PostsCommentsPayoutsweiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 4 years agoSpicy Stinky TofuYesterday I went to the restaurant to eat a very authentic spicy stinky tofu. The whole thing is to be happy~~~ The authentic stinky tofu like this is hard to eat on…weiweilove (52)in STEEM CN/中文 • 4 years agoBeautiful MRT scenery每次前往淡水,不管是搭捷運,或是公車,窗外的景色總是如此的迷人。 遠處的觀音山,近處的軌道交錯,形成絕美的一幅畫。 車站前的小書店也是很棒的風景,讓人流連忘返呢。 Every time I go to Tamsui, whether by MRT or bus, the scenery outside the window is always…weiweilove (52)in STEEM CN/中文 • 4 years ago好吃的蛋糕光看著,就快流口水了...... 母親節來買一個吃吃吧, 否則這麼貴的蛋糕還真買不下去。 麵包店都有剛出爐的麵包時刻, 只有掐點去,就可以買到熱呼呼的好吃麵包啦。 剛出爐的麵包是當真好吃, 比起過時的冷麵包, 我當然愛剛出爐的麵包和蛋糕囉~~ 光看著就讓人食指大動^^weiweilove (52)in STEEM CN/中文 • 4 years ago麵包盒餐好久沒發文了,來一篇。 不然帳號都要生銹了...... 照片中那個圓圓胖胖挺可愛的傢伙, 就是一個個的小麵包, 是不是挺可愛的啊? 還有搭著飲料呢,就是怕與會人士肚子餓, 我每次拿到麵包盒,眼睛都要閃亮亮地呢。 尋寶似的,想看看盒子裡都裝些什麼。 現在人吃個餐也挺講究, 除了賣相要好,內容物也要好,這盒可以說是有機餐,…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 4 years agoGrilled Matsusaka PorkMatsusaka meat is the most precious place for the whole pig. It has fat but is not soft. The location is where the cheeks connect to the chin, and only two pieces of a pig’s…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 4 years ago我超愛的酢菜肉絲麵I love pork noodlesThe pork noodles in this restaurant are really delicious. It reminds me of the smell of fried pork with vegetables from my mother when I was a child. I used to bring lunch to…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 4 years agoSpicy Stir-Fried Clams Pasta辣味清炒蛤蜊義大利麵The menu says Spicy Stir-Fry, it’s really spicy Stir-Fried, My automatic translation is to stir-fry pasta with water and add chili. Because the plate of pasta served by the…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 4 years agoMexican Chicken Drumstick Meal墨西哥雞腿餐Mexican chicken drumsticks, it surprised me the first time I ate it, The special spice flavor is not something that you can eat in ordinary restaurants. Going home, I had the…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 4 years agoSuper punctual shrimp dishesThe more expensive the restaurant, the special attention is paid to the presentation. Obviously it is a very cheap and common thing, after a special dish design, Not only has…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 4 years ago蛤蜊牛肉麵Beef noodles with clamsEveryone must have eaten beef noodles, But have you ever tried beef noodles with clams? Haha, I believe there must be very, very few people who have eaten, Because when my…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 4 years agoDragon Fruit Pineapple Milk Shaved Ice火龍果鳳梨牛奶大刨冰The second Japanese shaved ice I introduced last time is the dragon fruit pineapple milk ice that my friend ordered. Looking at the photo, you know that the dragon juice is…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 4 years ago日式大刨冰Japanese shaved iceTaiwan's ice is called smashing ice. Japanese ice is called shaved ice. I don’t know what ice is called from other countries. Japanese shaved ice likes to make it round and…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 5 years ago有機莓果氣泡飲Organic Berry Sparkling DrinkWhen the weather is hot, as long as you see glass bottles with ice cubes and colored drinks, It seems to be very cool. This is the case with this beverage advertised as…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 5 years agoKimchi Beef Udon泡菜牛肉烏龍麵I am as passionate about Korean cuisine as I am for Korean dramas? Maybe because of this, no matter which store I go to, The words Korean or Kimchi are always the first to…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 5 years ago豐盛的鬆餅早餐Hearty muffin breakfasteakfast can welcome a good day. This muffin feast, although the muffins are different from ordinary muffins, But it is also called muffin. Don’t ask me why, because the…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 5 years ago鳳梨冰沙Pineapple SmoothieThe best thirst quenching holy thing in summer, in addition to various ice products, there are also smoothies made from crushed ice and flavored with juice. Mango smoothies are…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 5 years ago好吃的鍋貼Delicious pot stickersIt used to be heavy rain in the afternoon these days, but today it is cloudless, Finally you can go out for lunch with confidence~~ I found a potsticker store with…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 5 years agoSpicy fried clams辣炒蛤蜊Clams are one of my favorite seafood, whether they are fried or boiled into soup, The taste is very sweet and delicious. When fried, it will add ginger shreds, nine-layer…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 5 years ago便宜又好吃的炒地瓜葉Cheap and delicious fried sweet potato leavesI don’t know if other countries also eat sweet potato leaves? Sweet potato leaves are the leaves of sweet potatoes. Maybe people in the past were poor. Sweet potatoes are not…weiweilove (52)in Foodies Bee Hive • 5 years agoSavory chicken riceTaiwan has a lot of delicious flavors, Like stinky tofu, bubble tea, etc., You can see everywhere, swarms, but not really. Chicken rice can also be regarded as one of the…