softka (25)in #dmania • 7 years agoThoughtView post on dManiasoftka (25)in #busy • 7 years agomemorable timesoftka (25)in #busy • 7 years agocREATIVE Also (25)in #busy • 7 years agooh gsoftka (25)in #busy • 7 years agomixturesoftka (25)in #busy • 7 years agostupidsoftka (25)in #life • 7 years agofabsoftka (25)in #busy • 7 years agoheysoftka (25)in #style • 7 years agokillewrb  (25)in #lifestyle • 7 years agoKumar NavaratnamKumar Navaratnam was a popular rock and roll singer in Colombo, Sri Lanka during the 1960s and 1970s .softka (25)in #busy • 7 years agoAppin Opened by the Callander and Oban Railway, it joined the London, Midland and Scottish Railway during the Grouping of 1923. Passing on to the Scottish Region of British Railways on…softka (25)in #tech • 7 years agoAuto dependencyThese kinds of environments require automobiles to access them, thus inducing even more traffic onto the increased roadspace. This results in congestion, and the cycle above…softka (25)in #dmania • 7 years agoafter action the movieView post on dManiasoftka (25)in #dmania • 7 years agotime For Relax..........View post on dMania