yujingxuan0914 (28)in #cn • 7 years agoG20拒绝讨论比特币监管问题:加密货币不足以威胁全球金融稳定|The G20 declined to discuss bitcoin regulation, which is not enough to threaten global financial stability.G20监管部门在金融危机后推动了银行业和市场改革,其宣布将更多地转向审查现有规则,暂时不会制定新规则。 The G20 regulator, which pushed for banking and market reforms after the financial crisis, said it would shift more to review…yujingxuan0914 (28)in #cn • 7 years ago区块链发展的六个阶段|The six stages of block chain development.区块链是由一系列技术实现的全新去中心化经济组织模式,2009年诞生于比特币系统的构建,2017年成为全球经济热点,但区块链的成功应用寥寥,这个新兴产业还远未成熟。为方便理解区块链的历史与趋势,可将其发展划分为六个阶段。 Block chain is a series of new technology to realize decentralized…yujingxuan0914 (28)in #dlive • 7 years ago我馋的口水都流出来了!|My saliva has flowed out!我馋的口水都流出来了!|My saliva has flowed out! My video is at DLiveyujingxuan0914 (28)in #dlive • 7 years ago我可不可爱?快说我可不可爱?|Am I not cute?Say I'm not cute?Am I not cute?Say I'm not cute? My video is at DLiveyujingxuan0914 (28)in #dlive • 7 years ago这是一只贪吃的狗狗|This is a gluttonous dog这是一只贪吃的狗狗|This is a gluttonous dog My video is at DLiveyujingxuan0914 (28)in #dlive • 7 years agoWhat kind of dog is this?What kind of dog is this? My video is at DLiveyujingxuan0914 (28)in #dlive • 7 years agoThis dog is too powerful.This dog is too powerful. My video is at DLiveyujingxuan0914 (28)in #dlive • 7 years agoThe owner is eating cakes. Dogs do such things to eat.The owner is eating cakes. Dogs do such things to eat. My video is at DLiveyujingxuan0914 (28)in #dog • 7 years agoMom did not wear clothes to sleep, dogs actually do.Mom did not wear clothes to sleep, dogs actually do. ▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFSyujingxuan0914 (28)in #dlive • 7 years agoMom did not wear clothes to sleep, dogs actually do.Mom did not wear clothes to sleep, dogs actually do. My video is at DLiveyujingxuan0914 (28)in #cn • 7 years ago杭州边的西式城堡酒店到底有多美 很多明星导演都亲睐它|How beautiful is the Western-style castle hotel on the edge of Hangzhou? Many celebrity directors love it.无论春夏秋冬,阴晴雨雪都有一翻韵味的城市,一定非杭州莫属。而冬季来杭州度假,该如何选择一个适合自己的酒店呢,很令人发愁?一家环境清幽,三山环绕,近闻龙井香,远眺钱塘江的丽晶美庐酒店非常推荐。 Regardless of the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, there is a city…yujingxuan0914 (28)in #photo • 7 years ago20张神结局的黑色幽默漫画 令人怀疑作者的脑袋是什么构造的|20 humorous cartoons of God's ending. It is doubtful that the author's head is constructed.来自俄罗斯插画家Anton Gudim画出一系列的插画对生活的反讽,而且他的作品也说出了我们在生活中所遇到的心声,以下有20张神结局的黑色幽默漫画,一起来看看吧! The Russian illustrator anton gudim painted a series of illustrations of irony in his life, and…yujingxuan0914 (28)in #cn • 7 years ago毕业季,从湖南大学到中南大学,寓情于景|Graduation season, from Hunan University to Central South University, in love with King前言 Foreword…yujingxuan0914 (28)in #cn • 7 years ago不容错过的日本鹿儿岛特色美食+人工智能|Japan Kagoshima specialties + artificial intelligence not to be missed鹿儿岛 Kagoshima 鹿儿岛位于九州的最南端,气候温暖,拥有以世界自然遗产屋久岛为首的各种特色岛屿和樱岛等火山,茂密的森林,丰富的温泉等,具有多姿多彩的大自然风景和个性力的历史文化等得天独厚的观光资源,是日本古代文化发源地之一。此外,还是日本国内唯一拥有聚集了现代科学精粹的宇宙火箭发射设施的县。每年都会迎来4600万的国内外游客。…yujingxuan0914 (28)in #travel • 7 years ago城市驿站里的书香茶香,暗香浮动里的游园惊梦|Bookstore city tea incense, subtle fragrance floating in the garden dreams【写在前面】 【Write in front】 旅行,不在远,而在于当自己彼时的心境。 Travel, not far away, but rather when their own state of mind.…yujingxuan0914 (28)in #cn • 7 years ago美国西部: 野性的黄石|American West: Wild Yellowstone人们善于发现美的眼里,有长河落日圆的壮美,也有大漠孤烟直的苍凉;有采菊东篱下悠然见南山的怡情,也有枯藤老树昏鸦、古道西风瘦马的凄美。随着探险活动的深入、对新景观的发现发掘、精神文化生活的拓展,人类的审美意识在进步、审美能力在提升,从古人只能赞美田园风光,到现在欣赏地球三极,荒野才变得如此炫彩。美国西部的黄石国家公园,“地狱”般地质地貌,才被人们欣赏成绝美的仙yujingxuan0914 (28)in #cn • 7 years ago单车自驾:凭海临风,环游山东半岛|Bicycle by car: wind by sea, around the Shandong Peninsula写在前面 Write in front 其实山东半岛的游览计划早就做好了,因为离北京不远,现在这种最远的地点在1000公里以内的自驾对我们来说都是短途,觉得随时都可以去的,况且青岛也因为工作去过两次(有一次是开车去的),没什么特别之处,海边风景也不咋样,没有太大的吸引力。 In fact, the Shandong Peninsula tour…yujingxuan0914 (28)in #cn • 7 years ago横穿美国之“淘金之城”|Across the United States, "Gold Rush City"加州概况 California Overview 美国加州全称加利福利亚州(California),最早在18世纪末由西班牙传教士逐渐开始在西属加利福尼亚北部广博的土地上建立起定居点,而California的地名也源自于西班牙语“caliente…yujingxuan0914 (28)in #cn • 7 years ago巴特克莱因基希海姆有许多小木屋,可吃、可玩、可睡、还可以更多|There are many cabins in Bad Kleinkirchheim, eat, play, sleep, and more奥地利克恩顿州多木屋,地处阿尔卑斯之南山中的巴特克莱因基希海姆更是如此,除了森林里狩猎用,更多的是舒适休闲之所,可以吃、可以玩、可以睡。Bad Kleinkirchheim有几家不错的小木屋餐馆,离我住的Hotel Kärntnerhof不远就有一处,EINKEHR,并且有幸吃了两次。 Multi-chateau in Carinthia…yujingxuan0914 (28)in #cn • 7 years ago会拍照的父母这样晒娃,每张照片唯美的像幅油画|Photographing parents so sun baby, each picture is beautiful like the painting作为父母最开心的事就是当孩子降临在这个世界上,孩子是每个家庭的天使,也是每个父母的宝,今天小编整理了一组有关孩子的摄影照片,这组照片是摄影师老爸给自己孩子拍的,每张都是那么唯美,有个会摄影的父母,孩子的童年是最美的。 The happiest thing as a parent is that when a child arrives in this…