sxcyliang (25)in #stee • 7 years agohehehe,Oh, does Stee want to replace Facebook? It’s crazy to say dreams.接触stee一些时间了,发现在首页的那些几百上千美元的帖子含金量非常低啊,一篇普通的不要再普通的鸡血文章,五六百个字,下面点赞和评论一大片,获得赏金多多,开始还不太明白,就这种平庸而没有思想见的的文章也能获得追捧???后来在浏览到cn区域的帖子时,不经意发现了一位老兄的帖子,他的帖子全部都是图片是风景画,发现每个帖子都是有两块多美金的收益,觉得奇怪啊,不可能sxcyliang (25)in #steem • 7 years ago呵呵呵,stee想取代脸书?真是痴人说梦!!!接触stee一些时间了,发现在首页的那些几百上千美元的帖子含金量非常低啊,一篇普通的不要再普通的鸡血文章,五六百个字,下面点赞和评论一大片,获得赏金多多,开始还不太明白,就这种平庸而没有思想见的的文章也能获得追捧???后来在浏览到cn区域的帖子时,不经意发现了一位老兄的帖子,他的帖子全部都是图片是风景画,发现每个帖子都是有两块多美金的收益,觉得奇怪啊,不可能sxcyliang (25)in #health • 7 years agoHow To Stay Away from Cancer!Japanese medical doctor Liu Zewen is using experiments to prove that 100% of cancer patients are acidic. Nobel Prize winner, German biochemist Dr. Otto Warburg believes that the…sxcyliang (25)in #ufo • 7 years ago似乎有ufo从火光中飞出来!远处的烟已经冒了很长时间了,突然一个亮盘装的东西从火烟中出来直飞云端!神了,神了!sxcyliang (25)in #be • 7 years ago呵呵Oh, look at those posts that have high returns, it’s ridiculous.一些连三岁小孩都懂得道理的帖子拿出来说,底下符合的人却很多,都为了赚钱吗???没想到也都这么肤浅!!!Some posts that even three-year-olds know how to make it out, there are many people who meet the following, are they making…sxcyliang (25)in #recording • 7 years ago这里不错哦,可以记录自己每个想法!记录自己每个瞬间和精彩!听说是区块链?那存储用ipfs?还是还有中心化存储????然而ipfs的币还没有启动,ipfs的网络还是那样的糟糕,不知道这里存储在哪里???sxcyliang (25)in #life • 7 years ago只记录没有别的sxcyliang (25)in #life • 7 years agoThe meaning of life is endless possibilitiesAccording to the holistic philosophy I invented? ? Has completely solved the essence of the spirit? ? So the meaning of life is completely solved. ? ? So the essence of man is…sxcyliang (25)in #china • 7 years agotrade war? Go and go! China's economy is very good! ! !In the 1950s, tens of millions of people died of starvation, and the bark of eating light came over. Now China is strong and the development is booming, and it is impossible to…sxcyliang (25)in #china • 7 years agotrade war? Go and go! China's economy is very good! ! !In the 1950s, tens of millions of people died of starvation, and the bark of eating light came over. Now China is strong and the development is booming, and it is impossible to…sxcyliang (25)in #natural • 7 years ago猜猜这是什么花!!!!!!! Posted using Partiko Androidsxcyliang (25)in #cloud • 7 years ago云很美很壮观。 Posted using Partiko Androidsxcyliang (25)in #fire • 7 years ago真正的火烧云,美不胜收!今晚天气不错,吃完晚饭,听着蔡琴的老歌,心情也格外舒畅!来到阳台边放眼望去,一幅格外惊异的画面映入眼帘,以前重来没有看到过,这景色太美了,美得无法形容,天边的云就像是用火烧过一样红的让人陶醉!于是,立马拿出我的微软950拍下这每秒的瞬间,分享给大家,愿大家也都有个好心情!!!