sunnyjolly (70)in #liketu • 3 years agoMemories of Jay's concertEveryone's youth has a song about himself. Of course,everyone's youth has a favorite star. In the hurried river of time, Jay Chou's music is the happiness that accompanies…sunnyjolly (70)in #liketu • 3 years agoWuxi StudiosFormerly the site of Xuelang Steel Mill, Wuxi Studios is a prime example of adaptive reuse. After renovation, it now serves as a world-class film production facility for Wuxi, a…sunnyjolly (70)in #liketu • 3 years agowatermelon shaped breadDuring this time, my daughter fell in love with this watermelon-shaped bread. Every time I ask her what she wants to eat in the morning, she says watermelon. Then I…sunnyjolly (70)in #liketu • 3 years agosummer must-havesYesterday was really hot. When I go to work, I feel sweaty. Although I turn on the electric fan, I still feel hot and dry. So i bought some summer must-haves. Popsicles…sunnyjolly (70)in #liketu • 3 years agoMy girl Every girl is a princess. My daughter grows up and is sensible. I feel very relieved. You make my mother feel happy and proud of being a mother all the time. Although you often…sunnyjolly (70)in #liketu • 3 years agosome old pictures of my babyWhen I was sorting out my computer photo album today, I found some photos of my baby many years ago. Time flies so fast, she was so small before, but now she has grown up.…sunnyjolly (70)in #liketu • 3 years agoplay lego with kidsI spend a lot of time with my kids when I get off work. These days, children are very obsessed with Lego and like to build various shapes with Lego. Every time she completes…sunnyjolly (70)in #liketu • 3 years agopictures from influencerRecently, we are copperating with many influencers from instgram or facebook. We can give them our any prodcut for free. when they get our item, they need take pictures and…sunnyjolly (70)in #liketu • 3 years agodelicious foodEating food with friends is the happiest and most enjoyable time. I'm a snack foodie, I'm not happy, just have something to eat. My favorite lobster is out. It's the season…sunnyjolly (70)in #cn • 3 years ago秋意正浓,枫叶正红 winter is coming南北气候差别很大,大到北方已经白雪皑皑,南方也才加穿了秋裤。身在南方的我还没有来得及享受冬天的第一场大雪,不过已经眼见为实了秋天的金黄色落叶。 饭后百步走活到九十九,中午吃完饭协同同事一起走在鼓楼区的复古楼间小道,抬头每个树木都是凋零的,地上也都铺满了黄色的树叶。…sunnyjolly (70)in #cn • 4 years ago带着月亮说你好如果今晚我们恰好同时看向月亮,这样算不算是一场我们久别之后的重逢。 曾经在我父亲离世之时,女儿问过我爷爷去哪里了,我借用这个美好的谎言告诉他,爷爷去天堂了,她也问过我,说天上看不到爷爷啊。我回答,每当抬头那颗最亮的就是爷爷。 中秋佳节,月亮格外的亮,明亮的挂在天空,那么圆那么亮。估计也想探一探人世间的美好之夜。…sunnyjolly (70)in #cn • 4 years ago个性签名整理合集时间治愈的是愿意自渡的人 日出是免费的,春夏秋冬也是 慢品人间烟火色,闲观万事岁月长 人间四季,今日茶饭事 挑尽春风,去看四海潮生 千军万马踏蹄,江月何曾皱眉 走吧,变好吧,清风她爱来不来 这山川如酒,敬旷世温柔,至死方休 担忧好酒明月,此身永是少年sunnyjolly (70)in #cncn-readerlifecharity • 4 years ago总有一个人在你心里呆了几年双减政策sunnyjolly (70)in #cncn-readerblog • 5 years ago女子年龄图鉴💞💃 🌺♥ 19岁 你和同寝室的女孩子去超市买东西 忘记带钱包和手机 你想起来前几天她跟你借了100块钱 你问问她可不可以先借用一下 她撇撇嘴拿出100现金 回到寝室后 突然听到她和另一个女孩子说 100块还好意思让我还 这时的你耳畔响起妈妈曾经说的话 借钱的时候是好人 讨钱的时候是坏人 最后你还是个坏人…sunnyjolly (70)in #covid-19 • 5 years agoYou Can Donate to Help Healthcare Workers Fighting COVID-19Being in social isolation gives us folks at home a lot of time to think—and maybe you’ve been racking your brain to figure out how to help the people fighting on the front lines…sunnyjolly (70)in #cn • 5 years ago收集照片 收集生活 Collect photos, collect my life #1The Mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen (中山陵) is situated at the foot of the second peak of Mount Zijin (Purple Mountain) in Nanjing, China. Construction of the tomb started in January…sunnyjolly (70)in #cn • 5 years ago收集照片 收集生活 Collect photos, collect my lifeLife at least two impulses, one for love is regardless of personal danger, go to travel. Stay young, to pack. Whether it is love or youth, in fact, all the way to travel. Do not…sunnyjolly (70)in #cn • 5 years ago你真的知足了吗夏天的田野,外婆家的饭......童年的记忆是不是你身后最挥之不去的追忆 如果要说周杰伦最有“童趣”的一首歌 那一定是“稻香”了 周杰伦把自己童年的田园生活融合在歌曲里 用简单的文字创造出人人都有共鸣的世界 那里有蝉鸣 有冰棍 有老师的谆谆教导 有妈妈的柔声互换...... 暖暖的歌犹如一阵清新的风…sunnyjolly (70)in #cn • 5 years ago有些歌,听着听着就老了有些歌,听着听着就老了。“一千零一个愿望”就是类似这样的歌。 当年几个同学把零花钱凑在一起,买了4in love这张专辑。单曲循环最多的就是这首“一千零一个愿望”。 明天就像是盒子里的巧克力糖 不知道有多少人的青春,是从这里开始的呢?…sunnyjolly (70)in #cn • 5 years ago此生不悔入华夏,身为中国人我骄傲70年风雨兼程 伟大的中国经历了太多的磨难和艰辛,从初创中华人民共和国到改革开放,大家开始渐渐富起来。从一穷二白到如今的繁荣昌盛,从一马平川到现在的高楼大厦。伟大的中国开创了前所未有的盛世。…