Few times have I seen a movie with a plot twist as big as the one I saw in Get Out, a twist that left me speechless and that I never saw coming, but that I loved because it gave a sense something creepy but super entertaining and even addictive to a movie that I thought would be the typical love movie between two young people from different social classes. This is a really entertaining film but above all disturbing, because it has elements that constantly fill our heads with complex thoughts about the way African Americans are treated by the great elites who live in the United States.

Get Out is a strange film because beyond being disturbing due to the social background behind it, it is also a very funny film that wonderfully incorporates some very fantastic scenes and funny dialogues since they make the story turn in different directions while it continues to be disturbing. What I mean is that this film manages in a very organic way to highlight the comedy of very strange situations, situations that we would normally find something grotesque but that here are used as a satirical element to establish a point.

The script of this movie starts out slow without many things that stand out and make it really different, but that changes drastically and the movie becomes really entertaining. Initially we see how a couple of lovers travels on the road to a family reunion where the girl's boyfriend will finally meet her family, however once they get close to the place of the reunion things start to get tense and we start to feel a suspenseful atmosphere that is easily perceived, an atmosphere that puts us on alert but does not allow us to decipher what is coming. Well, as I said we have a couple of lovers who arrive at the bride's house for a family reunion, a really strange family reunion because of all the decorative and visual elements that are beginning to be seen throughout this rural environment.
Little by little this meeting gets stranger when our protagonist realizes that something strange is happening, that this more than a simple family reunion looks like a clandestine meeting of white supremacists, yes, all this reunion environment baffles us more because we have no idea what is happening, however, we quickly realize that this is not a simple reunion and that basically, it is a clandestine and secret auction where something very valuable is being sold... the body of the boyfriend.

Surely, as I that surprised you, and it took you some time to realize that indeed this is a meeting of racists who through hypnosis technique and mental manipulation seized the will of the men that the daughter brought home and then sell their bodies as repositories for others to regain their "youth. This whole subject of hypnosis and manipulation of bodies is really fabulous, first because I never saw it coming and second because they subtly develop it so that we as spectators would never have seen it coming, the whole development of the plot is made from small clues and uncomfortable moments that after discovering the truth give a lot of meaning and strength to a plot that is no longer strange and that now becomes fantastic, a plot that never ceases to surprise us because of the constant turns it offers us, turns that are fantastically complemented by a suspenseful atmosphere and close up camera work that makes even the simplest scenes stand out.

This is undoubtedly one of the best black humor and suspense films I have seen recently, a film that never ceases to amaze me and that entertained me very pleasantly through a very creative and well-developed story, a story built with delicacy and with many elements that complement and elevate it constantly. Everything in this film enchants me, the suspenseful atmosphere, the actors and above all the constant plot changes that give us, not to mention that it has one of the best and funniest endings I have seen lately. With this film, Jordan Peele showed that making a good film is mainly about giving importance to the characters complementing them with a great atmosphere and a story that lets them maximize their performance.
Fantastic film, if you haven't seen it stop reading this and go see it now!

Score: 8,6/10
- Movie URL: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/419430-get-out?language=en-US
- Critic: AAA