volcom (18)in #actnearn • 5 years agoBe patient is one of the main ways of achieving certaintyDear Steemit For those of you who are now fighting the heart with patience, don't ever feel tired and want to give up even though the situation is not easy, because…volcom (18)in #actnearn • 5 years agoLebih Baik Terlambat Daripada Hanya Banyak BicaraSalam Steemit Banyak cara orang untuk mendapatkan kepastian harapan demi mewujudkan impian masa depan, tinggal kita sendiri mau atau tidak dalam hal itu?. Didalam…volcom (18)in #esteem • 6 years agoKetika Cinta Jadi CeritaCINTA NAN SUCI Ku ingin jadi bintang yang bersinar terang Selalu menerangi hatimu yang sepi Ku ingin menjadi mimpi yang temani tidurmu Memberikan kedamaian di setiap…volcom (18)in #esteem • 6 years agoTangisan Gerimis MengundangMenikmati sepi yang mencekik nadi.. Seolah malam panjang menjelma gerimis tangis, miris.. Genang berkubang menyandra kunang-kunang liar alam pikiran.. Maha sunyi…volcom (18)in #fiction • 6 years agoThink the Best (Berpikir Yang Terbaik)Sometimes people forget who they are, even though something that happens is certain and there is no. When the situation goes according to the way many people feel disadvantaged…volcom (18)in #esteem • 6 years agoJagalah wanita-Mu || Take care of your womanWanita adalah waktu. Jika sebagian waktumu hilang maka hilanglah sebagian darimu. Wanita punya peran hebat bagi kaum hawa, karena itu wanita lugu dan sensi. Wanita mudah layu…volcom (18)in #esteem • 6 years agoClever Vs Fool || Pandai Vs BodohThe person who looks stupid is not necessarily a smart person, because a smart person does not show him, whereas a fool shows his stupidity by claiming he is a smart person and…volcom (18)in #esteem • 6 years agoSuccess needs a process || Sukses butuh prosesSometimes life is not always in line with the expected dreams, sometimes there are many challenges and obstacles. But remember it's all a trial to reach a success, indeed every…volcom (18)in #esteem • 6 years agoNo one is perfect || Tidak ada yang sempurnaThere are no seas that do not contain waves, there is no rice that does not contain weeds. In the same way, no human being has no mistakes and mistakes. Without hot sunlight…volcom (18)in #esteem • 6 years agoWomen's comfort || Kenyamanan wanitaBe independent of any woman Even though you have dared to go alone Doing a long journey on your own Goes home late at night with confidence or doing something dangerous by…volcom (18)in #esteem • 6 years agoLearn from mistakesFear is a source of great loss in our lives, fear is difficult to master, but by including God, of course the fear will be easier to overcome, and will not repeat the same…volcom (18)in #fiction • 6 years agoWho I amWho I am Only the light of the universe With all the power try and try Make peace with the taste As much as I can, stripping off the thickness of the supposed robe So that…volcom (18)in #advice • 6 years agoKuncinya tetap bersyukurSetiap kali kamu mengucapkan kata Tidak mungkin, perkataan itu hanya akan menghalangi langkah mu untuk menuju sebuah kesuksesan. Baca buku, ikuti seminar tentang kesuksesan yang…volcom rebloggedjohnjgeddes (78)in #writing • 6 years agoShadow Box of Dreams Part 3 ...Desperately Seeking EnchantmentI'm like Theseus in the Greek myth pursuing a quest, but for what, I'm not exactly sure—and as for Stella, well, she has her sights set on me, again, for what, I'm not exactly…volcom rebloggedtamito0201 (70)in #food • 6 years ago★【お好み焼き】東京・麻布十番の「いちまる」。特製出汁を使ったフワフワの関西風お好み焼きを頂く!1. Introduction 鉄板にジュワっと広がる熱々の生地。そしてたっぷりとかけられた濃厚なソース。これにダンスのように踊る鰹節とマヨネーズをかければお好み焼の完成です。 この日はそんなお好み焼を味わうべく麻布十番にある「 いちまる…volcom rebloggedmax1994 (1)in #cat • 6 years agoMy photographyI love cat.volcom (18)in #love • 6 years agoIndahnya cintaJarak bukan penghalang cinta, dan cinta juga tak memandang usia, kaya atau miskin tak jadi hambatan... kejujuran adalah kunci utama... tampan bisa hilang, dan cantik bisa…volcom (18)in #smile • 6 years agoWajah senyum || Smile faceSeseorang yang murah senyum lagi berwajah ceria biasanya mudah bergaul dan mempunyai banyak kawan. Sebaliknya, orang yang selalu bermuka cemberut dan pasang tampang masam…volcom (18)in #love • 6 years agoItulah Cinta [#] That is loveImpian dalam hidup itu penting, tapi harapan dalam cinta itu penyakit yang mematikan...harapan cinta merupakn sebuah akar sakit hati, anda sakit hati karena anda memilik…volcom (18)in #fiction • 6 years agoYang lalu biarlah berlaluApa kabar kekasih... Lama sekali kita tak saling sapa Lama sekali kita tak bertatap muka Sudah sangat lama kita berjauhan hukum Kapan kau akan datang Membawa kembang rindu…