yuhao0406 (28)in #gushi • 6 years ago一个真实股市小散的修炼经历我的一生是崎岖的,也是传奇的。 前半生的颠沛流离毋庸置疑,它也是我人生中忘不了的伤痛,但我的后半生是幸福的,这种幸福来自我大彻大悟后对人生的明悟,以及物质上的相对富足。 虽然物质并不是幸福的唯一标准,但当今社会,谁也无法抛开物质去空谈幸福!…yuhao0406 (28)in #dtube • 6 years agoA Gate With Gaps Ain t Stopping This Babe▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFSyuhao0406 (28)in #wife • 7 years ago不觉,已秋风推云霞,时间白马,青荷依旧,海棠早已落尽,当弦月再笼窗台,不觉已秋。 走过春的盎然,途径夏的璀璨,忽然发觉,山河岁月里,那些热烈的,明亮的,无论曾经怎样的鲜衣怒马,到最后终归于平淡与慈悲,或许,繁华过后的风烟俱净,才是心的归处。 不觉,已秋…yuhao0406 (28)in #life • 7 years ago好漂亮的蘑菇!yuhao0406 (28)in #maofa • 7 years ago全世界“毛发最多”的女孩结婚了!第一次刮去脸上毛发后很可爱!泰国曼谷一位17岁的女孩Supatra患有一种罕见的遗传疾病「多毛症」,她的身体还有脸上都长满了长毛,也让她在2010年赢得金氏世界纪录,成为世界上毛发最多的女孩。…yuhao0406 (28)in #eto • 7 years agoETO首季圆满收官,在期许中等待8月18日下午18时,ETO第二个项目HERDIUS落下帷幕,54秒就圆满完成募资,热度丝毫不减。在粉丝们的争相抢购和惊叹声中,首季ETO项目完美收官。 之前成哥已就ETO的模式与优势做过相应介绍,本文将结合两个项目的社区运作,谈谈ETO较之前区块链项目融资模式带来的三点最大变化,以及参加项目的内心独白。 1.真正了解项目,重建社区共识…yuhao0406 (28)in #kaa • 7 years agoKAA直播是传销盘吗?昨天的文章才提到传销项目,当天下午就出来个KAA直播,由于火牛视频掀起的一波热潮,相继出现了HAHA视频、地震小视频等众多短视频平台,这种现象的出现其实早就想到了,少年也多次在文章中提到过,就像当初币乎火了之后出现众多的内容平台,我并不排斥效仿的项目,但前提是应该踏踏实实做项目,而不是变着花样来圈钱。…yuhao0406 (28)in #beauty • 7 years agoPassers-by street shooting, the temptation of the beauty of the East can not resist!Passers-by street shooting, the temptation of the beauty of the East can not resist! Passers-by street shooting, the temptation of the beauty of the East can not resist!yuhao0406 (28)in #huineng • 7 years ago山野樵夫不识字看不懂经文,却成佛门一代祖师,至今尸身不腐菩提本无树,明镜亦非台,本来无一物,何处惹尘埃。六祖慧能禅师的这四句真言流传千年,至今读来仍醍醐灌顶,说起禅宗六祖慧能禅师,不得不说此人是佛门的一大传奇人物,少年时期,由于父亲早死,慧能与母亲相依为命,由于家中贫苦,连饭都吃不饱更别谈上学了,小小年纪,慧能就上山打柴补贴家用,穷人家的孩子命运就是如此,活的怎么省钱怎么活,不久之后母亲也去世了,从此慧能一人独自yuhao0406 (28)in #science • 7 years agoThe world's top ten beauty robot inventory is goddess levelWelcome Robot at Shenzhen Cultural Expo - Wu Mei Niang On the site of the Shenzhen International Expo, the welcome robot Wu Mei Niang appeared on the scene. Its eyes, hands…yuhao0406 (28)in #africa • 7 years agoBeauty robots do live, want to see? The status of a live anchor will be threatened!Robots are a pile of steel in our memory. They have no emotions and look ugly! But now there is a beautiful robot, looks like human appearance, Yan value burst table! The…yuhao0406 (28)in #art • 7 years agothe handmade box of napkinsDo you do a good job?yuhao0406 (28)in #history • 7 years agoThe temple is known as South Korea's most beautiful temple!It is the most visited Temple today.The temple was founded in the year 752, it is very characteristic of courtyard layout, preserved porch courtyard type plane and space form of lattice. Bulguksa temple stone…yuhao0406 (28)in #history • 7 years agoThe price of temple design fee, temple budget, how much is the cost of building the temple一般而言,寺庙设计费价格需要根据面积大小,风格样式,详细程度,时间进度而言价格相对差别比较大,按照国家设计费收取标准在3%~5%左右,依据寺庙面积大的话收取比例会降低,面积缩小的设计费比较会稍微增加。…yuhao0406 (28)in #block • 7 years agoPlay the block chain, there should be hip-hop spirit!Hey man, Keep it real!After several days of block chain, I find that there is still a lack of spirit in the block chain. This spirit is called hip-hop spirit, and its core is Keep it real, which is…yuhao0406 (28)in #ovarian • 7 years agoBlack market, selling eggs to make quick money Guangzhou female abdominal pain such as pregnancy MayAlthough the sale of eggs is prohibited in the mainland, there are still "egg donation" advertisements on the street. Some girls will go to these black market institutions to…yuhao0406 (28)in #art • 7 years agoBeast, chest, body fluids! Artist Penelope Gazin: I like to draw a woman's bodyFemale entrepreneurs Penelope Gazin and Kate Dwyer, through the creation of a variety of strange shape of the human body transmission of ideas, entrepreneurial setbacks on the…yuhao0406 (28)in #photography • 7 years agofirst day of first lunar monthA suichu fireworks, spring (or east wind) makes warm. Numerous households very bright day, the total (or for inserting) new peach for old symbolyuhao0406 (28)in #photography • 7 years agoHe carved out a little statue from that piece of wood.The Greeks called these figures xoana& that is to say, images carved in wood, this being the material of which this figure is made.yuhao0406 (28)in #photography • 7 years agoFlight of faith - No. 6: have you seen such a beautiful piece of art?Flight of faith - No. 6: have you seen such a beautiful piece of art?