tomasdiaz123 rebloggedrivalhw (80)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago我在马路上,捡到个红包。。。家里包饺子,缺少点配菜,孩子妈妈给了二宝六元钱,一张五元纸币,另一张一元,让他去楼下的超市去买点韭菜回来。 这天外边下着雨,二宝拿了雨伞,另一只手顺便提着垃圾袋子,打算到楼下一并扔到垃圾箱里。结果不一会,门铃响了,孩子妈妈接的,是二宝按的门铃。…tomasdiaz123 rebloggedmoretea (67)in StreetArt • 2 years agoThe Phoenix - Great Illusion Mural in Berlin CharlottenburgThe Phoenix The Phoenix - Close Up The Phoenix - Seen from the River Spree WELCOME MURAL LOVERS Behold: The Phoenix Here's a really nice and big illusion of a ship between buildings on a wall near thetomasdiaz123 rebloggedroger5120 (72)in Actifit • 2 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: February 6 2023Hello Everyone! Happy Monday and welcome to another Actifit report. Today’s workout activity I did some stretching and warmup exercises. Then I went for a short walk around…tomasdiaz123 rebloggedk5905200786 (57)in Actifit • 2 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: February 7 2023超大顆的鍾乳石,不知道怎麼運到這邊的 This report was published via Actifit app ( Android | iOS ). Check out the original version here on…tomasdiaz123 rebloggedffcrossculture (75)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago灰背鸫路过,一只灰背鸫在草地里觅食,跟拍几张照片。 灰背鸫一般都是单独行动,见我跟着拍,飞到树上瞧瞧之后就飞走了。 (照片手机拍摄)tomasdiaz123 rebloggedhivebuzz-es (59)in #hivebuzz • 2 years agoNuestras delegaciones de Hive Power a los ganadores de PUM de eneroConozca a los ganadores del desafío Hive Power Up Month de enero y las delegaciones de HP que recibieron.tomasdiaz123 rebloggedaimharryianne (62)in Photography Lovers • 2 years agoPhotos and moments With my Beloved Angel 😇❤️💞😍Hello everyone! How are you all?😇 I hope you are all doing well and fine together with your friends loved ones and family!❤️🙏 I am presenting this post to the…tomasdiaz123 rebloggedtaskmaster4450 (85)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoDeFi: The Building of Networks And Why Hive Is ExcellingAs I look around the cryptocurrency industry, I am uplifted by what Hive is doing. When it comes to finance , Hive is taking the right approach. Few consider what our…tomasdiaz123 rebloggeddaysiselena (76)in Loving HIVE ❤ • 2 years agoMy life in hive// Initiative🐝🐝 (Esp/Eng)¡Feliz y bendecido día! Happy and blessed day! Hola mis queridos amigos de hive, participo en esta iniciativa invitada por @nathyortiz y propuesta por @brujita18 donde nos pide responder algunas preguntastomasdiaz123 rebloggedthemarkymark (81)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoAsk Me Anything - Marky Edition - Febuary 2023Have you always wanted to ask me something? Now is your chance, there won't be another! (ok, ok, there will) Hit me up in the comment section with a question and I will…tomasdiaz123 rebloggedubikalo (59)in Discovery-it • 2 years agoMy Hive Balance sheet - Feb 1st, 2023My Hive stats feb 1st, 2023tomasdiaz123 rebloggedlsdmercyy (59)in ecoTrain • 2 years agoMy Father Grew Radishes Of About 3.5 Feet In Length In A Completely Organic WayMy father grew a radish about 3.5 feet in length Hello friend's! hiver's! Gardner's! How are you guys?? hope you all are well Friends, today I am going to talk…tomasdiaz123 rebloggedmayvil (73)in Mayvileros • 2 years agoFinalicemos enero con unas ricas Hamburguesas de carne y papas fritas 🍔🍟 // Let's end January with some delicious meat burgers and fries 🍔🍟Hola mis amores muy buenos días para todos y feliz martes, hoy me gustaría compartir con ustedes unas ricas hamburguesas de carne acompañadas de papas fritas y así demos por…tomasdiaz123 rebloggedhivecuba (70)in #cuba • 2 years agoFeria del Libro en Comunidad - Meetup de HiveCubaLlegó la hora de vernos Llevamos varias semanas ya planificando posibles eventos para este año y varias actividades, todo está aún en fase de diseño así que no adelantaremos…tomasdiaz123 rebloggedwendy23 (70)in Family & Friends • 2 years agoMy bestie and I: A 13 years friendship (Eng/Esp)Hello friends of this beautiful community, today I want to dedicate this post to my best friend or as I like to call her: my bestie. It's about time I talked about her as she is…tomasdiaz123 rebloggeddevosdevosi (68)in Photography Lovers • 2 years agoDANCE FOR ME DOUBLE UP EXPOSER BLACK AND WHITEDOUBLE UP EXPOSER BLACK & WHITE Welcome to all you hive people thank you for clicking on my post and if you are new to my blog I hope you like my content and if you are a returning hiver welcome backtomasdiaz123 rebloggedmatthewbox (70)in PL-TravelFeed • 2 years agoMoje górskie BHP [PL/ENG]Moje doświadczenie z turystyką zimową w górach wysokich to jakieś 3 latatomasdiaz123 rebloggedblewitt (75)in #animals • 2 years agoAlpacas, Lasers, & Games!!! Oh My!!!Visiting an Alpaca farm amongst other things. tomasdiaz123 rebloggedrosmerby (60)in WorkLife • 2 years agoA day in court! || By @rosmerbyHi Hivers! It's great to meet with WorkLife, it's good for me to talk about my work experiences! I would like to be able to share with you those moments and know…tomasdiaz123 rebloggedcryptomaso (62)in Hive Cuba • 2 years agoEconomía cubana, alternativas para el desarrolloMis saludos y respetos para todos lo miembros de esta comunidad, quiero compartir con ustedes mi opinión sobre economía