writtenments (-7)(1)in #life • 6 years agoFAT CHANCE'Fat Chance'... .When another echoes those words One must then take a distant personalize view of current situation... ...most time ones' min woul say onto oneself .'Why the fuss!writtenments (-7)(1)in #fiatcurrency • 6 years agoOnes' Monetary Valuation.Ones' monetary matters! So as some of worlds' populous stop in buying of fiat illusions Said majority claiming money matters Remains the same ones Whom' can't explain the…writtenments (-7)(1)in #bitcoin • 6 years agoFREEDOM...'WHAT HAPPENS NEXT'Freedom...'What Happens Next' Unrestricted personal condition Being' manifested through liberty Covered within all pigmentation assortments'... ...red.. yellow..black..white…writtenments (-7)(1)in #silver • 6 years agoPHYSICAL SILVER COINS'Physical Silver Coins' "...searing report blasts individualism' for not owning and holding 'Silver' Because without individualism shall forevermore be lost And since their…writtenments (-7)(1)in #smartmoney • 6 years agoSMART MONEY'Smart Money' "...all consuming tripped up by 'fiat' garbage calling said currency money To save ones' hailing soul invest time an energy into cryptocurrencies..."writtenments (-7)(1)in #liofe • 6 years agoLIFE 21st CENTURY'Life 21st Century' Existence within 21st Century Has come down to more hassle more hustle... ...work more earn and get less monetary rewards Life has World' populous on the ropes!writtenments (-7)(1)in #corruption • 6 years agoJAMAICA FAILURE TO GROW'Jamaica Failure To Grow' "...too much hidden and open governmental corruptionism' Until some serious tangible actions with positive reactions take place Jamaica shall remain…writtenments (-7)(1)in #tigerwoods • 6 years agoTIGER WOODS AND BITCOIN'Tiger Woods and Bitcoin' "...life comes with crisis but coming back from the brink takes time..."writtenments (-7)(1)in #benjohnson • 6 years agoBEN JOHNSON.Ben Johnson. "...for the wanting to know what a Nation' really is about Remember the role of punishment onto the One..'Ben Johnson' What one' sees is the realness between…writtenments (-7)(1)in #ghettoritis • 7 years agoWRITTENMENTS TAKES OWNERSHIP OF 'GHETTORITIS'Writtenments Takes Ownership Of 'Ghettoritis' To all followers of 'Writtenments' World is now on notice that usage should acknowledge 'Writtenments' Ghettoritis' is a…writtenments (-7)(1)in #employment • 7 years agoGHETTO JOB REJECTION LETTER32th Nowayday, 6666 Candidate Ghetto 666 Hopeless Street Welfare State, Ghettoritis Dear Ghetto Wish to follow-up after not returning your phone calls With an official…writtenments (-7)(1)in #ghettoritis • 7 years agoGHETTORITIS'Ghettoritis' So the story goes... The person in this story goes by the name of 'Poocket' 'Poocket Oxxfordd' whom won the lottery on his Birthday Brought a luxury automobile…writtenments (-7)(1)in #ghettoritis • 7 years agoGHETTORITIS'Ghettoritis' "...the impossibility to eliminate ones' mindset Changing ideals from one whom had been born or grew-up segregated Member of a minority group that derived from…writtenments (-7)(1)in #newfoundland • 7 years agoNEWFOUNDLAND'Newfoundland' This location is the one Most unique hidden luxury in naturalized new playing field Island in possibilities towards unlocking the door to an enchanting…writtenments (-7)(1)in #cars • 7 years agoBITTEN BY CARS'Bitten By Cara' "...in ones' younger days If every got bitten by automotive bliss The art of that deal moving forward... ...'Classic Cars! Solid workmanship via interrupted history..."writtenments (-7)(1)in #dna • 7 years agoWOMAN vs MAN ..GETTING RICH'Woman vs Man..Getting Rich' "Greatness in manly-human is not within ones' wealth attainment And greatness in womanly-human is not within ones' wealth attainment...…writtenments (-7)(1)in #slavery • 7 years agoMAKE ENGLAND GREAT AGAIN...Make England Great Again...reactivate more slavery. "...all Negroes should evoke working again for Monarchs as slaves So England can once again be great... ...greatest Empire…writtenments (-7)(1)in #blockchain • 7 years agoMONEY PROBLEMS!Money Problems! Oh Shit.. Those stupid 'fiat' currencies have caused such pain and suffering People worke' all those working age just to end up poor Oh Shit.. Personal…writtenments (-7)(1)in #garlic • 7 years agoGARLIC'Garlic' "...she said it was named Cannabis Garlic Perfect before one mix zoodles with noodles With no need to add pop into that mixture..."writtenments (-7)(1)in #food • 7 years agoFOODMENTS'...FOOD TO BE CONSUME..Foodments'...Food To Be Consume.. "...teaching food is just techniques in involution revolution By blending flavors one can cross all foodments' boundaries in taste"