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If you’re looking to invest and…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #cartesi • 5 years ago⚫️⚫️⚫️ CARTESI ⚫️⚫️⚫️ PLATFORM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND DEPLOYMENT OF SCALABLE DECENTRALIZED APPLICATIONSINTRODUCTION Most of the world of cryptocurrency technology such as Bitcoin relies on database forms with the advantage of being able to track large and secure transaction…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #mining • 5 years agoACI Coin ( Green Coin For Profitable Bitcoin Mining )#ACI-Coin #Mining, #Bitcoin Mining, #Cryptocurrencies, , #Hydrogen, , #Water treatments plant, #Hydrogen water, #Solar power, #Wind energy, #Hydrogen Energy, #environmental…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #blockchain • 5 years ago🚀🚀 Introduction to the Glbrain platform application 🚀🚀Introduction Nowadays social networking has experienced many uses. In the past, social media was only used as a means of communication such as chat and friends. now this…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #highbank • 6 years ago⭐️⭐️⭐️ Introduction HighBank (HIGH) ⭐️⭐️⭐️#HIGH #HighBank #ICO #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Cryptocurrency Opening speech As someone who wants to invest in something that can generate new sources of income, you are also…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #windhanenergy • 6 years agoWINDHAN RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECTINTRODUCTION With the high growth rate of the world's population and the flow of urbanization, it is predicted that the world's population needs for energy will increase every…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #simplybrandblockchain • 6 years agoPlatform SimplyBrand = Pemalsuan Produk Meresahkan Bisnis dan merugikanPendahuluan Salah satu bentuk yang paling berbahaya dari barang palsu adalah obat-obatan palsu . Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, telah terjadi peningkatan yang ditandai banyaknya…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #lucre • 6 years ago★★★★ CRYPTO AUTOTRADING PLATFORM & SIGNALS WITH LUCRE TOKEN (LCR) ★★★★#crypto, # ICO, #Lucre, #LCR, #Bitcoin, #Cryptocurrency, #BTC, #tradingcrypto #Tokensale Ich begrüße Sie alle zurück zu diesem unglaublichen CRYPTOCURRENCY NETWORK BLOG! Sie…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #sedo • 6 years agoSEDO - Innovative technologies in blockchain#Sedo_pow_token #sedocoin #document_flow #docflow #Document_management_system HI STEEMIT COMMUNITY,,,,,, I wish you a good day, today I will come back to introduce you to a…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #kleynbankblockchain • 6 years agoKLEYNBANK - 无限银行提供创新服务银行业务的想法是发展和革新银行系统,因为它以分散的方式通过块链支付,以便它完全控制。 KLEYN BANK商业银行业 在新的智能合约技术时代,现有公司和新公司有无限的机会。我们相信公司应该没有限制,并且真正理解银行服务是任何业务的重要组成部分。我们的创新产品和服务带来了公司的真正潜力。 我们的服务是…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #simplybrandblockchain • 6 years agoSIMPLYBRAND = menghindari pemalsuan barang********* ********** ******** Pendahuluan Pergerakan barang palsu semakin meluas, tidak hanya di toko tradisional, pergerakan barang palsu saat ini menjamur di antar toko…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #zeosxblockchain • 6 years ago🔥🔥🚀🚀 zeosX Первый в мире криптовалютный банк 5 миллионов долларов США 🔥🔥🚀🚀ZeosX - это децентрализованная платформа, целью которой является революция в традиционной банковской индустрии. Наша сложная технологическая система построена на сильной…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #ethereum • 6 years agoEthereum Classic Vision = die effektivste schwere GabelEinleitung Ethereum Classic Vision hat ein Team aus erfahrenen Gründerunternehmern und erfahrenen Investoren gebildet, um eine umfassende Merkantilismus-Plattform für…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #arttechnologies • 6 years ago4ART Technologies = the best solution for all art business problemsIntroducing ( ) Counterfeiting of art is a major industry in the criminal world, and has cost the collector billions of dollars every year. With the "4ART technology" powered…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #atheroblockchain • 6 years agoATHERO = Revolusi internet modernMEMPERKENALKAN ATHERO Apa itu Proyek Athero? Athero adalah infrastruktur yang kuat untuk aplikasi terdesentralisasi yang didukung oleh kontrak pintar. Proyek Blockchain yang…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #blockchainfutureenergy • 6 years agoINTRODUCTION FUTURE ENERGYThe earth we live in is now getting older, scientists estimate it's 4.54 billion years old. Aware of not being aware, our natural resources are already on the verge of an energy…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #zamzamblockchain • 6 years agoZam.wallet = portofolio yang aman dan multifungsi dengan antarmuka yang user-friendly dan fungsional.Klik dan instal ZAM.Wallet dari G o o g l e Play store Semua instruksi diberikan dalam tautan. Blockchain-bank Zamzam meluncurkan demo MVP dalam format dompet pembayaran:…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #nelunsblockchain • 7 years agoNELUNS – New Generation Financial EcosystemNowadays, cryptocurrency market becomes more and more popular, but many people are still rejecting it due the high risks that they are supposed to and other reasons like absence…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #humancoinblockchain • 7 years agoHUMANCOIN - ICOHumancoin.net (selanjutnya disebut Humancoin) adalah proyek blockchain terobosan, yang menyatukan filantropis dan penerima dana pada platform tunggal dengan cara yang paling…yusuf-ganteng (28)in #everidblockchainico • 7 years agoEVERID - Platform Terdesentralisasi untuk Perubahan EkonomiHello semuanya,,, hari ini saya akan menjelaskan Rincian proyek EVERID . Luangkan waktu dan supaya tidak kehilangan satu pun dan menemukan keuntungan dan manfaat platform besar…