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RE: Dance With The Devil, A True Story of Sympathetic Magick, Part 1

in #aakom7 years ago

well this sounds GREAT - normally on Friday I go to S. Pearl - to Gallery 1505 which is where I will be headed after we part - would you like to meet me over that way - like at Stella's or what did you have in mind?


I'm usually just doing sauna on Friday morning and preparing for the radio show.

I haven't been to either place. Sure, we can meet up there.

ok what time would you like ?

Lunch time? (Although lunch is something I rarely eat, due to intermittent fasting lifestyle.)

I'm up for whatever. Weather will hopefully be great and we could get coffee and chill or walk around and talk.

How is 11? Does that work? I need to be at the gallery at about 1...

I think that sounds great! I'm putting it into my calendar now.