tusher rebloggedmanorstation (48)in #amaterasu • 3 years agoAmaterasuAmaterasu Flying Over Mount Fuji Utagawa Hiroshiga, 1850 Goddess of sun and light Her name means "shining in the sky. When she hides in a cave the world is plunged into…tusher (42)in #law • 3 years agoJohannes Kepler - Kepler's lawKepler's law photo by wikipedia The Austrian astronomer Johannes Kepler was deeply convinced that the revolution of the planets around the Sun is subject to certain and…tusher (42)in #fortune • 3 years agoMercureEn Grèce, Mercure, le dieu du commerce et de la fortune, était également connu sous le nom de Camillus, Arkas et Agoneus. Il était représenté avec un coq au poignet et des…tusher rebloggedmavi777 (43)in #worlds • 3 years agoTwo Worlds IIThe other side of the story The original Two Worlds was one of the best RPGs of its time, even being called the "second Gothic 3" by critics. The second part takes all the best…tusher rebloggedquangbaweb (34)in #jung • 3 years agoJungThe cure for suffering, which is the collision of consciousness with the unconscious, is not to sink into unconsciousness, but to be raised to consciousness and suffer more. The…tusher (42)in #initiations • 3 years agoInitiationsThe passage of a deceased person across the bridge from the earthly world to the world of the dead marks the eternal transformation of the hero, and this traces an analogy with…tusher rebloggedkhurmi (41)in #capella • 3 years agoCapellaCapella (a Aur) - Chapel (a Charioteer). A spectroscopic triple star (F8-G0 III, G5 III, M5 V) with an orbital period of 104.023 days, an almost circular orbit, and a high…tusher rebloggedpsykogamer (44)in #astrology • 3 years agoAstrologieExact symbolic analogies link the Moon, Saturn and Neptune. Saturn, known from Italian mythology as the god of crops and agriculture, duplicates in its graphic symbol the…tusher rebloggedsayedmahmud (47)in #aries • 3 years agoAries♈️ ARIES It is an analogue of such symbols as the lamb, the golden fleece, the head of a lamb, the horns of a ram, denoting both the creative and destructive spirit. In the…tusher rebloggedrastrodeluz (31)in #malade • 3 years agoLa muse maladetusher rebloggedkoraychi1 (32)in #behanzin • 3 years agoBehanzinBehanzin Fish god. Fon [Benin, West Africa]. Invoked by fishermen to ensure plentiful catches.tusher rebloggedheron-ua (48)in #letters • 3 years agoABCTwenty-two foundation letters: He engraved them, He carved them, He permuted them, He weighed them, He transformed them, And with them, He depicted all that was formed and…tusher (42)in #mercury • 3 years agoMercuryIn mythology, Mercury is the son of Maya and Zeus. Symbols associated with Mercury: caduceus (key), winged sandals, a helmet on the head that helps to keep in touch with Pluto.…tusher rebloggedlfugui (15)in #flood • 3 years agofloodRoco are common in the Old and New Worlds. Among the regions in which the theme of P. was not presented or received a rather random reflection, often in a highly specialized…tusher rebloggedrustwarfareelite (39)in #space • 3 years agoGalaxy. constellations.For many years, astronomers have known that the northern hemisphere of the galaxy is much richer in relatively bright spiral nebulae than the southern hemisphere. An…tusher rebloggedwissamsheshtawy (29)in #paradigm • 3 years agoParadigmThe new paradigm states that everything is connected to everything else in a living way. The search for a Grand Unified Theory is reaching its climax. Time, space, gravity…