses By work, sweat, blood Men climb the ladder that leads to it As they rise above fear, laziness and mediocrity While dreamers…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoWHAT SUCCESS IS NOTSuccess is not a display of material wealth and fancy possessions with intention to oppress others by feeling self important. Any success that does not inspire others positively…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoLOOK WITHINLook within Deep into your inner man Empowered by the Holy Spirit Draw your power from him. Look within Deep into your soul Redeemed by the Holy Spirit Draw your strength…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoON EAGLE'S WINGSCarry me on eagle's wings Cause me to soar above the clouds of despair As I glide on the wings of the wind Pull me up above gravity Take me higher Above the sky Closer to…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoINSPIRATIONFrom worlds unknown From distance immeasurable From heaven above You came In a gentle breeze Announced your arrival In my silent moment Empowered my mind To think…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoTRUE LOVEI flew the Sky Height to height I searched the Earth North to South East to West I sailed the seas Coast to Coast Where? But only in You Did I find True Love! Oh my God.sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoDEPTH OF LOVEUnsurpassed beauty radiates From your flawless face To ignite fire In my inflammable heart Many waters cannot quench Feelings of attraction kindled When I first saw you…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoI SURRENDER MY HEARTI saw you Like a dream You came into my life Epitome of beauty Captured my heart With your charms, I could'nt resist, Your magnetic attraction Swept me off my feet…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoVISIONVision is the ability to see something, where everybody is looking and seeing nothing! This ability comes from the sense of purpose in you. Vision enables you to see where you…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoFREEDOMCaged Bird Spirit in the body Crying, struggling To be free As days speed into months Weeks into months Months into years Until a lifetime is made The body wearies and…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoYOUR MIND: A BATTLE GROUNDVery few people do realise that there is an ongoing battle in our minds! By mentioning battle in our minds, many people will start to wonder why there should be battles in our…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoCLOSEREach time I lift my eyes To the sky The clouds conceal Your lovely face I deeply feel You Too far away! To see my struggles, trials, temptations, sufferings Loneliness…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoPRAYERPrayer is not an opportunity where we come to God with a catalogue of requests and pour out to Him in a rush, because we are desperate to see our needs met! True prayer that…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoI CAN FEEL YOUI can feel you Caressing my heart gently I can feel you Singing softly in my ears I can feel you Calling out to me And I cannot resist To run towards the feeling Of your…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoGIVE ME TODAYLike flower Yesterday blossomed and died Buried in oblivion Tomorrow like a pregnant woman Draws expectation for birth of the unknown Oh Lord I only ask for Today! To…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoIN MY MINDI see flowers spring to life Their fragrance rise to hit my nostrils I see their beautiful colours And my eyes close My mind opens: I see you shining brighter than the sun…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoTENDERNESSTenderness of your voice Melts my sorrows away Tenderness of your eyes Set my heart ablaze Tenderness of your smile Brings sunshine into my life Tenderness of your…sheegay74 (25)in #1 • 7 years agoMY HEART BELONGS TO YOUHold me in your arms tenaciously Let this sweet embrace Foretaste of Paradise Kill all my sorrows Kiss me fiercely, lovingly, tenderly Let me feel the intensity of your…