sophialiam rebloggeddollarvigilante (76)in #anarchy • 8 years agoRon Paul on Anarchy, Running for President, the Federal Reserve and BitcoinI recently had the pleasure of interviewing Doctor Ron Paul on my Anarchast channel which I had wanted to do for a long time! I asked Dr. Paul several questions including…sophialiam rebloggedkeiserreport (66)in #bitcoin • 8 years agoHow I learned to stop worrying and love the FUDMost people hate FUD. Not me. I love FUD. Why do I love FUD? Because, at the end of the day, it was the FUD that gave me bitcoin. Say what? I can hear you asking. Well, let…sophialiam rebloggedoflyhigh (85)in #cn • 8 years ago每天进步一点点: 比特币的公钥压缩与地址在昨天的帖子中,学习了如何由私钥生成公钥. 每天进步一点点: 学习比特币的公钥 有朋友私下问我,你咋整出俩公钥啊,一个压缩,一个未压缩,这又是什么鬼?我该用哪个公钥啊?别急,听我慢慢道来。 公钥压缩 为何要压缩 根据我们上节学习的成果,公钥(K)是通过私钥(k)乘以生成点(G)得到的,并且是椭圆曲线上的一个点P(x…sophialiam rebloggedb0y2k (76)in #motocross • 8 years agoAMA Lucas Oil Motocross Injury update Web / MartinFigured i would hold back on this one... Not really the vibe to have this as my first post in a while... So cheered you all up with some MXGP vids first :) So firstly the bad…sophialiam rebloggedoflyhigh (85)in #cn • 8 years ago每天进步一点点: 学习比特币的公钥在之前的文章中,学习了这些东西: 学习了一下Base58编解码 继续学习Base58以及Base58Check 继续学习比特币的私钥 & 私钥的表示方法 尤其是通过最后一篇文章的学习,已经可以生成比特币的私钥,并可以将生成的私钥导入到…sophialiam rebloggedcm-steem (67)in #bitshares • 8 years agoAlgorithm Based Assets on the Bitshares DEX!What are Algorithm Based Assets (ABAs)? Algorithm Based Assets (ABAs) are Market Pegged Assets ( MPA s) which utilize an algorithm to modify the price feed in a…