HERE!A week from today, on October 1st, 2020, the next Hive Power Up Day will arrive. In fact, the @hivebuzz countdown timer has already started - check it out
Since @streetstyle is still AFK (away from keyboard), I'm continuing to run his initiative in his absence, as well as sending good thoughts in his direction and hoping we hear from him soon that all is well.
We had some cool changes last month, like the merging of #HivePUD with the Spanish #HPUD initiative, as well as some AMAZING new badges for Power Up Day courtesy of the @hivebuzz team - it's so awesome how each month just seems to get bigger and better! Now, for all the details...
What is HivePUD?
you personally benefit from powering up Hive Power Up Day has been taking place on the first day of every month since it's inception on that other blockchain over a year ago. There's a great old post from @sndbox that explains all the reasons . For the community as a whole, it's a great way to show support for our blockchain home by staking (aka powering up) Hive and adding to its value. And as @streetstyle has always said...
On the first day of the month...
• ...we ask that everyone who can do so, power up any amount of HIVE they are holding on the first of the month.
• ... we ask accounts that are currently powering down to please pause the powerdown during the hours of the first of the month.
• ... we ask that those who are trading and/or selling Hive, not to do so during the hours of the first of the month (and if possible, cancel any type of sell order on any exchanges for the same hours).
How to qualify for prizes
For those who have done Power Up Day in the past, please be aware these requirements have changed a bit, so please read carefully:
- Your reputation must be above 39 and below 70.
- Your total Hive Power (before the 1st) must be more than 100 and less than 8000.
- NEW: You must power up at least 10 Hive on October 1st.
- You must write a post about your power up on October 1st with the tag #HivePUD (International) or #HPUD (Spanish).
If you have 1000 HIVE Power already powered up prior to OCTOBER 1, and on OCTOBER 1 you complete steps 1-4 with a 100 HIVE Power Up,
another HIVE member has 300 HIVE Powered up prior to OCTOBER 1, and on OCTOBER 1st Powers Up 60 HIVE Coin, then this 2nd user would be winning with a 20% power up versus the first example with a bigger power up but smaller percentage of only 10% based on their account.
What are the changes from last month? siteAs mentioned before, @arcange reached out on behalf of the @hivebuzz team, with some wicked exciting plans for the Hive Power Up Day badges, as well as cool challenges through the . Because of the awesome things they have in store, we all decided it would be easier to merge the #HivePUD and Spanish #HPUD into one initiative with one prize pool. So while @victoriabsb will be checking the #HPUD tag for qualified entries and I'll be checking the #HivePUD tag, all who qualify will be on the same winners list.
And what exactly does that mean?
Simply that...
- if you've always participated in #HivePUD, the only thing that changes is that your minimum power up to qualify for the prize pool is 10 Hive Power.
- Hive Power UP Day: 1ero Octubre 2020 💪 [ENG/ESP] || #HPUDIf you've been participating in @victoriabsb's #HPUD, the rules above are now the ones to follow to qualify for this prize pool. Victoria also has a special plan to ensure the smallest Spanish participants are able to win some delegations, the details of which are in her post,
Speaking of, here are a few words from Victoria (aka one of the busiest & most awesome mommas on the blockchain!) via her aforementioned post -
The Hispanic Initiative joined with the global one last month and we will continue on as one this month!
This just means we have more prizes to add to the pot and the rules that come with them, also the way that we distribute the prizes.
This is how is going to work: there will be 2 pool prizes, the big one and global and one a smaller one just for the Hispanic / Small Users community to give a fair chance to all the Hispanic participants to win some prizes specially the smaller or newer users.
The Global initiative started by @streetstyle is run by the amazing lady that is @traciyork and we are now part of it as well![ESP]
La Iniciativa Hispana se unió a la global el mes pasado y seguimos así este mes!
La iniciativa global iniciada por @streetstyle y manejada por la maravillosa @traciyork y ahora nosotros somos parte tambien!
Solo significa que tenemos más premios, las reglas que vienen con ellos y también la forma en que distribuimos los premios.
Así es como va a funcionar: habrá 2 categorías de premios, el grande global y uno más pequeño solo para la comunidad Hispana para dar una oportunidad justa a todos los participantes hispanos de gana algunos premios, especialmente los usuarios más pequeños o nuevos.
Hive Power Up Day - Let's grow together! -Oh, and be sure to follow @hivebuzz so you don't miss upcoming announcements about some other cool features they're working on - especially given the little teasers they keep putting out, like this one from their latest post,
Note: Maybe you should start to collect as many PUD badges as possible. Just saying...
Why the minimum Hive Power requirement?
In August 2020, when the HiveBuzz badge for powering up 100 Hive was announced, instead of the 40 or so Hive I had set aside to power up, I ended up scrambling around to find just enough more to qualify (talk about me being a prime example of the power of incentivizing power ups with super cool badges!). When @arcange realized @victoriabsb wouldn't be able to do the same, he generously powered up Hive on her behalf so she could receive the badge too.
Yes, powered up on her behalf.
You would think that as someone running the Power Up Day festivities, I would've remembered that was a thing. 😂
When talking to him about it, he reminded me that other people are able to help their friends power up and get the Power Up Day badge - something he explains (with screenhots) exactly how to do it in his post, HiveBuzz Power Up Day Badge - Only a few hours left to get it!. For example - say Charles wants the badge, and his friends Alice & Bob want to help him. Alice sends 7 powered up Hive to Charles on the first, and Bob sends 3 powered up Hive as well - the total of 10 powered up Hive meets the minimum requirement so Charles get the PUD badge!
Isn't that wicked cool? I know I'd be onboard with helping small accounts trying to reach the 10 Hive minimum for powering up, and I'm sure there are much bigger accounts around who would also be willing. So instead of the 10 Hive minimum being a hindrance to people, I see it much in the way the HiveBuzz team does - it's a great way to encourage people to help each other out!
In addition to making your own vote more valuable and adding to your curation rewards (as well as earning interest on your stake), some amazing members of the Hive community are offering prizes that include delegations, Hive giveaways, and other cool stuff (listed below).
And once again in @streetstyle's own words...
The prizes are meant to incentivize the smaller members of the HIVE, the young bees looking to turn blogging nectar in honey for the HIVE. By Powering Up Hive coins into Hive Power, members of the HIVE show support for the HIVE BLOCKCHAIN and the HIVE Community while helping to grow their own account as well.
If you'd like to jump in and offer a prize for future #HivePUDs just shout out either in the comment section, or on Discord (traciyork#4860) and I'll be sure to update the prize list accordingly!
And no worries if your account is too big/small to qualify for an "official" prize - remember that any time you power up, you "win" a bigger upvote and more power on the blockchain. Can't go wrong with a prize like that! 😍
Prize list
I've had prize confirmations from a handful of people so far, and will update this list as we go. There have been a few instances of unconfirmed prizes not being awarded, so for now I've moved those to the "AND POSSIBLY EVEN MORE!" section. For now (based on the past few months) these are the potential prizes, marked accordingly as ⛔ (NOT CONFIRMED) and ✔️ (CONFIRMED).
1st Place
- 500 HIVE Power delegation for 30 days - Sponsored by @sgt-dan ✔️
- 300 HIVE Power delegation for 4 weeks - Sponsored by @traciyork ✔️
- 5 HIVE Basic Income units/levels Gift - Sponsored by @improv ✔️
2nd Place
- 300 HIVE Power delegation for 30 days - Sponsored by @sgt-dan ✔️
- 200 HIVE Power delegation for 4 weeks - Sponsored by @traciyork ✔️
- 5 HIVE Basic Income units/levels Gift - Sponsored by @improv ✔️
3rd Place
- 200 HIVE Power delegation for 30 days - Sponsored by @sgt-dan ✔️
- 100 HIVE Power delegation for 4 weeks - Sponsored by @traciyork ✔️
- 5 HIVE Basic Income units/levels Gift - Sponsored by @improv ✔️
4th-20th Place Each
- 5 HIVE Basic Income units/levels Gift - Sponsored by @improv ✔️
- 9th & 15th places on the power up list will each win 1 HIVE Basic Income unit/levels Gift - Sponsored by @cmplxty ✔️
- Two delegations of 100 HIVE Power each for 3 weeks, based on her usual criteria - Sponsored by @fionasfavourites ✔️
- here 200 HIVE Power delegations for 4 weeks each to 3 people who often post under the #naturalmedicine tag and power up (as stated by @riverflows in her comment ) - Sponsored by @naturalmedicine ✔️
- 100 HIVE Power delegation for 3 weeks (as announced here, criteria TBD) - Sponsored by @hiveph ✔️
- All eligible HivePUD Prize participants who qualify will be entered into a giveaway of 10 HIVE (1 lucky winner) - Sponsored by @traciyork ✔️
- Winner of @traciyork's prize will receive 100 HIVE Power delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsored by @jeanlucsr ✔️
- All eligible HivePUD Prize participants who qualify will be entered into a giveaway of 10 HIVE POWER (1 lucky winner) - Sponsored by @livinguktaiwan ✔️
- Winner of @livinguktaiwan's prize will receive 100 HIVE Power delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsored by @jeanlucsr ✔️
- 500 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks to the first place winner - Sponsor @giftgiver / @rishi556 ⛔
- 500 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks to the first place winner - Sponsor @sn0n ⛔
- 500 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 Weeks to the first place winner - Sponsor @davedickeyyall ⛔
- 250 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 Weeks to the second place winner - Sponsor @bethvalverde ⛔
- 100 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks to the second place winner - Sponsor @sn0n ⛔
- 100 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks to the second place winner - Sponsor @hextech ⛔
- 50 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks to the third place winner- Sponsor @sn0n ⛔
- 25 HIVE Power Delegation to the 4th-17th place winners each, for 3 weeks - Sponsor @sn0n ⛔
- All eligible HivePUD Prize participants who qualify will be entered into a giveaway of 500 HIVE POWER 3 WEEK DELEGATION (1 lucky winner) - Sponsored by @sn0n ⛔
- All eligible HivePUD Prize participants who qualify will be entered into a giveaway of 50 HIVE (1 lucky winner) - Sponsored by @sn0n ⛔
- 1400 HIVE Power Delegation (amount & how it's split TBD after winner's list is announced) for 3 weeks - Sponsor @edicted ⛔
PLEASE ALSO NOTE - I put my Five for #HivePUD - Twitter Only Revamp delegation contest on hold for this month, but I will put together something similar for November. Be sure to keep your eyes open for the announcement!
Special #HPUD Prize pool
her post for details, but those winners will receive: As I said earler, when @victoriabsb started her #HPUD initiative, she wanted to make sure the smallest Spanish participants were still able to win some delegations, even if they didn't qualify based on the above rules. The details are in
1st Place
- 200 HIVE Power delegation for 15 days - Sponsored by @victoriabsb ✔️
- 150 HIVE Power delegation for 4 weeks - Sponsored by @traciyork ✔️
- 75 HIVE Power delegation for 21 days - Sponsored by @r1s2g3 ✔️
2nd Place
- 100 HIVE Power delegation for 15 days - Sponsored by @victoriabsb ✔️
- 150 HIVE Power delegation for 4 weeks - Sponsored by @traciyork ✔️
- 75 HIVE Power delegation for 21 days - Sponsored by @r1s2g3 ✔️
Timeline Reminder
- Power up Hive on October 1st, 2020
- Post about your power up on October 1st, 2020
- Unofficial winners list will be posted October 2nd or 3rd (allowing time to correct for errors/omissions)
- Official winners list will be posted on October 5th, after which sponsors will disperse prizes
That's it for now!
LeoFinance Beta UI Live Demo | Improved Content Discovery, HiveOnboarding, Themes for more info) which is what I used for creating this post. Nicely done, Leo Finance team!Shout out to the new (still in Beta) UI from @leofinance (check out the post,
Thanks once again to everyone for all you do to make our new blockchain space a home! Special shout out to my numbers guy @abh12345 for always pulling together the data when the time comes - Asher, you're a ROCKSTAR! And here's to another awesomesauce Hive Power Up Day - I know we're doing @streetstyle proud!

Image Credits: blog thumbnail created on CanvaFree HIVE Social KitGiphy and ezGIF., using a graphic created by @nateaguila in his post. #HivePUD GIF created using both

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My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
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and can also be found on my various social media sites.
Speaking of witch which...
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You may confirm that I will be sponsoring again this month! Appreciate you continuing to administrate this fantastic initiative/contest.
Good on you!
Excellent! I've updated the post (actually did it yesterday right after you commented), and thanks in return for your awesome support of this initiative, @sgt-dan
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/16) Liquid rewards.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Check out @fionasfavourites blog here and follow if you like the content :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @traciyork! You have received 0.1 HBD tip from @fionasfavourites!Absolutely brilliant!!! Can't wait. We are away camping but I hope we get 1 bar and are able to PU on the 1st!!!! Looking forward to rewarding 3 members upon return! Xx
Thanks @riverflows and wow - didn't expect to hear from you whilst your in the middle of the! Hope you and hubby have an awesomely relaxing time & I'll catch up with you when you're back. 💚
I'm sure you're already aware I was gonna stop by here and say what I was gonna say but I'm sure you already know what I'm gonna say too. Well, minus the curse words, of course, those are spontaneous. The previous sentence was a joke but you probably already knew that too!! Dang you tarot readers! Can't creep up on you ever. That's creep as in sneaky, not creep as in... not sneaky. 🤔
Much love from Knoxville, @traciyork.
😉 😂
Well, I'm finally above 100 HP :)
And I've been inspired to save my HIVE to be able to power up at least 10(usually I get impatient and do so beforehand).
So, you're also inspiring me to be active enough to try to somehow gain 10 HIVE by the 1st!!
That's awesome, @herbertholmes2!
And thanks for saving your Hive to power up on the 1st - I'm glad I can help inspire you the way @streetystyle inspired me when he started the Power Up Day thing! See you on Thursday!
Looking forward to another HivePUD and I hope the previous records will be broken by First of every new month in terms of powering up as more and more people gets involved in this.
Wishing you a good day :)
It's definitely going to be interesting to see how many participate this month, @coolguy123 and if we can continue to break records. And thank you - hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I Will do my very first hivepud tomorrow 😁 looking forward to it, and I think I Will try making it a monthly thing.
Really cool idea and a great push to get People to grow their accounts.
Have a wonderful week. Cheers 🌹🙏
This is my participation:
@traciyork here is my participation: