PostsCommentsPayoutstestz (65)in #zappl • 7 years agoHello Zappl! ;-)Start using Zappl today! @zappltestz (65)in #steem • 7 years agoWhat to read: Synereo vs SteemitSynereo vs Steemit at Medium Looking forward for comments ;-)testz (65)in #steem • 7 years agoSTEEM on Binance!STEEM on Binance ! Binance twitter post PS: @reko was faster :-)testz (65)in #dmania • 7 years agoSteem grow!View post on dManiatestz (65)in #utopian-io • 7 years agoRussian translation of DTube interfaceDear utopians and steemians! I was the guy who shows Crowdin for DTube team, help them start using it and make Russian translation. ;-) Looking forward then @steeminator3000…testz (65)in #steem • 7 years agoSteem has been added to REVEX.CO!"You can now write your opinions and experiences about Steem at REVEX.CO/Steem" Source Thanks @revex ! Please vote for Steem!testz (65)in #beyondbitcoin • 8 years agoYouTube: E218, E219, E220 Beyond Bitcoin Whaletank HangoutsMore info about this hangout you can find at [source hangout thread] E218 2017-08-11 Beyond Bitcoin Whaletank E219 2017-08-18 Beyond Bitcoin Whaletank E220…testz (65)in #bitshares • 8 years agoYouTube: BitShares Open Source Hangouts #33, #34, #35More info about this hangout you can find at [source hangout thread] BitShares Open Source Hangout #33 - 2017-08-11 BitShares Open Source Hangout #34 -…testz (65)in #beyondbitcoin • 8 years agoYouTube: E215, E216, E217 Beyond Bitcoin Whaletank HangoutsMore info about this hangout you can find at [source hangout thread] 2017-07-14 Beyond Bitcoin Whaletank cheatcode E215 2017-07-21 Beyond Bitcoin Whaletank E216…testz (65)in #bitshares • 8 years agoYouTube: BitShares Open Source Hangout #32 - 2017-08-04Welcome to the hangout series specifically for the BitShares blockchain! Join every Friday @13:00 (UTC) to join @officialfuzzy and the BitShares community! In the future watch…testz (65)in #bitshares • 8 years agoYouTube: BitShares Open Source Hangout #31 - 2017-07-28Welcome to the hangout series specifically for the BitShares blockchain! Join every Friday @13:00 (UTC) to join @officialfuzzy and the BitShares community! In the future watch…testz (65)in #bitshares • 8 years agoYouTube: BitShares Open Source Hangout #30 - 2017-07-21Welcome to the hangout series specifically for the BitShares blockchain! Join every Friday @13:00 (UTC) to join @officialfuzzy and the BitShares community! In the future watch…testz (65)in #bitshares • 8 years agoYouTube: BitShares Open Source Hangout #29 edited by @rawbinhutt - 2017-07-14Welcome to the hangout series specifically for the BitShares blockchain! Join every Friday @13:00 (UTC) to join @officialfuzzy and the BitShares community! In the future watch…testz (65)in #beyondbitcoin • 8 years agoYouTube: E214 2017-07-07 Beyond Bitcoin - GRC, Peerity, VOTU and WhaleShares!More info about this hangout you can find at [source hangout thread] PS: I convert and publish these materials at officialfuzzy YouTube channel under his…testz (65)in #beyondbitcoin • 8 years agoYouTube: BitShares Open Source Hangout #28 - 2017-07-07Welcome to the hangout series specifically for the BitShares blockchain! Join every Friday @13:00 (UTC) to join @officialfuzzy and the BitShares community! In the future watch…testz (65)in #beyondbitcoin • 8 years agoYouTube: E213 2017-06-30 Beyond Bitcoin - GRC, OpenSteem, Peerity, Virgrow, WC, OHMCoin & WhaleShares!More info about this hangout you can find at [source hangout thread] PS: I convert and publish these materials at officialfuzzy YouTube channel under his…testz (65)in #beyondbitcoin • 8 years agoYouTube: BitShares Open Source Hangout #27 - 2017-06-30Welcome to the hangout series specifically for the BitShares blockchain! Join every Friday @13:00 (UTC) to join @officialfuzzy and the BitShares community! In the future watch…testz (65)in #beyondbitcoin • 8 years agoYouTube: E212 2017-06-23 Beyond Bitcoin - Virgrow and WhaleShares!More info about this hangout you can find at [source hangout thread] PS: I convert and publish these materials at officialfuzzy YouTube channel under his…testz (65)in #beyondbitcoin • 8 years agoYouTube: BitShares Open Source Hangout #26 - 2017-06-23Welcome to the hangout series specifically for the BitShares blockchain! Join every Friday @13:00 (UTC) to join @chris4210, @officialfuzzy and the BitShares community! In the…testz (65)in #beyondbitcoin • 8 years agoYouTube: E211 2017-06-16 Beyond Bitcoin - Peerplays, Gridcoin, Peerity, WhaleShares and Virgrow!More info about this hangout you can find at [source hangout thread] PS: I convert and publish these materials at officialfuzzy YouTube channel under his…