tengfei (30)in #pet • 5 years agoWhy Do Cats Eat Things That Aren't Food?Feline Pica Symptoms Does your cat eat paper and plants or how about strings and plastic bags? Do you ever wonder why they do this and if there's anything that you can do about…tengfei (30)in #cn • 5 years ago非洲人吃什么?盘点肯尼亚人最爱吃的30种传统食物在肯尼亚已经工作三年了,作为一个美食爱好者(又叫好吃懒做的吃货),遇到周末便到处打卡当地的餐厅。从一开始满心拒绝到初次尝试再到现在的安然享受,我越来越沉迷于这里的烟火无法自拔。 肯尼亚是一个神奇的国度。…tengfei (30)in #cn • 5 years ago火鸡在美国那么火,而且肉这么多,为什么在国内却几乎没人吃?火鸡在美国那么火,而且肉这么多,为什么在国内却几乎没人吃? 咱们中国是一个美食大国,美食的种类非常多,而且还有非常高超的烹饪技术。有些对国外来说,很麻烦的食材,对于咱们来说,简直就是小菜一碟,手到擒来。比如说猪蹄、鸡爪之类的,国外几乎没人吃,不是他们不吃,而是不会烹饪,做得不好吃。…tengfei (30)in #car • 5 years agoVolkswagen's most fire "small steel gun", high value and strong power! Volkswagen GolfIf every vehicle brand needs to come up with a civilian "small steel gun" phone, Volkswagen must choose golf, after all, it is "small steel gun"! As a popular model of…tengfei (30)in #car • 5 years agoWho has the Prince of Dubai to have money? I am the only one in the world, my brothers are not borrowing, but I am willing to borrow a Chinese.The world is so big and want to see if you can choose an overseas country to travel, which one to choose? Dubai should be a place that many people yearn for. They all say that…tengfei (30)in #car • 5 years agoWang Sicong’s family is so rich, why spend a "high price" to shoot a used car?Wang Sicong has many world famous cars, Rolls-Royce, Bentley Mushang, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Porsche 918 and other models, because it is not bad money, so Wang Sicong's car…tengfei (30)in #cn • 5 years ago相亲遇到奇葩男,姑娘一招致胜,她霸气地说:赶紧给我滚远点01 有人说,不相亲,你就不知道这世界上有多少奇葩。很多相亲过的姑娘都说,自己在这个过程中,一次次被刷新了三观,见识了什么叫做渣男。 一些男人自己条件不怎么样,却对对方姑娘挑挑拣拣,一些男人从一见面开始就不怀好意,总是想要占便宜,还有一些男人,抠的要死,让人看到就倒了胃口。…tengfei (30)in #photography • 5 years agoSexy long-legged beauty|You confirm not to like ittengfei (30)in #cn • 5 years ago这么漂亮这么性感的小姐姐 爱了爱了tengfei (30)in #image • 5 years agoChinese fashion sexy long-legged beautyDo you like my picture? Please tell me in the comments section.tengfei (30)in #child • 5 years agoThe smallest baby in the world once used the eggshell as a cradle, but now it has become this look.Premature babies, as the name implies, early born babies. Generally defined are babies whose gestational age is less than 37 weeks. Premature babies are slightly immature…tengfei (30)in #cn • 5 years ago幽默笑话 开心一刻1、看到姑姑在化妆,小侄女跑过来:“姑姑,我也要化妆。” “小丫头,你化什么妆?” “姑姑,我们班上有个男孩……” “瞧不出来啊,才上一年级,就有男朋友了?是不是想好看点,让他更喜欢你?” “不,他太讨厌,我要像你这样化个妆,吓死他!” “滚……” 2、哥们:咱们关系怎么样? 我:很铁!…tengfei (30)in #picture • 6 years agoWho does not like such a beautiful woman?tengfei (30)in #travel • 6 years agoA man with a shepherd dog driving a glider in the airAccording to the British "Daily Mail" reported on September 24, a video taken in Florida recently showed that an Australian Shepherd named Sky (Sky) sits at an airport in Tampa…tengfei (30)in #cn • 6 years ago笑话段子:大学时我追了一个女孩很久,我生日时她送我一把钥匙笑话段子1: 电影院里看上海堡垒,实在看不进去,在座位上身子往下滑,结果被椅子夹住了脑袋。我的惨叫吸引四周的人都看我,而且还对我进行围观。我居然在那一刻,人气超越了鹿晗! 笑话段子2:…tengfei (30)in #delicious • 6 years ago蒸螃蟹时,用热水还是凉水?很多人做错了,难怪肉质老,腥味重哈喽大家好,吃一回撑一回的蟹肉煲,想想就就口水的螃蟹炒年糕,鲜上加鲜的葱姜焗蟹……螃蟹的做法不下数十种,就算是简单蒸一蒸,也令许多吃过无法拒绝! 那么应该是用凉水蒸还是热水蒸呢?其实,很多小伙们都做错了,难怪螃蟹肉质柴,腥味重,应该怎么做呢?您别着急,有绝招噢…… 先教您怎样挑选肉质肥美的螃蟹,知识点哦,吃货不要错过………tengfei (30)in #airport • 6 years ago世界最大机场开始运营4年时间,全球最大规模的单体航站楼拔地而起。9月25日上午,北京大兴国际机场投运仪式隆重举行!飞跃万米高空,俯瞰神州大地,你好,北 京大兴国际机场;为你骄傲,大国工程!tengfei (30)in #kungfu • 6 years agoThe five most powerful kung fu stars in the world, only one of them in ChinaWhen I mentioned the film, I believe that many people will think of the actors in the movie. The excitement of an actor in the movie may even directly affect the reputation of…tengfei (30)in #steem • 6 years agoA novice came to steemit platformI just came to steemit today and I don't know how to use this platform. I am a novice. I want to talk with you here today. I hope you can give me your support. Thank youtengfei (30)in #steem • 6 years agoA novice registered steemit. Thank you for your support.Hello, everyone, today's first day of landing on steemit platform, just registered a few days ago, I just responded to the approval today, especially thank the authorities for…