tfpostman (40)in #steemit • 7 years agoMiss SteemitHi there long time not writing anyone missing me? up and comment to show respondtfpostman (40)in #proton • 7 years agoProton's Hokkien DiscountThe Proton's Hokkien Discount is racist, but the housing Bumiputra's discount is not? Personally, even though I won't be able to benefit from the said Hokkien Discount, I'd…tfpostman (40)in #cn • 7 years ago京都去了一趟京都。 京都離大阪很近,坐火車半個小時多就到。京都給人感覺很舊,但又沒有我想像中的舊,大概是小時候在台灣電視上看到的,八九零年代的日本的感覺。 路上有很多穿著日本傳統和服的女人,但仔細留意後,發現都是中國人,看到這麼多中國人如此雀躍地體驗當日本人是什麼感覺,也是一大奇景。…tfpostman (40)in #cn • 7 years ago抗拒或理由 vs 藉口不少時候當我們不想把心裡的抗拒或理由坦然講出時,往往是隨口就拿一個很機械性的理由先丟出來,以期可以緩衝一下,好讓自己想到一個更好的藉口來拒絕你。 如果你經驗不足,沒有看出這個人的拒絕理由其實只是敷衍或打發你,而開始認真的和他討論他口頭上拒絕的理由,不但很浪費時間,你還會很納悶和無奈的發覺對方豪不講道理。…tfpostman rebloggedjoshsigurdson (78)in #money • 7 years agoBREAKING: UN Calls For WORLD CURRENCY! - A Global "New Deal" Under The SDR!In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen regarding the recent but predictable call by Mukhisa Kituyi, chief of UNCTAD (the U.N. trade and…tfpostman (40)in #btc • 7 years agoLost Bitcoin Cash to SegWit addressesWe thought bitcoin cash and bitcoin both have same addresses just different ledger. Apparently NOT! Sending bitcoin cash to a SegWit address will make the coin lost, since…tfpostman (40)in #btc • 7 years agoBitcoin bubble? Programmer explains.Bitcoin has seen a huge momentum and rise this year and today we discuss wether it is in a bubble. I wanted to make this video because I received an interesting question from one…tfpostman rebloggedmrrifat1 (56)in #steemit • 8 years agoFree SBD Giveaway:Win Free Steem DollarHello Friends,how are you?Today I am going to give a sum of SBD to you. Anyone who will complete the rules,will get free sbd which is 0.001. Rules: 1.Upvote:To gain…tfpostman (40)in #btc • 8 years agoRidiculous Ledger Nano S shipping priceLedger Nano S is selling at 58 Euro now. When I wanna buy and ship to my house in Malaysia, I was quoted 314.70 Euro for shipping without other shipment option. …tfpostman (40)in #cn • 8 years ago老子《道德經》一般學者認為老子應該不是一個人寫的,而是多個人的綜合文章。我還會認為有被人修改到幾乎每段句子,都可以獨立成為一句金句。 因此,我發現若我把《道德經》的46章到51章的每一章的第一句抽了出來,這六句話可以變成一章: 天下有道,不出戶。為學日益,聖人無常心。出生入死,道生之。…tfpostman (40)in #cn • 8 years agoChina is behaving like USWe know US is good at big-brothering corporation using regulations like FATCA to discourage foreign banks to accept US citizens and such. Now China is doing the same thing, to…tfpostman (40)in #btc • 8 years agoCryptocurrency market cap exceeded mastercardThis is the market cap of cryptocurrencies today $148B: This is the market cap of Mastercard today $141B: Cryptos is becoming mainstream!tfpostman (40)in #cn • 8 years ago有男朋友的女生更容易追每當我說有男朋友的女生更容易追的時候,總有一些人是說我在誤導群生,說我鼓勵出軌劈腿之類的。…tfpostman (40)in #cn • 8 years ago罗兴亚人课题最近在脸书看到网友提起罗兴亚人课题,心里顿时起了烦恼,觉得好苦。 2015年之前,我根本不知道世界上有什么罗兴亚人,忽然一艘难民船出现在马来西亚海域,经媒体报导才知道有这样一个种族,被逼投奔怒海,状况十分凄惨。 后来陆陆续续读了一些报道,才知道事情不简单,当中有很多的前因,才导致这个后果,但这个后果还没有结束,可能还会不断纠缠不清。…tfpostman (40)in #poverty • 8 years agoIf You Hate Poverty, You Should Love Capitalism (Watch This!)It's counter-intuitive but this is true. Watch this even if you hate accepting this harsh realitytfpostman (40)in #cn • 8 years ago出书难吗朋友问我出书难吗,其实真的不容易。我现在出书只卖一种简单的理念,就是生活与分享。 以前我写的六七本都是结缘书比较多。有些是为佛堂或做善事而写。我是文字义工。因为是结缘,有一两本也印到十版以上。 到中年后,我写简单的生活。 因为自资,才开始卖书。会不会有点晚?但是也是一种美好。 后来发现,因为前半生都在结缘,很多人都有一个印象我的书应该是结缘品。…tfpostman (40)in #cn • 8 years ago区块链技互联网还没有搞清楚, 物联网技术又来临了, 都还没有搞清楚马云做的无人商店 是怎么一回事, 区块链技术又即将来一场大革命了。 趋势的来临不需要慧根, 只需要人会跟, 自然而然就走在对的轨道上, 掌握趋势,等同掌握财富。 要有分析问题的智慧, 也要有采取行动的勇气, 一起步入共享资源的时代,大家加油!!tfpostman (40)in #my • 8 years agoMalaysia finally has audit exemptions for small companiesA tough test for audit industry With audit exemption coming, small accounting firms must change. NOW that the Companies Act 2016 exempts certain private companies – mainly…tfpostman (40)in #btc • 8 years agoAltcoin investment?In a recent newsletter James Altucher suggested investing in alt coins. What do you think about this data?tfpostman (40)in #cn • 8 years ago一丝不挂有个学生,17岁了,有次无意间看到他一丝不挂在收衣。他吓一跳,我装作看不见。他一直想试探我是不是看到了什么,于是接下来都一直找机会不穿衣裤。 第二次补完习后,他去房间拿钥匙开门,拿了好久,衣服脱光,围了一条毛巾出来。开门时,钥匙掉出门外,他躺下来,手在门外撈………