ziiz (41)in #anubis • 2 years agoAnubis ANUBIS, Greek name for the Egyptian god Inpu, who AMSET, the son of Horus, together with the other three sons of Horus, performs the function of protecting Osiris from his…ziiz rebloggedambercookie (46)in #zodiac • 3 years agoZodiac ♈️♊️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♏️♎️♐️♑️♒️⛎♓️The names of the signs of the zodiac given to them by the ancient Sanskrit authors, in their exoteric or literal sense in 1. Mesha - Ram, or Aries.ziiz rebloggedinflames343 (43)in #solniger • 3 years agoSol nigerSol niger Sol Niger – an image that Jung wrote about in his later writings on alchemy, and although it plays a relatively minor role in his thinking, I believe that its…ziiz rebloggedrinki (52)in #cat • 3 years agoCatCat sketchziiz rebloggedsantamaria555 (14)in #binah • 3 years agoBinah Binah Number: Three Titles: Intelligence; The Mother; The Great Productive Mother Divine Names: Elohim (Lord); Jehovah Elohim (The Lord God) Archangel: Tzaphkiel Angelic…ziiz rebloggedwideed (46)in #star • 3 years agoMull mullO sistema solar gira em torno de Alcione, estrela central da constelação de Plêiades. Nosso Sol é, portanto, a oitava estrela da constelação – localizada a aproximadamente 28…ziiz (41)in #dark • 3 years agoMoonIt is believed that the period of the growing moon is the most favorable time for starting new business, birth and the first steps to implement new ideas. Acquisitions and…ziiz rebloggedfoarsyad (57)in #born • 3 years agoMotherAny person, barely born, becomes a kind of bridge connecting the past and the future of at least one person. To her mother, who gave birth to him and thus separated forever her…ziiz rebloggedisnandar (36)in #carbon • 3 years agocarbon cyclecarbon cycle (CN cycle, Bethe-Weizsacker D cycle) - carbon cycle (CN-cycle, Bethe cycle - Veǔc zekker) (opened in 1938-1939). Series of nuclear re stocks in which carbon is a…ziiz rebloggedmirzatawhid (8)in #amun • 3 years agoAMUN RAHis real name remained completely hidden because the Priests never defined it in the first place Your first form by which you have begun was Amun - namely, he who hides his…ziiz rebloggedkoraychi1 (32)in #behanzin • 3 years agoBehanzinBehanzin Fish god. Fon [Benin, West Africa]. Invoked by fishermen to ensure plentiful catches.ziiz rebloggedoumessias (42)in #see • 3 years agoBanbaBanba Fertility goddess. Celtic (Irish). One of the aspects of the MORRIGAN. A name of the “Sover- eignty of Ireland” to whom the king was married in symbolic ceremony. Also a…ziiz rebloggedbobelle (32)in #moloch • 3 years agoMolochMoloch Ammonite god demonized in Hebrew lore. Moloch was probably identified with BAAL, and with the Assyrian/Babylonian Malik. King SOLOMON was said to have built a temple to…ziiz rebloggedrastrodeluz (31)in #malade • 3 years agoLa muse maladeziiz rebloggedsayedmahmud (47)in #aries • 3 years agoAries♈️ ARIES It is an analogue of such symbols as the lamb, the golden fleece, the head of a lamb, the horns of a ram, denoting both the creative and destructive spirit. In the…ziiz (41)in #alphabet • 3 years agoAlphabetGod drew the Hebrew letters, hewed them, combined them, weighed them, interchanged them, and through them produced the whole Creation." (Sefer Yesirah, c. 500 CE)ziiz rebloggedhhusaini (69)in #zzan • 5 years agoHindari Sikap SombongKita semua tau bahwa sikap sombong adalah sikap yang tidak disukai oleh hampir semua orang. Salah satu contoh sejarah orang sombong yang kisahnya terkenal sampai jaman sekarang…ziiz rebloggedhhusaini (69)in #zzan • 5 years agoKritik Dan KomplainJika kita lihat dari kamus bahasa, kata Kritik bermakna sebuah ungkapan atas sebuah evaluasi yang berbentuk kecaman atau sebuah tanggapan terhadap baik atau buruk nya dari…ziiz (41)in #zzan • 6 years agoMenahan DiriHalo Sahabat steemian, selamat pagi dari Indonesia. Apabila kita dapat menahan diri untuk membuat orang lain tidak tersinggung dengan lisan kita, ini jauh lebih mulia dari pada…