Hello, we feature the BIGGEST LOTTERY on STEEMIT and every month we choose a winner who earns the entire value of our wallet. The current reward is 30$. Send 1 SBD to @kryptolottery to enter. One entry per account. 10% of the winnings are donated to those in need. Good luck! Sorry to bother you. If you aren't interested please ignore this automated message.
Nicole Minetti, if you needed to know. https://www.facebook.com/nicole.minetti.it/
Unfortunately, looks like she's going the plastic route.
Hello, we feature the BIGGEST LOTTERY on STEEMIT and every month we choose a winner who earns the entire value of our wallet. The current reward is 30$. Send 1 SBD to @kryptolottery to enter. One entry per account. 10% of the winnings are donated to those in need. Good luck! Sorry to bother you. If you aren't interested please ignore this automated message.
Me too