PostsCommentsPayoutssprintx24 (37)in #crypto • 5 years agoAUTHOREON PLATFORM - SECURING THE DIGITAL WORLD.Since the world is in the digital era, nearly everything is done digitally with the aid of the internet and other digital technologies. Every system is embracing digitalization…sprintx24 (37)in #taklimakan • 6 years agoTAKLIMAKAN - A CHANCE AT A BOLD AND PROFITABLE INVESTMENT IN CRYPTOCURRENCY.Incredibly, the emergence of cryptocurrency has positively affected the world. This reliable transaction method which is based on Blockchain technology has presented a new market…sprintx24 (37)in #authoreon • 6 years agoAUTHOREON; A BLOCKCHAIN NETWORK WITH MULTIPLE SECURITY LEVELSWe live in a world of cyber attacks and identity theft, a world where people are advancing daily on how to carry out fraudulent activities on fellow humans, constantly improving…sprintx24 (37)in #curioinvest • 6 years agoCURIOINVEST, AN ASSURED INVESTMENT ON COLLECTIBLE VEHICLES.Some vehicles are kept due to their design, model or worth. These kinds of vehicles are called collectible vehicles and they are greatly valued due to their respective worth.…sprintx24 (37)in #toko • 6 years agoTOKOIN PLATFORM, A GREAT NEWS FOR MSMEs.In the global micro and macro economies industry, one of the most important business types which has been of great benefit to the entire system is the MSMEs (Mycro, Small and…sprintx24 (37)in #xphone • 6 years agoFUNCTION X; A BLOCKCHAIN ENHANCED INTERNET SERVICE.The Internet has become an integral part of human existence as it forms the daily make up of activities across multiple sectors of economies globally. The internet is seen as a…sprintx24 (37)in #serenity • 6 years agoSERENITY SOURCE; THE MULTI-TOKEN SOLUTION TO POWER SECTOR FAILURE.The current energy sector is on the verge of experiencing the major transformation which has been seen in some aspect of the universe economy. This transformation is needful…sprintx24 (37)in #blockchain • 6 years agoTRONscratch GAMING PLATFORM, A BLOCKCHAIN POWERED PVP ECOSYSTEM.The blockchain revolution has taken the global financial system by storm cutting across several sectors and industry with wide scale acceptance and adoptions. The enormous…sprintx24 (37)in #blockchain • 6 years agoTRONscratch GAMING PLATFORM, A BLOCKCHAIN POWERED PVP ECOSYSTEM.The blockchain revolution has taken the global financial system by storm cutting across several sectors and industry with wide scale acceptance and adoptions. The enormous…sprintx24 (37)in #blockchain • 6 years agoTEMTUM, THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA FOR THE BLOCKCHAIN INDUSTRY.The blockchain technology since its creation, has proven to be a very vital tool in the the development of different global systems. It has already started revolutionizing the…sprintx24 (37)in #lottery • 6 years agoLOTEO, REVOLUTIONIZING THE LOTTERY SYSTEM.Lottery is among the most popular forms of gambling in the gaming industry. It didn't just begin today as it has been in play for a very long time; and to show you the level of…sprintx24 (37)in #bizpaye • 6 years agoBIZPAYE, AN ONLINE CRYPTO MARKETPLACE.The barter system is not a new concept, it has been an aged-long practice, right from the medieval times. The old and outdated barter system has been modified into a modern…sprintx24 (37)in #oniz • 6 years agoONIZ IS HERE TO REVOLUTIONISE THE DIGITAL GAMING AND E-PAYMENT WORLD.The cryptocurrency has become a powerful tool of exchange in the world today. It is rapidly replacing the old and traditional Fiat method of exchange which is flawed in different…sprintx24 (37)in #invechexchange • 6 years agoINVECH, CREATING A STABLE DIGITAL ECONOMY USING THE BLOCKCHAIN.INTRODUCTION The trade in crypto-currency is rapidly growing and the global population is quickly adopting this new digital currency. This is so because, a lot of people have…sprintx24 (37)in #cryptocurrency • 6 years agoSimple Guide To Using the ANYONE Dividends Pool system.The ANYONE Ecosystem isn't just built as a gaming platform leveraging the strengths and advantages of blockchain technology, it is a whole new level of casino gaming, integrated…sprintx24 (37)in #cryptocurrency • 6 years agoANYONE - The Next Generation Technology for Casino Gaming, Exchange, Investments and Practical Solutions.With the advent of blockchain technology, there has been a paradigm shift from the normal and focus has now turned to the ever growing, ever productive and ever satisfying…sprintx24 (37)in #cryptocurrency • 6 years agoBITBOND - AN OVERVIEW OF THE PLATFORM.Introduction Capital іѕ the mоѕt іmроrtаnt fасtоr when соnѕіdеrіng a buѕіnеѕѕ. The amount of саріtаl nееdеd to keep a business afloat аѕ well аѕ thе аmоunt nееdеd to ѕtаrt оnе…sprintx24 (37)in #cryptocurrency • 6 years agoSERO - AN OVERVIEW OF THE PLATFORMIntroduction The financial wоrld market is nоw bеіng controlled tо ѕоmе extent bу сrурtосurеnсіеѕ and it has been a very wоndеrful thing еvеn thоugh full scale аdорtіоn hasn't…sprintx24 (37)in #blockchain • 6 years agoMYCROJOBS – BENEFITS OF THE PLATFORM.INTRODUCTION Blockchain technology is wоrkіng tо еxtеnd a hеlрful hаnd to ѕеvеrаl sectors of the economy. Thе role thаt it саn рlау іn hеlріng реорlе undеr thе роvеrtу lіnе іѕ…sprintx24 (37)in #cryptocurrency • 6 years agoBCNEX - REVOLUTIONIZING THE CRYPTOCURRENCY TRADING INDUSTRYINTRODUCTION If you know аbоut сrурtосurrеnсу, you could ѕау that many people do buѕіnеѕѕеѕ іn crypto trading. Of course, еxсhаngеѕ аrе nоt juѕt for ѕеrіоuѕ сrурtо trаdеrѕ, but…