wertysty (44)in #stih • 7 years agoA súa imaxe...A súa imaxe é brillante e primavera, Áries sinal que ocultar E romanticismo sincero, Mantelo na súa alma por unha razón. Ten un río de contradicións, Que ferve e escumas…wertysty (44)in #stih • 7 years agomoonlight Sonata28Carrozas na noite niñada motivo, Fantasías dun misterioso Éxodo, A través do lago, a lúa marea diapositivas, Canso mergullo no seo das augas. Onda abala o barco con unha…wertysty (44)in #stih • 7 years agoZume de romaCoñecer a nai na plataforma, Brillar os ollos cansos, Un inquedo noite estaba no coche E fazula fluíu as bágoas. Non sabía, non sabía eu, entón, Que o corazón da nai…wertysty (44)in #stih • 7 years agoA nosa dorA ucraína é a nosa dor, Xa foi posto a proba. Vostede, como un tráxico, Dadas por persoas sen escusas. O mundo foi tolo, sentindo o sangue, Arrincando roupas brancas, Os…wertysty (44)in #stih • 7 years agoEstrada para o paraísoA estrada Pamir - o camiño ao Paraíso, Unha fonte de alegría e miseria, Atravesado por unha frecha de montaña de punta Na ducha deixou unha brillante banda. Perdas de…wertysty (44)in #stih • 7 years agoDifícilE aínda que é difícil vivir sen sufrir, Non entrar a si mesmo: orgullo e astucia. Con fatal non nadar Superación de dificultades teimosía. Non anda lonxe de un tiro á…wertysty (44)in #stih • 7 years agoConfesiónVersos sobre Deus non é doado de dobrar, O mundo de sentimentos e emocións é innecesario aquí, O corazón e a alma ten que para crecer E certamente vai ser oído. Nas…wertysty (44)in #stih • 7 years agoO ritmo monótono das rodas,O ritmo monótono das rodas, Bosque cuberta de neve paisaxe, No Norte, que en breve realizado, Brillou vías de quilometraxe. Detrás do Windows, a través da néboa de vidro…wertysty (44)in #stih • 7 years agoFergana valFergana val A lenda da montaña Tien Shan - Magnífica pintura, O ollar,onde queira que mire, Fergana val de flores. Os xardíns son todos en verde son, Prados blush a…wertysty (44)in #stih • 7 years agoAsian womanMorning hung over the valley, Woke up city in silence, Aryk murmurs and smells of Tina, Shone with a haze in the sky. Wide street clearance, Shade trees, like a wilderness…wertysty (44)in #arma • 7 years agoMarinaGod will provide quotas the commandments are simple life throws notes and build bridges time according to the notes its draw circle the death of their calculations will…wertysty (44)in #arma • 7 years agoHard to be GodAnd believe, that to be sure should: And wind, and evergreen arborvitae, When I think that maybe And God remembers me in vain. And wear his clothes, And trying on his…wertysty (44)in #arma • 7 years agoJune-JulyI test the primer and the engine-gasoline, The Navigator on rural shop is configured, The cow by the road stands in all its glory, Tail chasing midges in the middle lane.…wertysty (44)in #arma • 7 years agoCatsNot March, but cats can hear, time seems to have run out., sleep did not work, left to drink vodka, think about good - Fenton, James., understand, that, too, can, still a…wertysty (44)in #arma • 7 years agoOld ladies-longThink during the week - No prerequisites, no accident That all of a sudden really Is there heaven and hell after death? You start looking for an old lady, (Benches, benches…wertysty (44)in #arma • 7 years agoGnatMy dream is to go a long, long time: Kindergarten, school, poplar, Saint Petersburg and the Volga again... Looks like we're out of Land. Mastitis small on skin…wertysty (44)in #arma • 7 years agoI sit on the sandI sit on the sand, Or rather on the beach, With Kafka's book in hand Dissolving in the landscape. The wind rustles On the Volga open space; The boat will fly past, And…wertysty (44)in #arma • 7 years agoRestRest Only time will tell what the result is, and whom we will remember from them; generals protect colonels, and the colonels of all the others. The rest are at war with…wertysty (44)in #arma • 7 years agoinner citythe city inside me is hidden own Nevsky prospect Catherine with a grenade Peter in wreath and in melancholy in the heart of Vasilievsky island freezing in the eternal wind…wertysty (44)in #arma • 7 years agoEskimoblack dress on a naked body like chocolate on your Popsicle summer flew, flew, flew what's our care that will be in the winter washed and scrubbed until monotonous gray…