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RE: Beforeigners - First Impressions

in #aaa5 years ago

Hey @anomalogy - sounds like an interesting show. I'll have to take a look for it online, do you know if the first season as a whole has been released yet, or are they doing a traditional releasing format seeing as it's HBO? Not too sure if they'll do the more common (and much me anyway) method of dropping the full new season all in one go -- it definitely confirms any of my opinions on a particular show being worth watching or not if I notice all of a sudden that I've managed to binge stream through the first 4, 5 episodes without a hitch. It's happened more times than I'd care to admit.

Also, as an aside - I know that while your hesitations regarding European-based production work on film/TV series (especially the latter) is somewhat deserved, given a lot of the poor output in years/decades past as well as the former limitations of creating for a much smaller, restricted audience(s) on low budgets with no star talent most of the time and for a part of the world - most of Europe - with people who until rather recently didn't watch much electronic media in general, particularly TV though, compared to somewhere like America.

However, times have certainly changed for the better over the last 10-15 years. Very much so in the past couple of years, in particular. One of the hands-down all time BEST original television series, in my opinion as an ardent lover of cinema/storytelling/film making and someone who has logged an innumerable number of hours (easily many tens of thousands) all of the various aspects that must be executed perfectly in order to call a film or a television series truly the German-produced series "Babylon Berlin" - which was/is the most expensive television series ever made, and it shows in the impeccable quality of production design/set design, accuracy of even the smallest details throughout the series which is a period piece set in the interwar period in Weimar Germany, specifically in Berlin. Such a fantastic series, definitely recommend watching this one for sure.