PostsCommentsPayoutsxuansu (34)in #cn • 7 years agoNew year, new hairstyle 新的壹年,新做的發型New Year, new attitude. Change from scratch 新的壹年,新的面貌。改變自己的發型,從頭開始 謹祝新年快樂幸福,大吉大利。 I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.xuansu (34)in #cn • 7 years agoChinese cuisine (Northeast famous dishes) - chicken stew mushrooms 中國東北名菜--小雞燉蘑菇Today for everyone to introduce a northeastern famous dishes - chicken stew mushrooms, into the Kanto, Shandong people introduced this dish to the northeast, and later became a…xuansu (34)in #cn • 7 years agoSeven beautiful scenery in Yunnan, China, the paradise in mind雲南七美,心目中的天堂Want to go away, want to stop on the stop. This should be the most desired trip for most people. Experience different life in travel, to see different landscapes, although very…xuansu (34)in #cn • 7 years agoEat more of this traditional Chinese medicine, make you more and more beautiful --- Chinese diet(面色紅潤的絕招原來是。。。。)In China, many people like to use red dates and wolfberry soaked together to drink, in fact, these two kinds of Chinese medicine bubble together, the body is very beneficial.…xuansu (34)in #cn • 7 years agoA frog, my dream life 。壹只青蛙,我理想的生活中國的網友們,最近是不是在朋友圈被壹款《旅行青蛙》(旅かえる)刷屏了。 對,現在最火的佛系遊戲。 ps(佛系:壹種怎麽都行、不大走心、看淡壹切的活法和生活方式) Chinese netizens' circle of friends has recently been "travel frog"(旅かえる) game…xuansu (34)in #cn • 7 years agoJoin steemit to let everyone know a more real me!加入steemit讓大家了解壹個更加真實的我Hello, I am Xuan Su. I am a passionate girl from Hunan, China. This is my third day at Steemit and I'm sorry I have not introduced myself yet…xuansu (34)in #cn • 7 years agoAmazing snowman, so cute 千奇百怪的雪人,太可愛了1.This umbrella is too small 這傘也太小了吧 2.Mom's stomach is relatively warm。果然呆在媽媽的肚子更溫暖 3.Or do we have a hand?要不我們握個爪? 4.We sing together。我們壹起唱歌。 5.How do I shape…xuansu (34)in #cn • 7 years ago中國美食,秘制三醬醬牛肉配方,肉酥筋爛,味道香!醬牛肉在全國各地家裏都會做的,不過總的來說這個這道菜是受大家認可的,非常好吃的壹道美食。 醬牛肉醬香濃郁,口感絕佳,經常被用來切成片狀,當做下酒菜來食用。也是春節餐桌上必備的。今天就來給大家講解怎樣做醬牛肉好吃又入味的技巧。 食材準備: 牛肉三斤, 醬油 270克, 花椒壹小把, 桂皮3克,草果2克,香葉1克, 陳皮2克,山查5克,…xuansu (34)in #cn-blog • 7 years ago《無問西東》:女人醒醒,全部的愛戀換來的只是無盡的冷戰,留三分愛自己愛情既是壹罐蜜罐,也是壹碗砒霜,既能增添妳人生的快樂,也能將妳推向懸崖. 《無問西東》裏的劉淑芬辛辛苦苦掙錢供許伯常許老師讀完大學,打算等許老師大學畢業後就結婚,可經過大學熏陶的許老師反悔了,心裏或多或少都有點嫌棄沒有什麽文化的劉淑芬.…xuansu (34)in #movie-no • 7 years ago《無問東西》的雞湯到底是喝還是不喝?今天問小夥伴看什麽電影的時候,她極力推薦了《無問東西》! 電影在開場的前半部分,淩亂的剪輯,突兀的蒙太奇,有點讓人摸不著頭腦,看不明白。隨著電影的繼續。慢慢的明白了這場電影要帶給我的是什麽“真實”! 1.真實是遵從自己的內心,堅守原則,沒有雜念和疑問,才能勇往直前。…