snoopycode (40)in #photography • 7 years agoThe old-style private schoolThe old-style private school called Nanhu Academy, is in Hongcun ancient town, Yixian county, Anhui Province. It is part of the world cultural heritage of Hongcun. It was built…snoopycode (40)in #cityscapephotography • 7 years agoWanming PagodaThe picture was taken in Fenghuang ancient town, Tujia and Miao Nationalities Autonomous Prefecture of Xaingxi, Hunan Province. Wanming Pagoda, formerly known as a turriform…snoopycode (40)in #cn-reader • 7 years ago再考“孟母三迁” | 月旦评六月,一年一度的高考季,各考点门口站满了焦虑等待的家长们,望子成龙、望女成凤是他们的人生目标之一。十二年,其实不止,加上幼儿园三年应该是十五年的心血和努力就看这两天的考试成绩了,学子们比古代前辈的“寒窗十年”更有压力有木有?…snoopycode (40)in #streetphotography • 7 years agoA cup of tea for a lifetimeIn the morning everyday, not a few old men step in the old teahouse, make a cup of tea, and enjoy their leisure time all day. The old teahouse called Guanyinge is well known in…snoopycode (40)in #photography • 7 years agoA trip to Yunshuiyao | 悠游云水间Hi, steemit friends, Here is my contribution to the BeautifulSunday Contest initiated by @ace108. I had a leisure trip to Yunshuiyao on a weekend in the summer. Yunshuiyao is…snoopycode rebloggedrunicar (72)in #photography • 7 years ago📷 Photochain Photography Contest 📷Hey #photochaincommunity! Big thanks to everyone who participated in the first Photochain Photography Contest and took the time to go out and take some amazing snaps, especially…snoopycode (40)in #cn-reader • 7 years ago我读的书|叭一叭《情人》投稿前的内心OS: 这是要骗我读书的节奏吗?周树人先生说了,书读得越多,感觉自己不知道的越多;我也知道,书读得越多,焦虑感、痛苦感也会越多,不读书挺开心的。是故恳请班长(我小时候就经常被班长催着交作业)搞这个读书活动仅此一次,别有下次了……拜托拜托!…snoopycode (40)in #cn-story • 7 years ago我这十年......十年,与其说是一段时光,还不如说它是一个很文艺的代词,古往今来的文人骚客无不通过它抒情写意,或多情念旧,或凄凉伤怀,鲜有意气风发的。(*注)…snoopycode rebloggedkingwriting (47)in #cn-activity • 7 years ago# CN区本周活动汇总——为什么要参加活动?我为什么参加活动 1.能够让我认识更多的有趣的朋友,融入一个圈子 2.固定主题能够集中注意力写作,更大程度上激发我的创造活力,写出更好的帖子 3.不菲的奖励,除了活动奖金还有点赞收益 4.能够激励自己保持写作的习惯 本期活动汇总贴采用cn-activity tag,如有更好建议可以直接在评论区回复…snoopycode (40)in #cn • 7 years ago浅谈区块链圈中的“鄙视链”|月旦评今天不谈区块链,也不谈数字币,而是想谈谈当今社会流行的“鄙视链”,一种自我感觉良好而瞧不起人的现象在“区块链”圈子中的反映。…snoopycode (40)in #crypto • 7 years ago装X神器--以太坊域名(.eth)区块链上使用各种coin\token,离不开“钱包”,钱包会自动生成私钥、公钥和地址,这个地址就相当于“银行卡”,它是一串长长的字符数字,除非扫码、复制,如果手动输入,出错的概率那是相当大的。…snoopycode (40)in #cryptcurrency • 7 years ago关于ICO的那些事儿(之4)------Something about ICO(04)ICO项目总体小结------ Brief Sum-up for ICOs: (from web)snoopycode (40)in #crypto • 7 years ago关于ICO的那些事儿(之3)------Something about ICO(03)参与ICO项目靠的是技术、信仰还是听天由命? 目前各类ICO项目层出不穷,很难一眼看出哪个项目有前途,但是自己又想参与其中,该怎么办呢?…snoopycode (40)in #photo • 7 years agoSpring FlowersEvery late spring, Crowds of people flock to the flower fields at Baisha Bay, Minhou County. how do the flowers feel? 游人不管春将老,来往亭前踏落花。 每年暮春,白沙湾的花海吸引来了无数游客,真替那些花草捏一把汗。…snoopycode rebloggedcicbar (67)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCrypto investing guideAfter last year's Bitcoin (BTC) and Altcoins rise, more and more people are interested at crypto investing. This market drop is very useful for many things, as I have wrote in…snoopycode (40)in #cn • 7 years ago关于ICO的那些事儿(之2)------Something about ICO(02)怎么了解ICO项目?要在数千个各型各类的项目中寻找心怡的那一个,确实不易,就像是一个人走进了郁郁茫茫的森林、缠缠绕绕的迷宫,失去了方向、找不到出口。一般来说,了解一个项目如何,不外从项目背景、创始团队、项目前景、商业模式和当前进展等入手,然后发挥自己的第六感:) 今儿举一个具体的ICO项目,谈谈体会: 名称: Midex 目标:…snoopycode (40)in #cn • 7 years ago关于ICO的那些事儿(之1)------Something about ICO (01)区块链、比特币自去年沸腾了一阵子后,各种有关区块链、去中心化的ICO项目如雨后春笋般的冒出来,不幸的是大部分项目并没有如白皮书描绘的那么美,据某ico咨询机构统计,81%的项目属于诈骗,6%失败,5%无疾而终,只有少数项目脱颖而出给了参与者丰厚的回报。…snoopycode (40)in #cn • 7 years ago沁园春.雪 (Snow to the Tune of Chin Yuen Chun)在本该是春暖花开的时节,南方的武夷山却飘起了漫天飞雪,这场雪似乎傲娇地迟到了一个冬天。 此种情景难免让喜欢拍照的哥几个欢欣雀跃,于是连夜说走就走,直奔桐木关—一个因茶叶而驰名的小山村。 次日一早外出一看,原来激动的不只是我们几个人,吵杂的人群已经把地上的积雪踩踏的不忍直视,只好往山上艰难的攀去。…