worldcoin (-1)(1)in #wherein • last year𓆓𐌆𓆓〰 𓂬 𓆓𐌆 𓊽⦠𓋿𓋿𓏷 𓋾'ꕀ 𓉭ʰe𓁶(H)ǵtos ϖro𓊽𓂋éḱ𓏷eti h₂éʷe.yeti𓆓𐌆𓆓〰 𓂬 𓆓𐌆 𓊽⦠𓋿𓋿𓏷 𓋾'ꕀ 𓉭ʰe𓁶(H)ǵtos ϖro𓊽𓂋éḱ𓏷eti h₂éʷe.yeti 𓆓𐌆𓆓〰 𓂬 ⚯𓃱 ϖ⦠𓁶ꁻ𑀯𓋿𐌙⦠𓋿𓋿𓏷 h₂éʷe.yeti 𓆓𐌆𓆓〰 𓂬 Γ ϖ⦠𐌈⦠r ☸︎⦠ᛝ J☸︎⑂…worldcoin rebloggedfact-check (50)in #limka • 2 years ago[𓂬𓈈'𓊀𓁶ah₂д𑀯 𓊀ꁻ𓁶⑂𑀯ꁻ 𓃱ʷm𓂕𐌈']〰 𓉤𐌈𐌍𐌈𐌍ꁻ + 𓃱 𓊽e𓋾h₁ 𓊽𓃱ϖ 𓉭𓁶𐌍Γ : ϖro𓊀ʰh₁·k·ó óy𐌍oꁻ 𓊽mih₂ǵʰéslih₂.h₃onh₂ @ 𓆓𐌆𓆓𓆓 𓂬.𓁹 𓊽ꕀ𐌍 Γʰ𐌍 𓆓𐌆𓆓𓆓 𓂬.𓁹 h₁én𓃱ʷémt ⑂𓊽𓊀…worldcoin rebloggeda-steem-whale (48)in #wherein • 2 years agoAfter full @Frigaid treatment, Measured (Restorative) Saving (improvement in COP) in Chillers is constant while Preventive Saving (elimination of average annual 2% deterioration in COP, according to #ASHRAE) grows linearly over time. After full @Frigaid treatment, Measured (Restorative) Saving (improvement in COP) in Chillers is constant while Preventive Saving (elimination of average annual 2% deterioration…worldcoin rebloggedhuashalunzian (45)in #frigaid • 2 years agoMidvalley SOUTHKEY 今年中秋的主色調是 千里江山圖,配上 黃山銀鶴松,非常別緻,別有一番情調worldcoin rebloggeda-steem-whale (48)in #waivio • 2 years ago🕉️經 咒般若心經 佛法 ➡ 大乘 ➡ 大般若經 ➡ 般若心經 観自在 菩薩 ārya avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo 行深 般若 波羅蜜多 時 gaṃbhīrāyāṃ prajñāpāramitāyāṃ-caryāṃ caramāṇo 照見 五蘊 皆空 vyavalokayati sma pañca-skandhāḥ…worldcoin rebloggedgoogle-maps (47)in #waivio • 2 years ago物理治療 😴 油 膏 🧻🪒 🪥 🛁 容 按 香 房急救箱! 捐血降低中風風險 睡眠😴 半夜起来小便 - 尿床 藥油 追风油 RM 14 (大马宏昌药行,20181217) 藥膏 虎标膏药布大 (10 cm x 14 cm , 2片) RM5.43 @ Watsons (2019 DEC) 香茅膏 Bam Serai RM 6.50 / 23g @ Guardian…worldcoin rebloggedcrowdwisdom (50)in #cn • 2 years ago[2022年3月上旬 || 💮 / 🐲抬頭 / JaDaSu🚧 ]1 Jln Serigala Geylang Lorong 9 右边 新開 下午下雨 2 5朶曇花開 下午下雨 3 二月初一 下午下雨 晚上下雨 4 龍抬頭 6 SUN JaDaSu CK Dental 對面 Tai Kah Hoe旅店 築起 籬笆 晚上下雨 7 晚上 KSL 東側 停很多警車…worldcoin rebloggedinfo.war (46)in #waivio • 2 years ago(𓃱ʷaꁻiꁻ ϖé𐌙u < ገ𓃱ʰ → 𓃱ʷaꁻ𓊽⦠𓋿ϖé𐌙 + ⑂pe𓁶𓊀eh₂imō < ገ𓃱ʰ || 𓃱ʷaꁻϖé𐌙 > ገ𓃱ʰ, 𓆓 𓃾d𓋾audār𓃾ntia ϖ𓁶o ⑂pe𓁶𓊀eh₂imō)ገ𓃱ʰ / 𓊀ewkt𓏷ŋō ϖr𓂕cts 𓂬oꕀ⑂rdnt⑂r @ JB 2023 June (𓃱ʷaꁻiꁻ ϖé𐌙u < ገ𓃱ʰ → 𓃱ʷaꁻ𓊽⦠𓋿ϖé𐌙 + ⑂pe𓁶𓊀eh₂imō < ገ𓃱ʰ || 𓃱ʷaꁻϖé𐌙 > ገ𓃱ʰ, 𓆓 𓃾d𓋾audār𓃾ntia ϖ𓁶o ⑂pe𓁶𓊀eh₂imō)worldcoin rebloggedswingersglobal (47)in #neoxian • 2 years ago众生 👨🌾🐜🐛🐶🐓🐠🦟🦐🐱🐴🐘土🌴怪哺乳動物 心跳速度 x 平均壽命 = 10億次 The Ways to Improve the Legal System for Wildlife Protection —— From the Perspectives of "Animal Rights Theory" and "Modern Anthropocentrism"…worldcoin rebloggedcluwakchina (45)in #sbi • 2 years agoTemp. & Relative Humidity RecordLocation: 1.4876213,103.7523577, 2nd floor East Office 2023 Jun-Jul Date Time Temp. (°C) R.H (%) Notes 2023-08-01 10:45 30 46 On desk, aircond 24°C…worldcoin rebloggedfact-check (50)in #sbi • 2 years ago☸︎𑀯𐌍' ☸︎𐌍: 𓆓⦠i𐌍a𐌆- 𓂬īꕀ'yāʔ.𓏷𐌙ós.𓃾𓋿is 𓊽(w)é.𓋾uō.☸︎jō.𓆓em wǣre weh₁ros ϖo𓂋l.ā𓁶's h₁é𐌍 𓆓𐌆𐌆𐌆ꁻ☸︎𑀯𐌍' ☸︎𐌍: 𓆓⦠i𐌍a𐌆- 𓂬īꕀ'yāʔ.𓏷𐌙ós.𓃾𓋿is 𓊽(w)é.𓋾uō.☸︎jō.𓆓em wǣre weh₁ros ϖo𓂋l.ā𓁶's h₁é𐌍 𓆓𐌆𐌆𐌆ꁻ, h₁epi.úd maist earun ⑂iꁻꁻos.𓋾auꁻa𐌆 , 𓉭ΓΓꕀ⌂𓁶 ⑂re.𓂬h₂𓂋yé𐌈i.eh₂tos ainaz ⌸leu𐌈a𐌍ą h₂epoworldcoin rebloggedaistra (1)in #neoxian • 2 years agoI have a female friend named Amy whom I met in one of my high school’s alumni events. Amy is 10 years older than me, pretty plain looking and have slightly more than a few extra pounds on her so I had been treating her as a mere acquaintance all along.I have a female friend named Amy whom I met in one of my high school’s alumni events. Amy is 10 years older than me, pretty plain looking and have slightly more than a few extra…worldcoin rebloggedbotfolio (44)in #sbi • 2 years agoI was an equipment distributor before the COVID pandemic and I ended my business 3 months after nationwide lockdown was initiated to stop-loss.I was an equipment distributor before the COVID pandemic and I ended my business 3 months after nationwide lockdown was initiated to stop-loss. I then worked 3 different jobs…worldcoin rebloggedching-chong (49)in #palnet • 2 years ago[2022年2月下旬 || 遊神 / 🇺🇦 / 🧑🔧🙏🏻 ]cn,pnut,wherein,xgli,rainbownetwork,glitterfinance,notasecurity,nosec,lusterprotocol,sei,arbitrum,whalepower,steemleo,zzan,marlians,palnet,sct,neoxian,upfundme,jjm,lago,steemace,gohsookjin,xglidao,aminreyhani,worldcoin rebloggedhybrintelligence (50)in #waivio • 2 years ago[𓂬𓈈'𓊀𓁶ah₂д𑀯 𓊀ꁻ𓁶⑂𑀯ꁻ 𓃱ʷm𓂕𐌈'][𓂬𓈈'𓊀𓁶ah₂д𑀯 𓊀ꁻ𓁶⑂𑀯ꁻ 𓃱ʷm𓂕𐌈'] 〰 𓉤𐌈𐌍𐌈𐌍'ꁻ + 𓃱 𓊽e𓋾h₁ 𓊽𓃱ϖ 𓉭𓁶𐌍Γ : ϖro𓊀ʰh₁·k·ó óy𐌍oꁻ smih₂ǵʰéslih₂.h₃onh₂ @ 𓆓𐌆𓆓𓆓 𓂬.𓁹 𓊽ꕀ𐌍 Γʰ𐌍…worldcoin rebloggedsachainchi (49)in #waivio • 2 years agoZeta Power Improves Both Cooling Tower & Chillers EfficiencyCooling Tower: Efficiency ↑ Chilled Water Supply Temperature (TCDWS) ↓ Fan Speed ↓ Blowdown Frequency ↓ Cooling Water Conductivity Threshold (Setpoint) ↑…worldcoin rebloggedbsfmalaysia (53)in #sbi • 2 years ago大数据正盯着你 (2018年3月26日首刊登於《光華日報》)-- 文:華沙論贱 (Sook Jin GOH)原址 2018年3月26日 文:華沙論贱(Sook Jin Goh) 不久前英国媒体揭露大数据分析公司Cambridge Analytica通过不当手段取得的大量脸书个人数据来影响多国的选举(其中包括马来西亚),消息一出,举世沸腾。不少网友疾呼要删除脸书账号,脸书更是一夕间蒸发了300亿的市值。…worldcoin rebloggedbsfmalaysia (53)in #sbi • 2 years agoModified Reverse Rankine Cycle (Refrigeration) -- Sook Jin GohAssuming Isentropic Compression, Isobaric Cooling, Isobaric Condensation, Isobaric Subcooling, Adiabatic Expansion & Isobaric Evaporation, then: Compressor Power, P꜀ = Carnot…worldcoin rebloggedbsfmalaysia (53)in #cn • 2 years ago"藏傳大悲咒"/聖十一面觀自在菩薩根本咒/十一面觀音心咒 Eleven-Faced Avalokitesvara Heart Dharani / [梵]Avalokiteśvara ekadaśamukha dhāraṇī / [藏]Spyan-ras-gzigs-dbang-phyug-shal bcu-gcig-pa [Sook Jin GOH]Namo ratna-trayāya 敬禮 三寶 Homage to The Three Gems nama ārya jñāna sāgara, vairocana, vyūha rājāya 敬禮 聖 智 海 遍照 莊嚴 王 Homage to The Noble Sea of Wisdom, The Illuminator, the…worldcoin rebloggedcluwakchina (45)in #watertreatment • 2 years agoZeta Power Reduces Scaling & Peels Off Biofilms on Condenser, Lowers Tₗₒᵥᵥ & P꜀ₒₙ, Increases Power Generation Efficiency and Reduces Waste Heat & Fuel Consumption (kg/kWh)#Fouling #WaterTreatment #ZetaPotential #PowerPlant #EnergySaving #Condenser #Scaling #Biofilm #RankineCycle #Thermodynamics #HeatEngine #Turbine #HeatTransfer…